How are you studying for Anc 08? (2 Viewers)


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
Hey guys, our Ancient History teacher has told us all our examination questions, including our trial since year 10. Anyways, the point is I don't know how to study, or haven't reviewed my work at all! Help me out.. plz lol


Cheer me up?
Jun 29, 2007
wow, you lucky sonofa. i wish my teacher had given us all the qs. but then, guess not so lucky, because you haven't gotten into the pattern of what to revise.

my tips would be:
- check out past papers on
- find the patterns in the questions
- ... study like hell? no, really. get into it. like, now. use antiquity 3 and bradley's textbooks - they're good bases.

Jess =)

Pirate Queen of Awsomness
Aug 16, 2007
depends on the topic

P+H ALWAYS has a conservation Q so learn that. a should we conserve what we have dug, or keep digging type Q.

for the 25 mark Q's go over everything but only learn big things really well as watever topic the Q is on, it has to have enough 25 marks worth of info
you could also look at last years and not study what they asked but thats a bit risky
the 25 mark Q usually has a general tell the story type of q and a specific analytical Q
yeh, so look at question patterns

the personality always has a tell the story Q and a specific 1
like for my trials (on Agrippina) i had 1 Q ont he roles and duties of julio-claudian women and a general 1 on her marriages and what she achieved from them

find some valid historians and make up some quotes,even if ur answer kinda sux it makes it sound a whole lot better

just get notes from BOS or somewhere and read and reread them like crazy =)
Dec 5, 2007
for P&H - get a syllabus dot point and come up with heaps of evidence/points for it, i.e. entertainment - i wrote about the theatres, amphitheatre, palaestrae, baths etc and what it shows us about society. and the final question always comes from the last part of the syllabus, i.e. new research techniques and technology was last year's question. they could ask about conservation/preservation, contributions of archaeoloists, impact of tourism, ethical issues etc just know that section REALLY well.

historical period - i basically come up with evidence for each of the dot points and write practice essays, since there's a limit to what they can ask.

personality - once again it's pretty limited, so i come up with potential questions and do them. that might not sound effective, a lot of evidence for one question can overlap with another, between a few good questions you cover pretty much everything.

ancient society - basically the same as P&H but with quotes, also past papers, and ensure you know the syllabus well.

find the patterns in the questions
i do this too. if the dot point hasn't shown up, chances are it will. specimen papers are good, for example, look at the questions for my topics in the specimen and HSC:

historical period question for Unification -> First Intermediate Period

2006 specimen; assess the reasons for the breakdown of Old Kingdom Egypt

2007 HSC; evaluate factors contributing to the breakdown of the Old Kingdom

personality question for Hatshepsut

2006 specimen; assess H's relationship with Thut III (15 marks)

2007 HSC; describe the relationship between H and Thut III (10 marks)

Pompeii and Herculaneum is a similar story.

Question 2 (8 marks)

2006 specimen; using sources 3 and 4 and your knowledge of other sources, interpret what these reveal about religion in P&H (sources; lares shrine, Imperial cult altar)

2007 HSC; using sources 3 and 4.... describe what the evidence shows about religion in P&H (source; statue with lares on either side, temple of Isis)

Question 3

2006 specimen; Using source 5 and other sources, evaluate the methods of investigating P&H

2007 HSC

Using source 5, 6 and your knowledge of other sources, assess the different methods used by archaeologists over time to investigate P&H

i hope you're seeing the pattern. different wording, different sources, essentially the exact same topic. in other words, do the specimen papers.

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