glycerine said:
Is there any doubt that Hitler + the Nazis weren't successful in completely overtaking German social and cultural life in the period 33-39? especially in terms of women, youth, education, etc etc? Because I'm trying to evaluate this but it sort of seems indisputable.
ok after a slight lag if you still need it you could discuss:
- white rose, the anti nazi newspaper/newsletter that was shortlived but apparantly well recieved(they had to keep printing more)
- the eidelwiess pirates and other anti HJ gangs
- the swing jugend, who while not opponants to the nazi regime were indifferent to it and preferred to follow the fashions on trends of britain and the US
-the catholic church, esp the encyclical "With Burning Sorrow" in 1937 and Bishop Wurms influence in stopping the t4 euthenasia in 1941(ok after time limit but still good example). but on the other hand there was the 1933 concordat between the vatican and nazis so the catholics church didnt oppose the nazis unless they were directly persecuted
-the formation of the confessional church, protestant movement against the evangelical reich church and its corruption of their faith