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Handling failure and lack of motivation (1 Viewer)


Nov 24, 2003
Back in term 4 last year, i was pretty motivated. I did a fair bit of studying and was confident to get a pretty decent marks in the HSC. My first few assessments marks were what i expected, if not better, and i was glad.

Then last term i felt tired, mentally tired. I didnt want to do too much, so i just did my homework and cut down on some of the studying. The motivation just wasnt there. Then my assessments came, and i studied hard, but did really badly in my maths(strongest subject) and my english (almost a fail).

Now i feel like i need to get back on track and get the studying mood up again until all the way to the HSC. It is starting to pick up but not as quickly as i hoped. I think my purpose now is not succeeding in the HSC (like i once believed) but not failing and just giving it a try. I dont feel i can do really good anymore.

Is this the correct approach to take or should i really be thinking to do the HSC for a goal? Even though i dont believe i can achieve it?


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
A goal for the hsc would be good?...like what do u wanna study at uni? aim for the required UAI


Nov 24, 2003
Well ultimately i want to do one of the combined laws at USyd if not a UNSW but i think i'm over my head. I mean how many people get above a 99.6 a year. Like 400? You take a few of the top schools and randomly pick a few from other schools and all your 99.6s are all gone.


Feb 27, 2004
WOHZAZZ ---> Before I start, I love your nickname - it's so cool, sounds like a brand of washing powder, or the name of a flower child! What inspired it? Is it your real name...Anyway, back on topic. Much the same thing has happened to me, well sort of. You see, I'm a really high achiever, coming 1st in 4 of my subjects and in the top 3 for the other 2 (hope this doesn't sound arrogant). At the start of last term, I felt so tired and just totally lacked motivation. I was able to shake it off using a few techniques I will describe in a sec, and thus it didn't affect any of my assessments. Let me just say that I think the attitude you have adopted is just plain DEFEATIST and wrong (this is not intended as a put down, but sometimes, in the words of Letters to Cleo, "you've gotta be cruel to be kind"). You didn't do well in your Maths and English Term 1 assessments, and that's a bummer. But BY NO MEANS does it mean your HSC is over, gone. Look at the weightings of those individual tasks, then halve them. That's how many marks out of 100 they're going to account for for that subject...For example, if your maths assessment was worth 20%, then it's only worth 10 marks out of 100 (50% weighting internal assessments, 50% HSC exam). When you look at it this way, NO WAY are your chances of succeeding gone. I mean, you went well in the Term 4 assessments, and you still probably have 70 - 80% of your assessments in which you can make up your marks. DON'T GIVE UP, that's an easy way out, a cop out from putting in the hard yards that will enable you to kick arse in the next assessments. Here are some techniques that worked for me:
*"I mean how many people get above a 99.6 a year. Like 400? You take a few of the top schools and randomly pick a few from other schools and all your 99.6s are all gone." This is completely the wrong attitude. I go to a small Catholic high school that has a really poor academic reputation, and last year, a girl got 99.95. And believe me, I'm friends with her, and she wasn't that smart, she just worked hard. ANYONE is capable of achieving good UAI's, you're always reading when the results come out of those people who work 2 jobs, are pregnant, just arrived in the country 2 years ago and still got 95+, so it is a lot easier than it sounds. Tell yourself you can do it, because YOU CAN.
*On a big poster and a series of small cards (palmcards would do), write: "I will achieve a mark of ____ in the HSC." Stick the poster in your study area, and carry one of the cards with your wherever you go. Read your goal as often as possible, when taking mini study breaks, when you finish work early in class, etc. This really helps keep you focused when the teacher's droning is becoming boring, or you've sat down to study and it's all boring.
*Whenever you start feeling yourself lose motivation, visualise where you want to be this time next year. Make the picture as real as possible - add sounds, textures, smells, etc. For example, I have this really clear scenario where I'm in a maths lecture doing my Bachelor of Commerce at Macq Uni, and I'm copying down notes, talking to the person next to me, etc. Try to make it like a mini movie, and replay it over and over.
*Usually, STARTING to study is the hardest part - once you've started, you can go forever. Tell yourself when you start "I'll just do 30 mins", even if you are planning to do 4 hours. Keep repeating this over and over. Make yourself believe it, and you don't feel stressed, as anyone can do half an hour of study - but the thing is, once you've done the half an hour, you'll probably find it easy to go for as long as you need. In other words, trick your brain into not stressing.
*Try to split your study time up into manageable chunks. For example, if you want to do 4 hours, don't do it in one hit, but do 4 lots of 1 hour sessions, with 15 - 20 min breaks in between, or 2 sessions of 2 hours each. This makes it a lot less overwhelming and also allows your brain to recharge.
*Make studying as fun as possible - highlight in different colours, draw mind maps or diagrams, tell your parents about what you're learning (for example, I do Ancient History, and every night at dinner, I tell my family 'fun facts', such as "did you know that Xerxes..."), participate in a study group, use flash cards, get your pet or a stuffed animal and pretend you're teaching it the content.
*Reward yourself for studying with things you really like, for example a certain food, form of entertainment (ie watching a particular movie) our outing. Rewards in the form of time off are also helpful, for example, if I do 6 hours on Saturday, I'll have all of Sunday morning off.
*If you get super stressed, remind yourself that the HSC is not a do or die, and if you don't get 99.6, there are other ways of getting in - mature age entry at 21, doing a related degree for a year and transfering, etc. Try and take a lighter approach to it while still doing the hard work.
*Don't ignore your body. If you're falling asleep trying to memorize something, have a nap and come back to it later.
Hope all this helps. Feel free to PM me if needed - it is important for all us HSC'ers to support each other. And by the way, I am NOT a shrink or careers adviser (just realized I probably sound like one).
Best wishes!


ctn, t9
Sep 27, 2003
ur pantz LOL
Originally posted by Wohzazz
I think my purpose now is not succeeding in the HSC (like i once believed) but not failing and just giving it a try. I dont feel i can do really good anymore.

Is this the correct approach to take or should i really be thinking to do the HSC for a goal? Even though i dont believe i can achieve it?
just think that if you believed you could do it once (and i mean really believe, as in you saw it as an achievable goal) you can believe it again. because you can, especially if you are owning all of your assessment tasks.


Feb 17, 2004
its not a problem if you were never motivated in the first place :)
workding due to pressure is every bit as good as working from motivation.. well not as good but still good enough


Oct 24, 2003
NOT the shire
I have no motivation.

I've never had any motivation.

I've tried that stuff where you say "I'm gunna study for 30 mins" when you mean 4 hours, and then I just say "screw it, I'll do 5 minutes and say I've done more".

I've tried offering myself rewards for studying, but then, again, I also say "screw it" and go eat that favourite food, or watch that favourite movie.

No motivation. I do the bare minimum and get average marks. I hope for a UAI of 85, but then I have excuses if I fail in doing that. I want some of this motivation stuff, but I can't be bothered to get it.


Apr 15, 2003
ahah sorry to burst your bubble but it's less than 400 dude

it's not too late to pick things up but you have to be VERY hard working. a lot easier said than done.


Nov 2, 2003
sydney, south-ish-west-ish
ahh thats very comforting..

and besides motivation, i also get really tired after school and can't concentrate on anything, this usually happens when im all motivated to do some work too :(


New Member
Dec 18, 2003
NERISSA!!! you rock! thanks for ur wise words! Cos its really helped...hmmmm seriously i was feeling the way Wohzazz was and now that ive read ur comment uve really opened my eyes.

:0) u rooooockk!!


Jul 2, 2003
^ I agree - Nerissa you your post was really helpful :) I've been feeling like Wohzazz (worse than that really) and you've kind of helped me want to get back into it :)


espresso me up!
Apr 5, 2004
Originally posted by Toodulu
ahah sorry to burst your bubble but it's less than 400 dude

The irony in you all helping each other when you are competing against one another :D


Apr 27, 2003
if you begin to fail and your marks drop you become less motivated, try getting your marks back and hopefully the motivation will begin to come back as well.

also take one assessment at a time and try to do your best in each


Nov 24, 2003
Wow Nerissa nice post
Concerning the nickname, i'm not sure. I was thinking wassup, but then that sounded lame, so i was thinking scary movie and its 'version of wassup', sounded like Wohzazz. (btw, i didnt really like that movie anyways). W is the beginning letter of my first name, so i usually make nicknames starting with W.

I think the interesting technique was convincing yourself to a 30 minutes when you want to do 4 hours because if you know that you are tricking yourself (well not really), then how does it work. I admit starting to initially study is hard, then later it becomes easier.

Work can never = fun for me. My science subjects are quite boring, and maths is extremely boring. I think when i do learn stuff, i feel like a more rounded, more knowledgable person, but the learning process is always boring.

Your visualisation technique i tried, but it never works because i dream of so many things, but none of them become reality. After a series of disappointments, imagining that i will succeed is only like temporary escape from the reality of failure.

I know it is possible to get 99.6, it is not an out of reach mark if you really try. But after a few mediocre marks in my assessments, it going to be really really hard to get that 970 or so aggregate for 99.6, even with 70% left. All i can do is try my best and see what comes out of it.

Originally posted by Cyph

The irony in you all helping each other when you are competing against one another :D
262 only? Isnt that only like the size of a Usyd law class

Irony hey? As if helping a few 04ers here will make a difference. I aint going to make a difference for the high 99 positions


hey every1, how r u?
Dec 30, 2003
Originally posted by iambored
if you begin to fail and your marks drop you become less motivated, try getting your marks back and hopefully the motivation will begin to come back as well.

also take one assessment at a time and try to do your best in each
but thats so hard! because u need to motavation to get your marks back! but i see what you are tying to say: dont give up dont give in ... STUDY!


Feb 27, 2004
Originally posted by Leochic_86
NERISSA!!! you rock! thanks for ur wise words! Cos its really helped...hmmmm seriously i was feeling the way Wohzazz was and now that ive read ur comment uve really opened my eyes.

:0) u rooooockk!!
No darling, you rock! I had a really shitty time at school today (got seven assessment tasks and had just handed three in!!!), and your message just brightened up my whole day. So a BIG thank - you. I'm really glad to help - these anti - stress and motivational techniques have taken me a long time to discover, so I'd thought I'd pass them on, cause I know how debilitating stress can be, how boring work can become and how your motivation can suddenly evaporate! If you (or anyone else) have some of your own to share, do so - after all "sharing is caring" (as my Year Coordinator says).

Originally posted by Rory
^ I agree - Nerissa you your post was really helpful :) I've been feeling like Wohzazz (worse than that really) and you've kind of helped me want to get back into it :)
Hi! What's it like in sunny ol' Newcastle? I thought there'd be less distractions there than in a huge state capital like Sydney...no, scratch that, there are distractions EVERYWHERE when you're doing the HSC ie today in English I got distracted by the sound of my pen hitting the desk, so I totally missed like 30 minutes of the lesson...oh well, I'll just go read the study guide! Your post also brightened my day, and I am very happy to help. How are you coping with "getting back into it"? Hope everything is going well, that you feel the motivation and the desire to do well returning! By the way, your sig is...disturbing, to say the least!

Originally posted by Cyph

The irony in you all helping each other when you are competing against one another :D
That is sooooo the wrong attitude to take, and frankly, a completely stupid one. Sure, I'm competing against everyone here, but at the end of the day, we're all human beings, MOST of us have a least some degree of empathy, and we don't want kids to be totally destroyed / quit school / go insane / kill themselves because of one stupid exam - so if I can help, make even the merest bit of difference, then I will, cause I've been there (a lot worse than there...a lot worse), and it sucks, and no one should go through that unnecessarily. And it's not as if I'm doing their assessments for them or handing out 100 pages of study notes or helping them study for the exams...I'm just helping to ensure that they make it to the HSC, because, to paraphrase Bring It On succeeding means meeting the best and beating them! What joy is there in beating a whole lot of worn out, burnt out teenagers?

WOHZAZZ ----> I agree, all you can do is try your best - but don't let that be a cop out. Ensure your best is really your best, the maximum amount of study you can do, the highest level of work you can produce - don't do 5 minutes, say "I've done my best" and then go watch TV. As to your questions about how these techniques work, I forgot to say it wouldn't be easy...it took me about 3 months to perfect them. The trick is to PERSEVERE - don't give up, just keep trying and trying and eventually they'll become second nature - practice makes perfect! With the 30 mins = 4 hours thing, you must remember 2 things:
1.) Try and really convince yourself that you're only doing half an hour - repeat it over and over and push the fact that its a trick to the back of your mind. Keep focusing on the 30 minute goal, keep it firmly fixed in your mind - as Hitler said: "if you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes the truth". And it's true - you can trick your brain into not studying.
2.) You agree that getting into study is hard, and this is where the 30 min goal helps. Set up a stop watch / timed alarm or get a family member to tell you when half an hour is up - having already had 30 mins to get into study, you should then be able to go for as long as you need (though really, 4 hours is the maximum session you should really do if you want to study effectively).
Another thing: you CAN succeed, it doesn't matter how many times you have failed in the past - look at Einstein, who was kicked out of school for being "impossibly unintelligent", Hitler who was rejected for art school, Mandela who spent 30 years in jail and became his country's oldest President to date. The past is done, forget about it - focus on achieving your current goal. Confucius said: "The true mark of success is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall." I have this pinned up to the wall of my study room, and it really inspires me! Failure is only a reality if you've already made up your mind that it is - don't adopt a defeatist attitude, tell yourself that you CAN and WILL succeed! I hope all goes well...and if history is any indication, you'll get a UAI of 100...just remember to thank me in your acceptance speech :) !


Nov 24, 2003
Nerissa, you are wise in your words. You must be a good public speaker/debater and strong English student. (dont say i'm wrong). I suppose we can all look up to those few brilliant people who have rised above the population in their time despite their poor upbringings.

And if i do get 100, i think i'll die from a heartattack. Maybe 99.6~ will be realisticly possible, assuming i ace all my exams. What are you aiming for Nerissa. Any course you really want?

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