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Im sure alot of ppl own dogs around here, this was of interest to me:
"German shepherds most dangerous dog
Email Print Normal font Large font Frank Walker
June 10, 2007
GERMAN shepherds, cattle dogs, Rottweilers, Staffordshire terriers and pit bull terriers are the most dangerous dogs in NSW.
Figures from local councils show there were 873 reported dog attacks in 2004-2005.
Eleven per cent of the attacks were on children, 43 per cent involved adults and 38 per cent were on other animals. Injuries resulted in 38 people being sent to hospital.
Despite tough regulations controlling aggressive dogs, only 77 dogs were destroyed. Warnings were issued in 30 per cent of cases, penalties applied in 16 per cent and court action initiated in just 3 per cent.
German shepherds recorded the highest number of attacks at 63. There are 35,711 of the breed registered in NSW.
The dog most likely to attack is the pit bull terrier. They made 33 attacks, with only 3244 of the breed registered.
The most unlikely breeds to attack were the dingo, collie, fox terrier, Maremma sheepdog and the Great Dane.
There are almost 1 million registered dogs in NSW"
My thoughts on this.... what a CRAP article. From the title I was expecting some damning evidence that German Shepherds are dangerous dogs, yet they only account for 63 attacks which despite sounding bad when considering the total amount of REGISTERED dogs amounts to 0.17% of German Shepherds being recorded in an "attack" which is used very loosely in this poor piece of journalism as it includes attacks to other dogs (40% - in german shepherds case this means that only 0.10% of the beed have been recorded as 'attacking' a human) and attacks which were that minor that people didnt need to go to hospital (a proper dog attack would get you admitted to hospital so for that not to have happened they must be counting a dog nipping someone on the bum without drawing any blood as an 'attack' - and yes Im aware that alot of people just go to their local GP for tetnis shot etc but these kinda attacks are hardly enough to warrant a dog being destroyed!!!) are also counted. And even the Pit Bull which people expect to be aggressive only has 1% of its breed attacking people... which for a dog that everyone thinks is highly aggressive isnt extremely bad esp when you consider how built up most areas are these days and suspeticbility to attacks (Also shows again how the German Shepherds are not that dangerous when compared to pit bulls at least when you consider they have 10x the animals going around yet only double the attacks!). And interestingly they dont put the figures up for the dogs which are most unlikely to attack, now I couldnt say with a great degree of confidence this but its possible... maybe they do this because even these 'placid' dogs have a reasonable tally at the very least compared to the number registered, surely if they didnt then it would be logical to contrast the bad dogs from the good statistically! But they dont, manipulating the stats through selection.
And on top of this they try to say the tougher regulations aernt working, because only 77 dogs were destroyed... I suppose the author of this article would have a dog destroyed because it has a tussel with another dog which accounts for 350 of the 800 (40% as they say) attacks they have recorded? Or because a dog nips someone as Im sure has happened to everyone (I know its happened to me before... I didnt at one stage think I want that dog killed) we are gonna destroy them which accounts for potentially 95% of these other 'attacks' which dont involve hospitalisation?
. Hell 77 dogs being destroyed when in 39 of the cases (assuming there wasnt a pack of dogs attacking in some caes) the person wasnt admitted to hospital seems more then reasonable!
Dont get me wrong, German Shepherds and the like aernt angels.... but this crap were they jump onto the lets ban dogs bandwagon is bullshyte and this article does nothing for my opinion to sway!
Discuss.... if this is of any interest to you!
"German shepherds most dangerous dog
Email Print Normal font Large font Frank Walker
June 10, 2007
GERMAN shepherds, cattle dogs, Rottweilers, Staffordshire terriers and pit bull terriers are the most dangerous dogs in NSW.
Figures from local councils show there were 873 reported dog attacks in 2004-2005.
Eleven per cent of the attacks were on children, 43 per cent involved adults and 38 per cent were on other animals. Injuries resulted in 38 people being sent to hospital.
Despite tough regulations controlling aggressive dogs, only 77 dogs were destroyed. Warnings were issued in 30 per cent of cases, penalties applied in 16 per cent and court action initiated in just 3 per cent.
German shepherds recorded the highest number of attacks at 63. There are 35,711 of the breed registered in NSW.
The dog most likely to attack is the pit bull terrier. They made 33 attacks, with only 3244 of the breed registered.
The most unlikely breeds to attack were the dingo, collie, fox terrier, Maremma sheepdog and the Great Dane.
There are almost 1 million registered dogs in NSW"
My thoughts on this.... what a CRAP article. From the title I was expecting some damning evidence that German Shepherds are dangerous dogs, yet they only account for 63 attacks which despite sounding bad when considering the total amount of REGISTERED dogs amounts to 0.17% of German Shepherds being recorded in an "attack" which is used very loosely in this poor piece of journalism as it includes attacks to other dogs (40% - in german shepherds case this means that only 0.10% of the beed have been recorded as 'attacking' a human) and attacks which were that minor that people didnt need to go to hospital (a proper dog attack would get you admitted to hospital so for that not to have happened they must be counting a dog nipping someone on the bum without drawing any blood as an 'attack' - and yes Im aware that alot of people just go to their local GP for tetnis shot etc but these kinda attacks are hardly enough to warrant a dog being destroyed!!!) are also counted. And even the Pit Bull which people expect to be aggressive only has 1% of its breed attacking people... which for a dog that everyone thinks is highly aggressive isnt extremely bad esp when you consider how built up most areas are these days and suspeticbility to attacks (Also shows again how the German Shepherds are not that dangerous when compared to pit bulls at least when you consider they have 10x the animals going around yet only double the attacks!). And interestingly they dont put the figures up for the dogs which are most unlikely to attack, now I couldnt say with a great degree of confidence this but its possible... maybe they do this because even these 'placid' dogs have a reasonable tally at the very least compared to the number registered, surely if they didnt then it would be logical to contrast the bad dogs from the good statistically! But they dont, manipulating the stats through selection.
And on top of this they try to say the tougher regulations aernt working, because only 77 dogs were destroyed... I suppose the author of this article would have a dog destroyed because it has a tussel with another dog which accounts for 350 of the 800 (40% as they say) attacks they have recorded? Or because a dog nips someone as Im sure has happened to everyone (I know its happened to me before... I didnt at one stage think I want that dog killed) we are gonna destroy them which accounts for potentially 95% of these other 'attacks' which dont involve hospitalisation?
Dont get me wrong, German Shepherds and the like aernt angels.... but this crap were they jump onto the lets ban dogs bandwagon is bullshyte and this article does nothing for my opinion to sway!
Discuss.... if this is of any interest to you!
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