despite this list, i'm generally not really that picky about food, i swear ..
- the texture of ham grosses me out
- chicken .. parts, like legs or wings or whatever. i don't think i've ever even attempted to eat one and i don't think i would, the idea grosses me out and i would have no idea how to go about eating one anyway
- blue cheese/any other cheese that smells really suspicious (it tastes like it smells ffs, where's the fun in that?)
- the inside of sausage rolls, seriously wtf
- most hot dogs and sausages, the texture freaks me out
- scallops and clams etc. mostly for the fact that i watched too much fantasia when i was little, and all i see are little scallops wearing baby hats and getting invited to dinner

- octopus/squid. i have a phobia of them when they're living, i can't imagine putting them anywhere near my mouth
- chicken flavoured chips. they are fucking GREEN, hi. they just taste fucking gross. so does barbecue.
- oysters. seriously, the texture is comparable to coughing up something when you have a cold, and they taste like sea water. i swallow enough sea water as it is, so i don't get it.
- banana flavoured stuff that isn't actually a banana
- weetbix after it's become even remotely squishy. fucking ew.
- boiled eggs. they are THAT gross.
- full cream milk, 'cause i hate the fact that after you've drank it, you can like .. feel the cream on your tongue and the roof of your mouth, it's so gross
haha fuck, looking at that list, i should really just be a vegetarian or something and save myself the trouble