ngocdang said:
Hope everyone went well in their english exams today =)
just wondering,
What did everyone think of this camp this year???
Did you guys have an awesome time making heaps of new friends?
Do you think we should keep running it for the next few years?
We would greatly appreciate your feedback =)
personally us Yellow Shirts loved it! and thought you guys were soo much fun =D
hope to see most of you again around building 10 soon
the camp is vital to kick starting ur social life at uni. my first year i went ended up having a great time, spending the entire night with another dude and 2 chicks on a mattress outside, near the vending machinces, just chatting and stuff, (no funny business)

. shit like that is how u make friends that last for ur entire course and most prob long time after it as well. if u think its goin to be lame then ur right, it most probably will be for u. go lookin to have fun and do, what the yellow shirts have planned, as a team player and you'll meet a heap of ppl.
and for all those who just went on it, go for yellow shirt next year, because thats when the real fun begins

im sure all the 2nd years enjoyed my year's drunken antics, because i know we did....i dont think the camp staff did though..just a thought. hehe