Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')
My father thinks I am: messy.. this is hard, 1 word for each will suffice
My mother thinks I am: analytical
My sibling(s) thinks I am: annoying
My best friend thinks I am: loyal
Your three best qualities: rarely moody, trustworthy, understanding
Three worst qualities: unbelievably indecisive, think too much, drive myself insane at times
Three things you are often complimented for: teeth, general personality traits, jewellery
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: oh I dunno
You get embarrassed when: when I do something stupid, only to have perspective later (i.e. not that I look stupid but that I really should have done something else but make up a million excuses for not doing the right thing – methinks I will be confronted with this in the next week

Makes you happy: family, friends, health, seeing others happy, sun, vibrant colours
Upsets you: rudeness, selfishness, self centeredness, bitching to put others down, not considering other person’s point of view
You keep a diary: no, only on important holidays, but I should write about things that I don’t want to forget, because with my memory, I forget them all
You like to cook: only for fun, if I
have to it’s a chore
You fold your underwear: yeah, otherwise my drawers get too messy
You talk in your sleep: I hope not
You bite your fingernails: no
Movie you rented: probably the little mermaid when I was 5.. I think I once rented the sixth sense. I don’t rent movies.
Movie you bought: I haven’t bought any, the last one given to me was probably grease
Movie you saw in the theatre: gahh I can’t remember.. ok.. *thinking* no idea, something last holidays.
Song you listened to: teddy Geiger, for you I will <3 this song atm, it will get old in a few weeks because I’ve heard it that much
CD you listened to: unfortunately, Abba (sorry marchetta), don’t ask, it’s not my cd of choice
Person you've called: I don’t call anyone these days, sms all the way, but I did call work
Person that's called you: work x3 in the last 24 hours (give me a break)
TV show you've watched: the oc, I <3 this show so much that sometimes I hate it - there is always one character to get me worked up. Oliver was one of the most annoying, tedious characters of all time. Atm it’s marissa’s now-ex, idiot.
Person you are thinking of: marissa’s now-ex.
You wish you could live somewhere else: nope, I <3 living here, but wouldn’t mind living short term in other places
You believe in online dating: each to their own, but not for me.
Others find you attractive: um, I’d say no.
You want more piercings: not really.
You want more tattoos: no way
You drink: not much
You like cleaning: no, but I have one off days when I do
You like roller coasters: ha, small ones, and the feeling of achievement after a big one, but I don’t think I can be bothered to psych myself up for them these days
You write in cursive or print: depends, most of the time it’s probably 50-50
You carry a donor card: blood donor? no, I’m scared I’ll faint (and I feel bad for having such a stupid reason, I’m trying to get over it)
Have you...
Ever cried over a boy/girl: no
Ever lied to someone: yes, but nothing major
Ever been in a fist fight: haha no, I’d probably break my fist before I made a dent on someone else
Ever been arrested: no
Shampoo do you use: I keep changing but at the moment the new sun silk one
Perfume do you use: I change but my faves are Ralph and tommy girl
Shoes do you always wear: flats of all sorts