High school activism YAY! (3 Viewers)

Big Rush

New Member
Feb 26, 2006
I like your style, and as my school's vice captain (you'll find the captain under the name of Captain### - i don't know what the number is) I would love to start a ruckus. Which I did by spouting communist/totalitarian ideologies in my campaign speech - and the principal probably rigged the elections so that I wouldn't win.

While on this topic, I feel very strongly about the english advanced syllabus having a pole up it's ----. I just hate it, every text except for the satirical show "Frontline", and the obscure questions in exams. Sometimes I just want to go up to the guy (or guys) that wrote it and punch them.



Proudly BOS Left
Jun 4, 2004
Let me just say this...

I'm glad i never had a teacher like you because protesting and student politics are the litmus of a vibrant new generation who can, will and should question the values of wrinklies like yourself. Might I add you are a class A moron for expressing these blunt beuracratic views in a forum. In fact this is not about partisan politics (yet) because NTB will agree with me that students participating in strike activity with clear ends is a vital part of democratic life that people like you illogically negate.

There is nothing wrong with bringing ideology to school, some do it because they genuinly are interested and believe in that ideology and want to fight for change, some people do it because its trendy and makes them look good/powerful. However the latter may not always be malicious but it can just be a lack of political development/experience or active involvement that can cause this type of behaviour. Every school has the twirp with swastikas everywhere who doesnt understand a frigging thing about nacism/facism or even anti-semitism for that matter. Or even the socialist who just happens to like berrets... This behaviour is a product of the extreme neutrality of our education system because morons like Ian are teachers, I can't wait to be a teacher, I'll make my students have a brain of their own. Partisanship is not the issue, the issue is indifference.

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