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Help a 2004 HSC IPT student?? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
Northern NSW
Hey All!
I am doign IPT for the HSC in 2004... I was just wondering.... do we have to complete a major project that gets marked externally, or do teachers at each skool mark them? And when I do it do i have to do feasibility studies and such?

Help me??!!


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Welcome to BOS :)
Originally posted by angelic_devil
I was just wondering.... do we have to complete a major project that gets marked externally
No, it's just a normal assessment but it is weighted heavily (25% I believe, or 20%) and has a huge bearing on your final assessment mark - that's why it's called the major project (it's not really a project, I did mine in a day - faking logbooks hehehe). This gets marked internally by your IPT teacher and isn't sent away anywhere, or marked externally. It's like any other assessment but weighted more so than the others (which may be 10-15%).
do teachers at each skool mark them? And when I do it do i have to do feasibility studies and such?
Yes, teachers at school mark them. Note: it is not a big deal ;) Just take it like any other assessment that you have to do, only with 5 or 10% on-top of the normal weighting.
And when I do it do i have to do feasibility studies and such?
Usually in Term 3, or a few weeks before your Trials (which begin in August I believe). You get about a month to do it in, (that's what happened at my school), following that you will get an Option Topic assessment - which is fairly easy and is worth 15% or 20% (this can vary between schools).

Yes, you will be required to do feasibility studies and depending on the major work itself, you will have to go through the entire system development (life) cycle and perform all of the information processes.

It sounds difficult, but you can do it at the last minute if you know what is expected, how to go about doing it and so on. For my Major Project I got 55/60 for it (highest in the class). That's because the marks were distributed in bits and pieces, all over the place.

Eg 2 mark here, 3 marks there, 1 mark here, etc and losing 5 marks all up isn't so bad. I know where I lost the marks though, it was in the presentation (powerpoint) and slideshow. What I had to do was go collect customer data through interviews and surveys (fake these if you have to, but you can always get reliable and factual data), then create a solution based on the scenario.

Our scenario had been to investigate (through the feasbility study) about whether or not customers would like to have an Information Kiosk in a shopping centre, compared to the traditional face-to-face help point (eg at Westfields). Then we had to develop a system and implement one. My solution was made in Microsoft Access, with PowerPoint for the User Interface and graphical elements.

Here's what we were given (Class of 2003)

Task Name: Major Project
Weighting: 20%
Marks: 60
Due Date: 27th June, 2003

Task Description:

The local shopping centre is planning an information kiosk for its customers. The kiosk must include the name and location of every shop, the types of products sold and advertisements.

Outcomes to be assessed:

H1.1 Applies an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical situation. (8 marks)
H2.2 Develops solutions for an identified need which address all of the Information Processes. (12 marks)
H4.1 Proposes ways in which information systems will meet emerging needs. (9 marks)
H6.1 Analyses situations, identifies a need and develops solutions. (4 marks)
H6.2 Selects and applies a methodical approach to planning, designing or implementing a solution. (21 marks)
H7.1 Implements effective management tools. (2 marks)
H7.2 Uses methods to thoroughly document the development of individual and/or group projects. (4 marks)

Good luck :)

These were my headings used, if you would like to get an idea as to the scope of the project, etc. (Gloat) My project was the lengthiest project, and was approximatley 40-50 pages long. I started at 5pm (date of document creation) and didn't finish until about 2-3am in the morning (last time of modification, I looked at the word document attributes).

I only had 30 minutes to do a cheesy powerpoint so that's where my marks were lost. If I had started two days earlier (we had 2 weeks notice from the time of the assessment sheet being handed out, to the due date). So I'm not really making excuses for my marks, but a nice 60/60 would have been good to finish off the course (before the Trial Exam; last assessable component of the IPT course, as with any other). Here's a breakdown of all the headings I used, as well as the mark allocation (as determined by my teacher)

Assessment Requirements:
Understanding the Problem:

- A clear problem statement. (3 marks)
A concise statement, outlining all aspects of the situation. Must relate to the scenario.

- Develop a questionnaire to determine the customers needs. (3 marks)
A succinct questionnaire including open and closed questions.

- Distribute the questionnaire and analyse the results. (4 marks)
Displays a variety of responses through the distribution of the questionnaire, including a thorough analysis of each question, determining consumer needs and trends. Includes a thorough explanation of how you intend to cater for consumer needs in relation to the scenario.

- Requirement Report. (4 marks)
i. Provides an overview of the new system.
Provides an explicit overview of the new system.
ii. Aims and objectives.
Includes a minimum of 4 aims and objectives of the new system.

Making Decisions:

- Feasibility Study. (5 marks)
i. A short report that analyses potential solutions in terms of known constraints and makes a recommendation.
A short report that analyses potential solutions in terms of known constraints and makes a recommendation.
ii. Refer to Table 1.1 Powers.
Includes a clear problem definition, a detailed overview of the existing system and explicitly describes the benefits, costs and constraints of the new system.

Problem definition:
Summary of Investigation:
Detailed overview of the existing system:

Benefits, costs and constraints of the new system:

Alternative solutions:

Solution #1:

Solution #2:

Solution #3:

Software required (including DBMS and Powerpoint):

Economic feasibility:

Technical feasibility:

Schedule feasibility:

Organisational feasibility:

- Analysis Report. (5 marks)
i. Detailed analysis report produced containing recommendations on how a computer based system can be designed, implemented and maintained.
A detailed report that contains recommendations on how a computer based system can be designed, implemented and maintained. Outlines all methods of implementation and relates them to the scenario, determining the best one for the scenario with reasons why.

How a computer based system can be designed:



- Develop a Project Plan. (4 marks)
i. A summary of a project plan that specifies the who, what, when, how and why.
A detailed summary of the project that specifics who, what, when, how and why.






ii. Clarifies what needs to be done.

iii. Breaks the project down into minor tasks called subprojects.
Explicitly clarifies all subprojects that need to be completed.

Preliminary investigation: Determines whether a quick fix of the existing system will solve the problem or whether a new system is necessary.
Requirement Report: A statement about the need for a new system.
Feasibility Study: A short report that analyses potential solutions in terms of known constraints and makes a recommendation.
Analysis Report: Provides more detail and provides a basis for further development.
Designing a Solution: The development of the new system using design tools, describing the information processes and rules within the new system.
Implementation/Conversion Method: Delivers the new system to the participants.
Training: Ensures that participants can use the system and understand its benefits.
Testing: Tests both information technology and the information processes, ensuring that the new information kiosk works.

iv. Identify the people, information technology and data/information.
All participants, information technology and data/information are identified.


Information Technology:


v. Gantt chart. (2 marks)
A gantt chart is drawn in the correct format, outlining a time frame and all subprojects.

Designing Solutions: (9 marks)
i. Create a storyboard. (5 marks)
A series of frames representing a different action or screen image. Each frame follows the design principles. Navigation paths, information and graphics are specified, drawn accurately and neatly. The storyboard layout is depicted as linear, hierarchical, non-linear or a combination of these. A minimum of 5 frames are included.
ii. Create a decision table or decision tree to show the function of the system. (4 marks)
All actions and conditions are identified along with a representation of all possible combinations of decisions and their resulting actions.

Implementing and Testing:

After a system has been designed it needs to be tested and continually updated. Critically analyse this statement as it relates to your system. (5 marks)
A thorough and succinct analysis of the statement in relation to the scenario.

You must;
a) Present your working solution on a disk. (12 marks)
An innovative and captivating multimedia product that follows all design principles and is user friendly. Uses at least 4 types of media. Easy navigation throughout all pages, with a logical pattern of easy access throughout the presentation.
b) Include a log book. (4 marks)
A thorough description of all tasks undertaken throughout the project, including the date.

I tend to go on and on during the early hours of morning, so really, if you were going to start early, you would have it done ("perfectly") within a few days, if you dedicated a few hours each night on this Major Project - your project will differ, of course, but this is just an outline or scaffold of what is to be expected.
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by fatmuscle
blardy essay!
Originally posted by ...
thats not an essay!

thats a novel!
:read: :shy:

I'm only helping her out, it's her first post and first impressions last. I hope it wasn't overwhelming (I don't think it's that long!). I first responded with a short post but then decided to go back and edit the post, so that I would fully answer every part of her post. I'm always like with that with the way I answer, if you think reading BOS posts is difficult, try reading entire assessments from me. ;)


Feb 28, 2003
In front of my computer!
Sorry, but i think that may have been just slightly overwhelming... how out i add to it slightly tho.

The major project you do is up to your teacher as to what it is weighted... during our HSC course we had a comm sys exam worth 10%, databases exam worth 10%, 1/2yrly worth 10%, trial worth 25% and our major project was worth 45%

What each assessment is weighted depends on what sort of program your teacher develops for the course, although id like to stick by what Huy said and hope, for your sake, that your major project is only worth about 25%... i found 45% really hard as you had so much of your total mark riding on one project. But still, I got thru it tho and im sure you will too no matter how ur teacher chooses to structure your year.

Good luck angelic_devil.


Feb 28, 2003
In front of my computer!
The local shopping centre is planning an information kiosk for its customers. The kiosk must include the name and location of every shop, the types of products sold and advertisements.
Hey Huy, did u actually have to develop the information kiosk??? What was the topic you focused on for ur major project?

Then again, i just read your 'essay' properly and found the answer to my first question. I still want to know what topics you did tho? If its multimedia, shouldnt you lose marks for using powerpoint as multimedia presentations have to be interactive and powerpoints interactivity is very limited as the developer of the product chooses the sequence???


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Sorry, but i think that may have been just slightly overwhelming... how out i add to it slightly tho.
I thought so too, but too much information is always better than not-enough. It stops people from asking questions that have been predicted/foreshadowed by their posts, this way - I would have answered questions before they had been even asked ;)
What each assessment is weighted depends on what sort of program your teacher develops for the course, although id like to stick by what Huy said and hope, for your sake, that your major project is only worth about 25%... i found 45% really hard as you had so much of your total mark riding on one project.
45% is a very large percentage of the course (you could say almost half :p). Below is how my teacher structured the assessment break-down:

Information Processes & Technology
Task and Weighting

Communication Systems Oral Presentation ...................... 15%
Half Yearly Exam ............................................................... 20%
Transaction Processing Systems Case Study Report ........ 15%
Major Project .................................................................... 20%
Trial HSC ........................................................................... 30%

I think this was very good, compared to other schools and their weightings/distribution of marks.
Hey Huy, did u actually have to develop the information kiosk??? What was the topic you focused on for ur major project?
Yes, we had to develop the information kiosk from scratch. What we did was, everybody was given the above criteria; a shopping centre, investigate the feasbility of an information kiosk, determine whether it will be implemented, and perform the usual information processes, carry out the project as if it were a real project following the system development life-cycle. We went through everything and finished at the implementating stage, but we also had to do our own testing, evaluating during the implementation - since Miss would be marking it and she would be the 'customer' seeking help.

For our major work at my school, the topic we focussed on was actually "everything" if I can say that. Because we did bits and pieces from everything - combined to form the Major Project itself. Mostly it was Multimedia Systems, combined with the Information System (and Database), interlinked with Project Work. It's difficult to describe, because you needed the project work skills, you had all of your 7 information processes, we had to design a database and working solutions to the problem (most opted to do a PowerPoint in "kiosk" mode, with interactivity and navigation, etc) but others selected websites (equally well done).
If its multimedia, shouldnt you lose marks for using powerpoint as multimedia presentations have to be interactive and powerpoints interactivity is very limited as the developer of the product chooses the sequence???
I would classify it as a Multimedia Major Project - because it was based around the idea of traditional systems (communications, face to face contact with the information help-desk staff) and the 'new' system which would be in-place, whether it was going to be a phased conversion or a direct conversion, parallel, or pilot (I chose direct).

As for your question, I think you are not understanding what I mean by "powerpoint in kiosk mode" - but rather you are thinking of traditional powerpoint presentations - whereby it is just a series of frames, with the user "clicking" to move forward in terms of frames. Let me just say that kiosk mode is SO MUCH more than just a slideshow. You might want to have a bit of fun with it now. Most solutions were highly interactive, you had a beginning ("home page" or start page) and all the rest. I understand what you are saying Taz when you say "the interactivity is limited as the author chooses the sequence". This is certainly not true when it comes to making use of Microsoft PowerPoint in kiosk mode (sorry, I just want to stress that it is not a simple frame-by-frame powerpoint as you typically see, but rather it is highly interactive, allows for navigation, can be developed using a storyboard and is more or less a hybrid, non-linear solution to the problem. I'll explain with my solution, in words:

My multimedia/information kiosk (system) had:

* Started off at the welcome page, making use of audio and background (soothing) music playing throughout the entire powerpoint (in kiosk mode). The music would be playing all the time, in a continuous loop so that I would make use of the audio data type.

* Images were used throughout the entire powerpoint, thereby fulfilling the other data type - graphics and images. This would ease the user's experience with helpful diagrams and suggestions, key locations to shop stores and friendly service (a picture is worth a thousand words ;))

* Text was used, of course. But the text was very simple and direct, and explained every section of the information kiosk (kiosk mode, powerpoint).

Now, to answer your question regarding interactivity and the "static" nature of PowerPoint presentations. When in kiosk mode, there is a high level of interactivity because it acts as a "website" in many ways. I started off with my welcome or home page, the user would be reading the text on the welcome page, listening to the audio and background music (shopping centre music LOL!) and the images displayed would be helpful in allowing the customer to choose where he or she wishes to go.

A help section is always available on every "screen" - so that it would offer more detailed explanations of what each button did. Also on every page that I created (in powerpoint), was a "Home" button - which, with one click, allowed the user to start off from the very start - the home page or welcome page. Have you ever used a library search computer before? It is very similar to that, but with a graphical user interface, friendly navigation, back and forward buttons (like your Internet Browser) and very easy operation.

The basic layout of my screens were:

"Home button" - one click and you can go back to the beginning
"Help button" - one click and you will be taken to a page which describes the current page you're on, with points and key features
"Background music" - soothes the customer, doesn't seem boring (overly boring ;))
"Next button" - speaks for itself, the customer starts from the home page, and continues to click "Next" (like a wizard when installing applications) until he or she finds what they want to find.

I'll give you an example:

If I wanted to find the location of a store, I would have to know a few things, correct? The name of the store, the types of products it sells, and so on. But what if you didn't know the store? That's easy, you would start from the beginning, click "Category" (it's a button) and you will then see a list of categories, such as Newsagents, Jewellery, Womens Fashion, Footwear, and so on. Once you click on "Footwear" - it will then take you to another page with a list of shops that sell shoes.

Now, it doesn't stop there. Once you have found the list of stores, you can decide that you want to proceed to the store, so what do you do? Click "Next" - this will then take you to the "Store Details" page which would list the address of the store (in the vicinity of the Shopping Centre) and will provide you with contact details such as the types of goods sold, recent sales (like bargains or 'most popular product'), and most importantly, the store location - assisted with a map. The map then shows you your current position (eg "You are here") and shows a path that you will need to take, in the shortest possible amount of time, to get to the store.

Unsure if that's what you want? Click "Back" which will take you back to the Store Listing page (for the Categorty above: Footwear). Still not sure? Click "Back" and you will be taken back to the welcome or index page (start, home page). What happens now? You can perform another search - go through all the different categories, find stores, find store locations, look for current specials (an online-catalog) and the like. You can then always click the "Help" button if you don't know what's happening, so that the explanation-page can come up, you can read it, read about what the buttons do, what things mean and so on. After reading the "Help" page, you can then click "Back" - if you started originally at the "Home" (or start) page, then "Back" would have the same effect as clicking "Home" (you get the idea ;))

I lost marks because I didn't cover too many stores. Why? It was almost 2-3am in the morning and I didn't want to do 50 stores. 50 stores would mean 50 phone numbers, 50 maps to draw, 50 individual store location-maps, product details, product prices. What I ended up doing was to create a list of Categories of shops, and a limited range of Stores to pick from. Why? Because if you can see one store, the rest will be virtually the same. The layout was already covered, the music is still playing, the images are always there to help you, help pages are there, an index is always available at the click of a button - and you can "choose your own path" much like the Choose your own adventure series of novels. My teacher saw my solution, clicked forward, selected a category, picked out a store (pretending to be a customer looking for a particular store) and fond out where she was, where the store is located, what products and specials are on sale, what the store's phone number was if necessary and the store's website (URL) which was clickable and took you to the website for more details. After this, my teacher could have said to herself "Well what if I'm a customer who doesn't know the store name, but knows what things they are looking to buy?" - well in this case, it would be a simple matter of going through the categories list, perusing the list of stores that sell a certain product (this was the hardest bit to do, compiling a list of everything you can possibly buy at a shopping centre and sorting it all into categories - because some stores would sell multiple products, eg Kmart also sell shoes, but they also sell Fashion, and they also sell Flowers, you know what I mean...).

That's about all I can say, but I hope that answers your question as to the "interactivity" of my PowerPoint (in Kiosk Mode) - try it sometime, you can create buttons which customers can click on (just like a website), you can navigate, and everything is dynamic - it is not "frozen", locked or static. :)

Sorry about the post :shy:


yes, my actual brain
Nov 25, 2002
Behind You!!
huy your scaring the kids away!!
ipt is not a hard subject don't complicate things! we know your bored but HMMMMz


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by redslert
huy your scaring the kids away!!
ipt is not a hard subject don't complicate things! we know your bored but HMMMMz
You have a point redslert, it's not the most difficult of subjects but you don't see many Band 6's being awarded - which must mean that there is a general consensus that IPT is a bludgy subject (which, admittedly, it is...but as with any other subject, if you work at it throughout the year consistently and give it a fair effort, you'll succeed and will be rewarded with a pleasant and well-deserved mark).

I haven't seen many 2004 kids in here, so maybe I am scaring them off. I'll be gentle with the new ones and back off for a little bit. ;) :p


Active Member
Jul 6, 2002
what it comes down to is...

if you write (BS) as much as Huy does in IPT, you're bound to get band 6

as long as ur BS (writing) relates to the question

Mr Wiggle

The Best
Sep 21, 2002
i get the feeling that with all that much writing for a simple answer Huy will be odds on to Top the state in IPT if not maybe Top 5.


Oct 5, 2003
my major project is extremely weirdddd

havent got the offical question, but its along the lines of:
do a power pres. to perform a seminar on a summary of a WHOLE module from ONE other subject

this is the only direction given. it is expected to be 50+ slides

do u's agree that this question/prescription just seems to be a total unspecific and unrelated question to IPT?
like shit, is there a dotpoint in the ipt syllabus saying 'students can summarise their other subjects' or something

obviously it will test things like ability to use the 7 processing steps etc, but other than that.. i cant see how this question is at all related to ipt.... maybe im missing something

anyways, we get the assessment sheet tomorrow.. so hopefully i can look at outcomes and all will be revealed~
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Azn fairies

Aug 22, 2003
omg huy ..lol ur so funny. type so much upo i can't be bothered to read it...ahahh

as u can see year 12 0f 2004 this is what we have to put up with for the last year (huy!!) .:p


yes, my actual brain
Nov 25, 2002
Behind You!!
what you have describe does not sound outrageous! it sounds very on track and very beneficial to you!
although you teacher is in some ways forcing you to study but hey at least your assessment task is related to IPT! at my school i had to research on "home building" companies and for another assessment, we got to choose anything we wanted i chose "Electronic Arts Games"....nothing to do with ipt...but the assessment task was shape around making us understand topic one "Project Work" which i think your teacher would be doin the same


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by fatmuscle
what it comes down to is... if you write (BS) as much as Huy does in IPT, you're bound to get band 6 as long as ur BS (writing) relates to the question
They call it compositional flair in the Extension 2 course, LOL! There's no guarantee that I'll even get the Band 6, those IPT markers will jinx me :D
Originally posted by da_best
i get the feeling that with all that much writing for a simple answer Huy will be odds on to Top the state in IPT if not maybe Top 5.
You mean to say "question" but I'm just being ridiculous now. I think that there will always be other guys out there, cooped up in their rooms, deprived of the Internet and forced to memorise the textbook because he (or she) wants to beat me. (I am kidding) - but thank you for your support, we'll see how it goes when the marks are released/announced. :)
Originally posted by Azn fairies
omg huy ..lol ur so funny. type so much upo i can't be bothered to read it...ahahh. as u can see year 12 0f 2004 this is what we have to put up with for the last year (huy!!) .:p
Yes, I've really been a pain in the neck all year! :p At this point I'd just like to say: "Read it... or die! :p " It takes 133% more effort to type it all out than to read it, even if you skim the paragraphs. Hehe if someone out there had bothered to type it all out for you, I'm sure that there's a little inkling inside of you that just wants to read bits and pieces to get a feel for what I've said above.
Originally posted by juggernaut
obviously it will test things like ability to use the 7 processing steps etc, but other than that.. i cant see how this question is at all related to ipt.... maybe im missing something
I think it has a lot to do with the Project Work topic, as well as your Option Topic - which I assume will be Multimedia Systems, as this assessment links in slightly with the topic - presenting your assessment via technology. You have to also read redslerts post about Project Work - which is valid and true. The content of the assessment may seem irrelevant to you, but I think it has more to do with the delivery of the speech (presentation) more so than 'what you talk about' - this is contradictory to educational marking and the 'usual' methods, but your teacher may mark differently and that's up to his or her discretion.

In the Project Work topic itself (the first Core Module), you will find that users, in developing a system will be required to possess various communication skills - team building, negotiation, active listening, and so on. (I have returned my textbooks and I have no HSC notes or exercise books anymore, so I'm going off what I can recall from weeks ago). I think the whole purpose of your assessment is to see whether or not you can go through the seven information processes ("Come On All Students Pat The Dog" - makes it very easy to remember each information process). - It also tests your own knowledge and understanding of the course, if you look at my above Major Project - Assessment Sheet, you will find the following outcomes:

Outcomes to be assessed:
H1.1 Applies an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical situation.
H2.2 Develops solutions for an identified need which address all of the Information Processes.
H4.1 Proposes ways in which information systems will meet emerging needs.
H6.1 Analyses situations, identifies a need and develops solutions.
H6.2 Selects and applies a methodical approach to planning, designing or implementing a solution.
H7.1 Implements effective management tools.
H7.2 Uses methods to thoroughly document the development of individual and/or group projects.
1.1 definately applies to you, as you're applying IPT and IT to a practical situation (the seminar and presentation/summary of a HSC course module).

also applies to you, as you'll need to develop a solution to cater for every information processes.

and 6.2 are also applicable, as you will need to develop (typically just one) solution to your scenario, but it's not a simple matter of "going to the board of studies, downloading the syllabus, borrowing a textbook and copying slabs of information out, typing it up on powerpoint and hitting F5 to start the slideshow".

I'm a little sceptical about, but as with most assessments during the HSC (and I know this is the case with Physics and Studies of Religion) - you will be required to keep a logbook of your own work, which shows progress and continual learning through the assessment period.

All in all, I do think that it has much relevance to the work you do in IPT - as it is not 'IPT in isolation' - but rather 'applications of IPT to the real world and real scenarios'.

Good luck with the assessment, but it won't be due until Term 2 or 3, if not June or July 2004 :)

D'oh I'm on a new page. :shy:


Oct 5, 2003
ahh k thought it was going to be something stupid like that :p

thanks huy and redslert

yep its due 1st day next term


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by juggernaut
ahh k thought it was going to be something stupid like that :p
thanks huy and redslert
yep its due 1st day next term
You've got plenty of time then. There are other assessments (and I believe assessments for each subject have all been given out) to worry about - not just the IPT Major Project. It shouldn't even really be labelled a Major Project because that only scares the students - I think it should be treated as any other assessment task, but undertaken with the knowledge that it is only a larger weighting if compared to your other assessable tasks. If you look at it in isolation, it's really not that hard! (Honestly, it won't take more than a week if you give it a lot of thought, time and effort - but over a few days you should be able to complete it).

Remember to have fun and relax during your holiday break - that's what you're meant to do! Spend one week relaxing (the second week is preferrable) and spend the first week of the holidays doing school-related things, such as assessments, catching up on homework or readings, etc. The second week should be devoted to having fun and taking it easy - rejuvenating yourself for the new term and the demands that it will ask of you - mentally and physically.


Mr Wiggle

The Best
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by Huy

You mean to say "question" but I'm just being ridiculous now. I think that there will always be other guys out there, cooped up in their rooms, deprived of the Internet and forced to memorise the textbook because he (or she) wants to beat me. (I am kidding) - but thank you for your support, we'll see how it goes when the marks are released/announced. :)

oops my typo error i did mean to say question.

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