Bok Choyer
I just did a really broad question as an assessment task:
"Analyse the human impacts affecting the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems at risk".
I got 14/15 but I had to sythesise all those.
Signs of an ecosystem at risk
Facts Putting ecosystems at risk
Factor influencing Human Induced modifications to ecosystems
Outline the impacts of humans on ecosystems
Give examples of human impacts - catatrophic and gradual
I think thats harder than Advanced English and Extension put together.
I've never had to bring so many things together as one.
So I don't think Geography is bludgy if you want to get good marks.
"Analyse the human impacts affecting the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems at risk".
I got 14/15 but I had to sythesise all those.
Signs of an ecosystem at risk
Facts Putting ecosystems at risk
Factor influencing Human Induced modifications to ecosystems
Outline the impacts of humans on ecosystems
Give examples of human impacts - catatrophic and gradual
I think thats harder than Advanced English and Extension put together.
I've never had to bring so many things together as one.
So I don't think Geography is bludgy if you want to get good marks.