Help! Deciding on whether or not to drop to 10 units :( (1 Viewer)

Drop or keep?

  • Keep

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Drop

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters
Mar 23, 2020
Hey Guys!

I'm currently about to go into year 12 next year with 12 units and I need some advice on whether or not to drop down to 10 units. The subjects I do are:

- biology
- visual arts
- society and culture
- mathematics standard
- english advanced
- english ext 1
- english ext 2

I'm doing pretty well in all of them and I'm hoping for a high atar, and till recently I was pretty sure I wanted to keep them. However, now ive been considering dropping visual arts. Its not that im bad at the subject, I just don't like the class. I took art because I always did well in it in junior years and its always been a hobby of mine, but I don't enjoy it anymore. my teacher is terrible and doesn't give us right feedback - where she often contradicts herself or gives information contradicting what the other class has been told. She's been a pain. I always lose marks in the practical component - but im doing alright with theory (for prelims I got a 86% which was highest in the course - obviously im aiming higher but I do fairly well in written components).

Our first assignment was just planning ideas for our major work. I came up with an idea and I thought it was alright - got it checked by my teacher and she said she liked it too - but then I went and spoke with the other class's teacher (she's a HSC marker) and she didnt like my idea at all and told me to reconsider everything. she told me that if I wanted to go ahead with the idea I currently had I would have to make a bunch of adjustments (change colour scheme, add different things, reconsider subject matter) - ideas which quite frankly I didn't like. It just sucks because I spent 2 months building up to an idea that my teacher cleared - but when I spoke to the other teacher - she completely dismissed it. Now, these holidays, considering I have 3 major works - I feel the least confident about my art one and honestly just the impending doom of having to do my BOW is really just stressing me out. Im thinking of dropping it to focus on my other subjects because I feel like my theory will be alright but my BOW will bring my marks down. But, at the same time im unsure because ill lose that extra subject I can bounce back on if I flunk another subject.

Is it risky? would it be worthwhile dropping? Im really aiming for a 90's atar :(

Also - sorry for the massive chunk of text lol, I needed to vent and get some opinions loll.

Thank You!!!!!


The pessimistic optimist.
Jul 11, 2012
l'appel du vide
Uni Grad
I'm leaning towards keeping for you, it will be hard, but Extension two English works also are notorious for having significantly different internals and external marking.
Mar 23, 2020
Are both teachers marking the BOW?
yep, but the thing is that, all the guidance and direction I get is from my own teacher - and hers is usually positive. So I assume that ill do well in the assessment. But once we get the assignments back, I end up getting a very low mark :( and when I ask why I got a bad grade even though my teacher's feedback was positive - its usually because when Both teachers mark together - the teacher of the other class has a varying opinion to my own teacher. I kind of feel like I'll do better in my ext 2 and sac major work as well - but then at the same time I'm conflicted. I just feel like getting rid of a MW will give me so many more free periods and so much more time to focus on my other classes.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
I would drop visual arts because:
1. Not just that you are not enjoying it, it is actually stressing you out and you don't need that on top of all other stressors that year 12 brings
2. The teacher is not supportive
3. Visual Arts does not scale well

I did only 10 units in Year 12 and tried my best in all of them. The subject I dropped after year 11 was due to a non-supportive teacher. Got 90+ ATAR.

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