State soveriegnety = the right of a jurisdiction to pass laws and govern its own land.
International law = not binding upon nation states, and can only be effective, if it is implemented at a domestic level, which requires that a nation state participates and agrees to its implementation (for instance, in muslim countries, its hard for universual suffrage to be implemented because they treat women like shit and they don't believe that they should be able to vote etc).
Therefore, nation states can indirectly HINDER human rights by failing to implement them, directly HINDER them by deliberated implementing legislation which contravenes international rights as set out in such documents as the CROC, UNCCPR etc. or they can ASSIST them, by implementing the rights in domestic legislation.
So you get one domestic human rights issue.. So, refugees and mandatory detention.. or Mandatory imprisonment etc.
And explain how, the human right as set out in international law (mentioning the source of the human right.. so, the united nations covenant on civil and political rights for example) is either HINDERED, or ASSISTED by state soveriegnety.
It doesn't have to be within Australia... for instance you could do the death penalty etc.