bahaha wow, this all sounds too much like my job.
cash in hand for tax evasion purposes, $10/hr for waitressing, ZERO pay for "training" [about 10 hrs of free labour?!] and they didn't even "fire" me - they just stopped calling me in. [possibly my fault - they kept trying to reach my mobile, which was dead cos the contract finished. *eyesroll* HOME PHONE PEOPLE].
cream of the cake: i bumped into the manager on the wkend after about 1.5 yrs since seeing her. conversation was as follows [except in vietnamese] -
HER: oh :O hi! you've gained weight huh?
ME: uhh... :S really? yeah, probably. [this is straight after i discovered i went up a size in bottoms - way to boost self esteem.]
*small talk*
HER: well, work hard at losing weight, ok?
bloody asians.
[yes, coming from a fellow asian too].