Hey i had a similar qn in my half yearly, although it was focussed on the 1918-1929 events and issues that led to hitler taking power.
From memory i had-
Treaty of Versailles: people were still angry about its harsh terms and look for someone to blame ('November Criminals', 'stab in the back' theory). Hitler appealed to the nationalistic values of the people by intending to put Germany back in her 'rightful' position in the world.
Weaknesses of Weimar constitution (its foundation on shaky grounds... generally speaking. Article 22: led to weak coalition government that really only accepted compromise because of stresemann, so when he died in Oct 1929...; Article 48: right to suspend civil liberties, always going to be a problem when you have a leader opposed to democracy)
Events and circumstances post-war led to a weakening in the peoples faith in democracy and the Republic (hyperinflation, unemployment, virtual economic collapse, starvation, just generally crappy conditions. The Kapp Putsch, Munich Putsch and Keil Mutiny are all examples of civilians being dissatisfied with the governments process in putting Germany back on her feet, and taking matters into their own hands)
Intellectuals were circulating non-democratic materials, again weakening the publics' confidence in democracy.
I guess just the general point is that the crappy conditions the germans were in post-war, and the Weimar's failure to do much to combat them, led to the disillusionment of the people. Subsequently, voting patterns changed.. initially towards the conservative parties, but when they failed to produce what they wanted, they went to the more extreme nationalist parties who seemingly supported the goals of the people in promoting a better society and reparing germany's superior position in the world. Hitler appealed to what people felt they needed, making them trust him entirely (-->Fuhrerprinzip). Once he had their loyalty, he could do as he pleased in the role of Fuehrer, with little accountabilty required.
that's all I can really remember, hope its useful.