hey ppl.this is mii questionnaire.and i would be so greatful if u could all do it.mwa (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Nov 11, 2006
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[ ] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out............................................................................
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) ........................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend............................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events........................................................................................
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies...........................................................................................
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating......................................................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.........................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex...........................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to smoke...............................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to drink.................................................................................................................
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used......................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing.....................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs........................................................................................................
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you....................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls).........................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term...............................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home............................................................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms..................................................................................................
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over......................................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car........................................................................................................
[ ] Allowed to have my own car ....................................................................................................
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car......................................................................................
[ ] Other.......................................................................................................................................

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify_____________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age:________


Clean bedroom-
Wash dishes-
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum -
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo

Last edited:

Dark Phoenix

Aug 2, 2006
Re: hey ppl.this is mii questionnaire.and i would be so greatful if u could all do it


1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[x ] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[x ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.
[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large
[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern
[x ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out
Generally i could come home whenever i want coz i actually gained me parents trust. But i try to get home by 2 on weekends and 10 on weekdays
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) I can speak up on things that i think is just either wrong or unfair without ramifications
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend
Now this is the question i always ask me parents about. and their answer is no girlfriend : ( Yes i know sorry for me. but they do have their reasons. they just dont want me to get distracted while studying. since they give me so much freedom, i just obey that sole condition.
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events: As i said before, parents allow me to do whatever as long as it is sensible
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies: Parents are cool with it.
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating: Before i was 16 they were quite strict but now they are ok with things

Continued next page...
[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing: I could wear whatever.
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex: Well when u say 'alone' im assume in the bedroom. which is prohibited by my parents. but thats ok. but i still get to hang out with the opposite sex anyway. so its alright.
[ ] Not allowed to smoke: Parents prefer that i dont, but if i do they accept that it is my choice.
[ ] Not allowed to drink: im allowed to drink. one time before i never had alcohol, parents offered me wine and i even refused. but vodka is nice : )
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used: i dont swear on a regular basis anyway. only when im really really pissed off
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing: This issue hasnt even come up with the parents coz i dont even have my Ls lol. but getting it 16th december though
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs: This hasnt come up either, but im sure they would prohbit it
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you: Yeah thats the general rule
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls): im allowed as long as they know where i am going
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term: they prefer me to go home and do whatever is needed to be done like h/w
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home: They are not strict in this area
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms: Never use it except msn
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over: if i did hav one they would be allowed but not in the same room
[ ] Passenger limits in the car: havnt talked to them bout it
[ ] Allowed to have my own car: they said yes if i use my own money which im not prepared to do
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car: Guessing whenever
[ ] Other.......................................................................................................................................
7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
_Well....since im a single child, it is usually the mother who has the freedom. but in a way both me and dad hav freedom_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify___________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)
__My Mother coz she came from a rough family ____
9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (Please Tick)
(Please tick)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. (Tick)

Clean bedroom: Yep

Wash dishes: No

Wash clothes for family: No

Iron: I could but mum doesnt want me to coz it consumes too much electricity lol (what a good excuse)

Cook: Nope

Take dog for walk: Dont hav one

Wash car: We let the rain do that

Prepare dinner: I set up plates and cutlery

Take bins out: Here and there

Mowing lawn: Dont hav one

Vacuum: Occassionally

Dust: Never dusted the unit before lol

Buy groceries: Yep

Mop: Nope

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ x] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
Yep for sure. in my mums side, her family focuses on education which was considered to be everything.as in the philippines there are alot of competition and it is very difficult to get a job. luckily she moved to Australia and now there are less rules that came from our culture ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
for sure.well i find that many of my relatives are very cautious concerning girls. there is just this philosophy that restrictions have to be placed for them. whereas boys hav more freedom as you could see ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo



New Member
Sep 16, 2006
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[ X] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ x] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[x ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out...varies depending on cuircumstances............................................ .............................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) .................................................. ......................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend........................................ ....................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events............................................ ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies............................................ ...............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating............................................ ..........................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.......................................... ...............................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex............................................... ............................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ x] Not allowed to smoke.........very againts any drugs.................................... .................................................. ................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ x] Not allowed to drink.......only small amouts with them present...................................... .................................................. ..................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] No bad language is allowed to be used.............................................. ........................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[x ] Not allowed to do car racing............................................ .................................................. .......
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[x ] Not allowed to be in gangs............................................. .................................................. .........
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] Always respect parents and anyone older then you............................................... .....................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls)............................................ .............
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term.............................................. .................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home.............................................. .................................................. ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms............................................. .................................................. ...
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over.............................................. ........................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car............................................... .................................................. .......
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] Allowed to have my own car ...allowed my car if i am sensible and pay it off............................................... ..................................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] When are u allowed to use the car car.........anytime...................................... .......................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Other............................................. .................................................. ........................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
_______niether___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify_____________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)
__________________________________________________ _______both...more often mother___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age:_______no sibling in same house_


Clean bedroom- me
Wash dishes-
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car- me
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out- me
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum - me
Dust- me
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ x] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
___________________________no_______________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
__________________________________________________ _______not in all cases___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo



Re: hey ppl.this is mii questionnaire.and i would be so greatful if u could all do it

1. What is your age?(please circle)


2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)


3.What is your cultural background?

Australian (but if you go a long way back, say the mid 1800s English/German)

4. What is your family structure?

Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

All of the above.

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)

[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out (more like a be "be home by x" but i have been told that when i turn 18 this condition will go)

[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) -depends what i say.

[ ] Not allowed to smoke - kind of common sense that you don't smoke

[ ] Not allowed to drink-only allowed to drink at home

[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used

[ ] Not allowed to do car racing- Just a note on this. Street racing is ILLEGAL! hence making it a stupid question as the law prevents it.

[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs-again stupid question gangs are associated with illegal activities.

[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you

[ ] Passenger limits in the car-5 is the limit

[ ] Allowed to have my own car

[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car- All the time

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)

I'm an only child-so there is no point of comparison to enable me to answer.

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why?


9.What responsibilities do you have around the house?


Clean bedroom- Me
Wash dishes- Diswasher
Wash clothes for family- Washing machince
Iron- Mum
Cook- Mum
Take dog for walk- Me
Wash car- Me/Dad
Prepare dinner- Mum (question is same as cook)
Take bins out- Me/Dad
Mowing lawn - Dad
Vacuum - Mum
Dust- Mum
Buy groceries- Dad
Mop- Mum

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family?

No, rules are dictated to by common sense.

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”?

No, probably stricter rules if i was female but because i'm an only child the rules are stricter than if i had bro/sis therefore family structure matters.

Just a note: Next time make the format internet friendly so that more users don't have to delete copious amounts of text to answer questions (because they might not).


Active Member
Nov 13, 2004
Totally anonymous and confidential dude!
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[ ] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[X] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[X] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[X] Time limits on how long you are allowed out - Not out too late, but I can easily be passive-agressive by not coming home, there's nothing they can do!
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do)
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating
[X] Not allowed to wear certain clothing - Well, they don't really like me showing too much skin, but as if that stops me...:\
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex
[X] Not allowed to smoke - I wouldn't anyway.
[ ] Not allowed to drink
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used
[X] Not allowed to do car racing - I can't even get my L's yet, dude.
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls)
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms
[X] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over - No boys in my room. Whatever. CERVICAL CANCER!
[ ] Passenger limits in the car
[ ] Allowed to have my own car
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car
[ ] Other
7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
The only male in my family is my dad. He seems hardly free.

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify_____________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)
My dad is an asshole who is unreasonable at times with what I can do.

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age: I have a sister who is 21


Clean bedroom- you
Wash dishes- you
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum - you
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[X] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
Not really.

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
There can only be a grey area with this statement. (Sorry if I'm not helping) A family's rules is largely dependent on the parent's morals and values, and not the gender of either parent or child.

Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo



Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
Re: hey ppl.this is mii questionnaire.and i would be so greatful if u could all do it

1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[X] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[X] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[X] Time limits on how long you are allowed out..Son come back home before midnight to avoid attackers..................
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) ........................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend............................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events........................................................................................
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies...........................................................................................
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating......................................................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.........................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex...........................................................................
[X] Not allowed to smoke..Smoking is damaging to your health and no benefits at all.............................................................
[X] Not allowed to drink.....Mum: NO ! Dad: A little bit or you are going to put on weight.....................................................
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used......................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing.....................................................................................................
[X] Not allowed to be in gangs.........You can get us into shit son..................................................
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you....................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls).........................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term...............................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home............................................................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms..................................................................................................
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over......................................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car........................................................................................................
[ ] Allowed to have my own car ....................................................................................................
[X] When are u allowed to use the car car......Until further notice by my dad......................................................
[ ] Other.......................................................................................................................................

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
______Mum because she is more carefree________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify___Both________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)
____________Both have different opinions_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age:________


Clean bedroom- YOU
Wash dishes- YOU
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner- YOU
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum - YOU
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[X] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
________Mum is the housewife while dad works k ?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo



it ain't easy being white
Jun 30, 2006

1. What is your age?(please circle)
14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?


4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)

[x] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)

[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[x] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)

[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out My parents are totally flexible with this. Provided I actually tell them what time I'll be home at, they don't care if it's nine at night or three in the morning. They just need to know.
[x] Don’t get to speak up (might get told off you do) It varies, but at times I'm told to shut my mouth and stop answering back or I'll be grounded. I'm also told at times that I have far too many opinions for someone my age.
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend My parents don't mind in the least.
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events Under 18? Of course I'm allowed to go to Under 18! Over 18 may be another story...
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies My parents don't really give a shit about staying up late.
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating I have a father who ENCOURAGES me to watch some R18+ horror movies with him. I get called a wuss when I DON'T want to go see Wolf Creek. LOL it's not so much the rating they care about, but the content. Overall. they're very flexible.
[x] Not allowed to wear certain clothing My mom will tell me if the clothes I wear are too "tarty" and demand that I change.
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex This is fucking ridiculous. I'm sorry, but I feel sorry for anyone who is under this constraint.
[x] Not allowed to smoke It's not so much that it's disallowed, but that's because I haven't actually had the desire to smoke. Since my dad is a smoker I see how disgusting it is, and I really don't want to pick up that habit.
[ ] Not allowed to drink I'm allowed alcohol. My parents really don't mind about the drinking thing.
[x] No bad language is allowed to be used I get told to not swear when I slip out the "F" word around them, but that's it. They've got filthy mouths themselves, I'm amazed they're surprised it's caught on.
[x] Not allowed to do car racing Never tested this, but I'd imagine this is a no-no.
[x] Not allowed to be in gangs Duh?
[x] Always respect parents and anyone older then you This is something I've been taught since I could talk.
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls) What a ridiculous rule.
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term I'm allowed, but it doesn't happen very often. That's probably why I'm allowed, actually.
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home Nope. So long as they KNOW, they're okay.
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms They've warned me of "stranger danger" but it's not as if they've said "You're not allowed to use chat rooms".
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over It would depend on how long they had known my boyfriend, if they approved of him, etc.
[x] Passenger limits in the car When I get my Ps I'm allowed a maximum of three others in the car.
[x] Allowed to have my own car It's kind of an old family car, but it's technically mine now.
[x] When are u allowed to use the car car Everytime I want to practice. When I need it, basically. Because it's mine, I can use it whenever.
[ ] Other I think that's it.

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)

I have three sisters, so this is only an answer by default. The only male is my father, and while obviously he has more freedom than me and my sisters, he is outnumbered.

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify_____________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)

My dad makes the rules, my mother makes sure they're followed. It's that simple.

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it) I don't have a sibling of the opposite sex; this whole question is meaningless to me.

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age:________


Clean bedroom-
Wash dishes-
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum -
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[x] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)

I have no culture. We're like, six generations Australian. We have no religious traditions to follow, nothing of that sort. We're just us.

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
Generally, I disagree. In some cases maybe, but that's only a minorty. But hey, I wouldn't know, I'm a girl and I only have sisters. I know nothing about being treated differently because of different genders.


Feb 12, 2006
a place not to far from here
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[ x] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ x] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out............................................... .............................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) .................................................. ......................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend........................................ ....................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events............................................ ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies............................................ ...............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating............................................ ..........................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.......................................... ...............................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex............................................... ............................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to smoke............................................. .................................................. ................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to drink............................................. .................................................. ..................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] No bad language is allowed to be used bad language can be used in the right circumstances, but cannot be over used in cases where it is not needed
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing it is dangerous and an activity that i also choose not to take part in, my parents encourage that i dont
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs............................................. .................................................. .........
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] Always respect parents and anyone older then you its an old fashioned rule, but one that still needs to be maintain a common manners thing
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls)............................................ .............
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term.............................................. .................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home.............................................. .................................................. ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms............................................. .................................................. ...
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over.............................................. ........................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car............................................... .................................................. .......
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ x] Allowed to have my own car .................................................. ..................................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car............................................... .......................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Other............................................. .................................................. ........................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
it is equal.

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify(please circle and answer in lines provided)
both enforce rules equally.

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age: 16, M

Clean bedroom- you/me
Wash dishes- n/a
Wash clothes for family- you/me
Iron- n/a
Cook- n/a
Take dog for walk- n/a
Wash car- n/a
Prepare dinner- n/a
Take bins out- them
Mowing lawn - them
Vacuum - you/me
Dust- you/me
Buy groceries- n/a
Mop- n/a

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ x] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
not really, the rules set are applied to me and my brother, but because he is the youngest he occassionally gets away with more than me
12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
agree. males get away with alot more than females, females sometimes generally have more rules enforced on them, for safety and things like that


Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?
Fusion of Meditaranean, European, African and Asian

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[ ] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large

[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

[ ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out............................................................................
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do) ........................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend............................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events........................................................................................
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies...........................................................................................
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating......................................................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.........................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex...........................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to smoke...............................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to drink.................................................................................................................
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used......................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing.....................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs........................................................................................................
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you....................................................................
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls).........................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term...............................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home............................................................................................................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms..................................................................................................
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over......................................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car........................................................................................................
[ ] Allowed to have my own car ....................................................................................................
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car......................................................................................
[ ] Othermy parents do not have rules and guidelines for me as such they trust me and my morals and expect me to respect and obey those

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
I would say that is even, but those who afford themselves more have more

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify_____________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. Age:I have 4 male siblings aged between 4 and 20
and 4 female siblings aged between 6 and 18

In my household chores such as these are not allocated as such usually someone just does them


Clean bedroom-
Wash dishes-
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum -
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
I choose to be good to my parents because I want to go to heaven lol

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
I think I am inclined to agree, while it is different in my family you will find that that is the case with most families, that gender is a factor that underpins so much, usually it is that girls will have more responsibility in the household
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo



Dodgy Pen Dealer
Apr 5, 2006
1. What is your age?(please circle)

14 15 16 17

2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)

Male Female

3.What is your cultural background?

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
[x ] Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

[ ] Blended (A couple family containing two or more children, of whom at least one is the natural child of both members of the couple, and at least one is the stepchild of either member of the couple.)

[ ] Extended (A family that includes three or more generations. Normally, that would include grandparents, their sons or daughters, and their children, as opposed to a "nuclear family," which is only a married couple and their offspring.)

[ ] Sole parent (includes one parent living with children)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[x ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.
[ ] Democratic-representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large
[ ] Negligent-characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern
[x ] Permissive- allowing much freedom to do things. e.g. Lenient / tolerant

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[ ] Time limits on how long you are allowed out
As long as i call and let them know what i am doing hey arent to fussed
[ ]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do)

I get to speak up as long as wat i say isnt insulting to anyone else and as long as i can justify what i am saying
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend
No rule set here either but i have chosen not to have a gf during hsc...have had no need to have one

[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events:
As long as they know what it is...im not allowed if they know there will be drugs/alcohol...they trust me its the others they dont trust
[ ] Can’t stay up watching late movies:

As long as tv not blaring loudly
[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating:

Anything thats not rated R

Continued next page...
[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing:
As long as it is appropriate
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex:

By alone meaning? I am allowed to be alone if friend comes over etc but parents know i wont do anything
[ ] Not allowed to smoke:

This is reasonalbe and i resect it...plus i choose not to
[ ] Not allowed to drink:

As above...im still 17 have no intention for drinking
[ ] No bad language is allowed to be used:
If im annoyed/stressed then i swear but other than that dont swear much
[ ] Not allowed to do car racing:

Still on L's so cant exactly do it but i wouldnt anyways not worth the risk
[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs:

Hasnt come up sure this would be a no
[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you:

Yep this is rule
[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls):

They dont care as long as they know im around good ppl
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term:

Prefer i come home
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home:

No rules here
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms:

When i was younger but i only ever use msn anyways
[ ] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over:

If i had one dont think they would mind...my old bro bring his gf over and they dont mind as long as they know she is coming
[ ] Passenger limits in the car:

Hasnt come up
[ ] Allowed to have my own car:

As long as i pay fot it
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car:

Whenever i assume
[ ] Other............................................. .................................................. ........................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
Probably male...there are 5 boys and mum is the only girl...but at same time she has time to do nothing...i'd say its pretty shared___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________
8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify___________________ (please circle and answer in lines provided)
__Both enforce equally...not exacly sure of specific reason i am assuming it is so we dont get hurt ____
9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (Please Tick)
(Please tick)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. (Tick)

Clean bedroom: Yep

Wash dishes: Sometimes

Wash clothes for family: No

Iron: Cant say i can iron without taking forever

Cook: I volenteer (sp?) but mum says no...must think i will burn down house

Take dog for walk: Dont have one

Wash car: Nope

Prepare dinner: Nope

Take bins out: Not usually

Mowing lawn: Nope

Vacuum: Sometimes

Dust: Nope

Buy groceries: No

Mop: Nope

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[ ] Both equally

[x] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)
No not really_____________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)
Not im my family but in general i think parents look out mre for their girls, dads tend to get extremely overprotective u see it all the time "Hurt my girl and i will hurt you" etc etc__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Thank you.

Thank you to all who participate in this you would have helped me greatly and i really appreciate your time ... thank you agen.. mwahhz xoxo




May 30, 2006
1. What is your age?(please circle)


2. Are you Male or Female?(please circle)


3.What is your cultural background?
My father was Hungarian Jew came across with his family when he was 5, my mother's family completely can be traced back to second fleet australian- but english, irishy

4. What is your family structure? (please tick a box)
Nuclear (consists of a mother, father, their biological or adoptive descendants)

5. What methods of Parenting styles do you believe your parents use?(please tick a box)
[ ] Authoritative- having proper authority/expert knowledge.

6. What rules are posed on you by your parents?(tick box and explain in lines provided)
[XX] Time limits on how long you are allowed out............................................... My parents are very controlling, they believe I should be home to study, they think friends, boyfriends, co curricular activities are all elements that will ultimately detract my year 12 studies and God forbid that I don't top the state. They like to say that'd they'd be happy no matter what I got, but it so isn't true.

[XX]Don’t get to speak up(might get told off you do)
My family has use of 'threats' no more dancing lessons, no more internet etc. friends

[XX] Aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend
This one will stop when I finish year 12, but until then no dating- basically I don't tell them what I do

[ ] Not allowed to go to under 18 events............................................ ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[XX] Can’t stay up watching late movies
Unless I want mum to scream at me, no

[ ] Only allowed to watch a certain rating............................................ ..........................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
Continued next page...

[ ] Not allowed to wear certain clothing.......................................... ...............................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to be alone with the opposite sex
............................................... ............................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[XX ] Not allowed to smoke
Or face their displeasure, but I agree

[ ] Not allowed to drink............................................. .................................................. ..................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[X ] No bad language is allowed to be used
If I swore at them, I'd be shut out from the light of day

[X ] Not allowed to do car racing
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS ANYWAY??!! hmm lets kill ourselves, goody

[ ] Not allowed to be in gangs

this is getting stupid

[ ] Always respect parents and anyone older then you
I have to be polite, but I don't have to respect them

[ ] Aren’t allowed to have mixed parties(both boys and girls)............................................ .............
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................
[ ] Not allowed to stay out over night during school term.............................................. .................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Parents have strict guidelines as to where you go, who you are with and when you will be back home.............................................. .................................................. ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Not allowed to use chat rooms............................................. .................................................. ...
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ X] Boyfriend or Girlfriends not allowed to stay over.............................................. ........................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Passenger limits in the car............................................... .................................................. .......
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

I have my own car, and my parents give me chores to do, including pick them up, no limitations whatsoever.

[ ] Allowed to have my own car .................................................. ..................................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] When are u allowed to use the car car............................................... .......................................
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
[ ] Other............................................. .................................................. ........................................
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

7. In your family who has more freedom? and Why? Males / Female (please circle, then answer in lines provided)
My older brothers, they've moved out, finished school and are males

After all "girls get raped when they go out"

8. Which parent enforces the rules? Why? Father / Mother/ Other? please specify

Mother most of the time, but Dad backs her up, it really depends what the issue is, I usually avoid having them find out what I've done

9.What responsibilities do you have around the house? (if the responsibilty is posed on you write "you" next to the responsibilty if it is your sibling of the opposite sex place "them" next to the responsibilty and their age, or if it is both then place "both" next to it)

Sibblings of Opposite sex. both Age:10, 16, 21, 23


It varies, but I tend to do a lot of the work, my brothers have moved out but still pop in from time to time. If dad has to clean anything all hell breaks out.

Clean bedroom-
Wash dishes-
Wash clothes for family-
Take dog for walk-
Wash car-
Prepare dinner-
Take bins out-
Mowing lawn -
Vacuum -
Buy groceries-

10. Do you listen to both your parents equally or do you listen and obey one over the other? (Please tick box)

[X] Both equally

[ ] Father over Mother

[ ] Mother over Father

11. Does culture influence the way your parents set rules on males and females in the family? (Explain)

Mum's history, she was sent to boarding school and has been in and out of the teaching world for years and years, she wants us to be at the top the easier way. They want my our educations to pay off. Dad just goes along with it.

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement “Regardless of family structure, Gender impacts on the rules family’s set for their children”? (Explain your answer)

Yes, there is a double standard in my house, they expect girls to be more chaste, they also think that if I go out then I'll get raped. Its a nice thing in my family. Plus I'm looked on to do a lot of the house work even though brothers are very capable of doing it themselves.
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