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HEy cAn u HeLp? (1 Viewer)

this is it

New Member
Jan 28, 2004
Hey guys, firstly thank u for supporting the HSC class of 2004 cause we couldnt excel if it wasnt for the support and wisdom of ppl who have been through it all -

i do have a query, i was currently averaging As and Bs in all courses at school however this term for english and business studies i have failed to perform at this standard - 17/25 english adv visual assignment and 28/36 bus. calculations test - i was ranked first in bus last year and have dropped to 8th and eng. is quite similar, although the assessments are 15% each i cannot help but worry on how this will affect my overall school mark?

What marks should i be looking for in order to achieve a UAI over 90 - taking into consideration i do eco, bus. adv eng, ext 1 eng, ext 2 eng, ancient, re 1u, 2umath

Thanks guys


Jun 18, 2003
Don't worrry about your marks too much, I was like that too, eg. aiming for 80% in each assessment
what is important, however, is your ranks, as your HSC assessment mark will get moderated as to your rank and your class/course performance as a whole
If your ranks are in the top you will be fine
I got over 90, went to a school outside the top 120, but was in the top 10 for everything except English (top 20)
My assessment marks weren't always that good, mostly 70''s yet they all got moderated up because of my relatively good ranks
Sorry bout all this rambling but there is a point, have good ranks, be consistent and you will achieve your goal
Best of luck


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
Hey Man!...Dont worry ull b fyne~....

anyways...i fink i mite b able 2 help coz i waz class of 03 n i waZ pretty much in same situation as u afta my eng adv assess!

infact!....i fink i got something like 16/25...for my eng assess dat counted for 25%......n my eng went shitter through out the yr....cept i got dis mad tutor...n came liek 40th outta 198 guys from syd boys.in my trial....giving me only overall rankin of 132.(lol pretty shit)....( i ended up gettin 80 for eng adv....which still gave me UAI..97...n i onli got band 6 for 4units....)

my personal advice wuld b 2 things....

1) do 10units!
2) n never give up on a subject..!

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