Law degrees look good on a CV if you don’t want to do Law but want to enter the business field, makes you stand out vs comm/eco grads. However, the extra 2 year grind is simply not worth it (extra hecs debt, lost earnings for 2 years etc).
If you want to be a Lawyer, doesn’t really matter what you pair it with although Commerce / eco is the strongest pairing.
if you want to be an engineer or work in the science field, don’t do Law, it doesn’t make you stand out, it makes you look confused to the employer. “So why are you applying for this job, don’t you want to be a lawyer ? Type of questions.
As for science / eco or engineering/ eco they just don’t make sense as a pairing and it’s 6 years at uni if done with engineering.
every additional year at uni you forgo $80k in earnings plus you accrue HECS debt. If you’re interested in eco/commerce just do that and get out of uni in 3 years and start making bank.