For anyone who got 99+: did you have a job? (1 Viewer)

Did you have a job while you did the HSC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 60 59.4%

  • Total voters


Dec 19, 2004
cheeky_panda said:
Very true, I was exhasuted at the end of every day. But it was all balance. I worked so hard all year, and if i didn't work I think I'd go crazy (or even more crazy) from too much study!!

And btw, I didn't go to a private or selective school. Just a normal, girls and boys, catholic school.

i am in awe of you


Mar 14, 2004
I was training about 30 hours a week (for international sporting competition) during the HSC year. It all about time management. You can do as much as you want if u can effectively manage your time.


Mar 24, 2005
Castle Hill!
my neighbour got a UAI of 100, he studied, from when he got home, till 3 in the morning EVERY DAY! he also had no job, i would assume no social life, and was good at piano, but what is that to show? wow congratualtions on the 100 UAI but the years that your a teenager only happens once, or if you want to be a smarty pants about it it happens for 7 teen years, but in those years, the most memorable of events can happen, one for example, the loss of your virginity, i refer to Lazy Boy here, if Bill Gates ever got laid in high school do you think there would be a Microsoft? i dont think so... but there is a plus to it, he can be ANYTHING he would like to be but i will have to say this

its great to push hard to excel in everything that you aim for, but, you can never have enough friends, and just enjoy life, get a job, have some fun, meet some people, study your butt off, if needs be 3-4 hours a night, just homework and general study, but the time the exams come, bam, you know alot, and will just have to recap of some forgotten things.... for those of you intending on getting a UAI of 99+ i look up to you, but get out there, have some fun, in more ways than one ;) do things you might regret but that a part of life,

neways im off to look at some resources... congrats to those of you, who got 90+ and 99+ hope life treats ya well...

~ ReNcH ~

!<-- ?(°«°)? -->!
Sep 12, 2004
/**North Shore**\
I guess the moral of this story is that different people have different priorities...
Some people might want to study hard at school to ensure a good job that they will enjoy and which may or may not pay them well in the future.
Others just want to enjoy life while they're young...

That said, each has its advantages and disadvantages...looking at the extremes of each:
Study-focused kinds of people might miss out on the fun of being a teenager, but they might enjoy themselves more in the future
People who enjoy themselves too much when they're young may find themselves jobless later in life...that explains itself.

...what ever makes you happy, I guess.

Mr. Sabuncuoglu

Foo Fighter
Feb 19, 2005
DjSmiG said:
my neighbour got a UAI of 100, he studied, from when he got home, till 3 in the morning EVERY DAY! he also had no job, i would assume no social life, and was good at piano, but what is that to show? wow congratualtions on the 100 UAI but the years that your a teenager only happens once, or if you want to be a smarty pants about it it happens for 7 teen years, but in those years, the most memorable of events can happen, one for example, the loss of your virginity, i refer to Lazy Boy here, if Bill Gates ever got laid in high school do you think there would be a Microsoft? i dont think so... but there is a plus to it, he can be ANYTHING he would like to be but i will have to say this

its great to push hard to excel in everything that you aim for, but, you can never have enough friends, and just enjoy life, get a job, have some fun, meet some people, study your butt off, if needs be 3-4 hours a night, just homework and general study, but the time the exams come, bam, you know alot, and will just have to recap of some forgotten things.... for those of you intending on getting a UAI of 99+ i look up to you, but get out there, have some fun, in more ways than one ;) do things you might regret but that a part of life,

neways im off to look at some resources... congrats to those of you, who got 90+ and 99+ hope life treats ya well...
far out that was well said dude!!!!! kudos to you!


Aug 12, 2004
Narrabeen, Sydney/Maitland, Hunter Valley
DjSmiG said:
my neighbour got a UAI of 100, he studied, from when he got home, till 3 in the morning EVERY DAY! he also had no job, i would assume no social life, and was good at piano, but what is that to show? wow congratualtions on the 100 UAI but the years that your a teenager only happens once, or if you want to be a smarty pants about it it happens for 7 teen years, but in those years, the most memorable of events can happen, one for example, the loss of your virginity, i refer to Lazy Boy here, if Bill Gates ever got laid in high school do you think there would be a Microsoft? i dont think so... but there is a plus to it, he can be ANYTHING he would like to be but i will have to say this
With all due respect, why worry about getting laid in high school .. and why not leave it till marrige when there is alot more respect between you and your partner. I don't understand why getting laid in high school is such a big thing - yeah.. it might be great.. but its probally better if you save it for someone who you really love. You can still have a great social life without sex, drugs and alcahol - hey.. i do.. and my best mate does as well.
I also quote a article title written by Bill Gates himself: 'My Advice to Students: Education Counts' ... you can't get much more simple than that.

DjSmiG said:
its great to push hard to excel in everything that you aim for, but, you can never have enough friends, and just enjoy life, get a job, have some fun, meet some people, study your butt off, if needs be 3-4 hours a night, just homework and general study, but the time the exams come, bam, you know alot, and will just have to recap of some forgotten things.... for those of you intending on getting a UAI of 99+ i look up to you, but get out there, have some fun, in more ways than one ;) do things you might regret but that a part of life,
I'll agree with you there though.. my IPT teacher is always saying try and balance everything out.. otherwise your just going to burn out in August and September.. i dont know how the people who have no social life can do it!!! I've got a lot of respect for those people... but I love my social life and school life just the way it is!


Mar 24, 2005
Castle Hill!

yer for sure, i mean, u cant study study study, without loosing something that was really worth while... such as Social Skills, overstudying, can render you Socially inept, lacking the skills vital, to communicate in the workforce, thus impeding you from succeding and moving up the ranks in a high flying industry, all im saying is, you only live once, and life is short, why study excessively, when ull just have to work for the next half a century any way, leaving behind, the childhood years, with nothing more than a vague memory of equations and quotes...

get out there, have some fun, do well:p


Aug 14, 2003
DjSmiG said:
yer for sure, i mean, u cant study study study, without loosing something that was really worth while... such as Social Skills, overstudying, can render you Socially inept, lacking the skills vital, to communicate in the workforce, thus impeding you from succeding and moving up the ranks in a high flying industry, all im saying is, you only live once, and life is short, why study excessively, when ull just have to work for the next half a century any way, leaving behind, the childhood years, with nothing more than a vague memory of equations and quotes...
99+ does not equal study, study and study.

work smart, not hard. work when it counts, and dont overwork. have fun, in moderation. study in moderation. that'll get you 99.

i didnt have a job though. wish i did... at least it would be easier to get a job now.. i mean a close to blank resume is never good :/


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
nekkid said:
99+ does not equal study, study and study.

work smart, not hard. work when it counts, and dont overwork. have fun, in moderation. study in moderation. that'll get you 99.

i didnt have a job though. wish i did... at least it would be easier to get a job now.. i mean a close to blank resume is never good :/
Yes i agree...

I had a job but i quit a week ago... but most people that have said they had a job in yr 12 on this thread and said that it helped with time managment and stuff... I agree 100%... i was offered 1 shift every 3 months just as not to quit... but i think I just had enough of working, i've been working at the same place for 1 year... and plus i won't be needing a job during the huge break because i'll probably be overseas by then...

I think people should work in yr 11 and maybe first 2 terms of yr 12... that way u'll gain alot of experience and u'll have something to fill up ur resume with after ur HSC... but if u can be bothered then it's great if u work the whole way through... I know i wouldn't be able to, mostly because i also have to balance study with sport 3 days a week...

by the way well done to anyone who achieved 90+ job or no job especially to those who achieved 99+ well done... u r my inspiration...


Oct 20, 2004
Well, looks like I'll have to study from when I get home to 3am now, too. 'Cause I'm a robot. A robot, on a toyshop shelf, with mechanical arms and a head made of metal. Insert two cents, watch them swing. Rowwwwr. Raaaaaar. Rowwwwwr. Raaaaar. I may not be your favourite colour but you can't paint over anything which is white.

Rusty and dusty are my hinges, too little studying. Oil me up, pat me down, off I go. Arms swinging, head bobbing: the perfect automaton.

Perfection is fleeting. I turn of my eyes to conserve power, my arms and head are all that matter now...all that anyone could possible care about.

Closing time approaches. I flail madly now, chinking my head and arms. But there she is, dappled blue-grey light muddies her perfectly red dress. She picks me up /turns me about / sets me down.

"**********, Gavrillo?"
She approaches with the storekeeper.
"99 dollars."
"Well, if you're not happy with him we have a lot of other models which are less expensive but I cannot assure you of there quality."
"No, he'll do."

The storekeeper squelches the girl's technicoloured notes between his sweaty palms and waves as she stalks me from the store.

Away I go, off into the world. Powerless. A little automaton from an even smaller shelf. Sure, there's better toys with flashing lights and realistic guns and stuff but they won't be out for another year.

Another year of head-bobbing, arm-waving automatons, trying to find a home.

miss cherry

- ladidaaaa -
Apr 5, 2005
*somewhere over the rainbow*
i worked from near the start of yr 11 until about a month ago when i quit. i can say that workin did balance me and made me more aware of the time i did have to study. The money was pretty good too. They offered me 2 shifts a week to keep working but i think i 'd had enough by then. Now its shocking, i spend so much time on msn it isnt funni, hopefulli i'll get my ass into gear soon. I miss the money but i enjoy the freedom of being able to decide to do something on impulse without having to check if i'm working.


New MemBer
Nov 4, 2004
SamuelB said:
My dear, I can see why you should not have worked.. you needed to work on your grammer instead.

"I wanted to do good in the HSC", Is I beleive supposed to be something along the lines of "I wanted to do well in the HSC"..
Just reading through this thread from the start as I thought I'd never seen it before. Came across this post and thought "man I'd be so embarrassed if I was him, trying to sound smart and not even spelling 'grammar' correctly... HA, what a dick". Then I looked at the poster's name and thought "crap, the embarrassing guy stole my name!"... Thus proving my stupidity as it took me a further 30 seconds to realise that it had been me in the first place... *shakes head*

Sorry to whom ever my failed joke was directed, it seems strange to me that I would post something like that at all...

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