How do you guys memorise essays? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 6, 2023
i usually memorise my essays the day before since i'm studying for other exams on the days leading up to the english exam. idk man the stress really helps as well. i memorise it line by line by typing it on another doc and reading it out loud (half-half screen). after i feel like i memorised the line i type it out and check. i make sure to memorise my intro word for word since that's like where the markers have a brief idea of what grade your essay is. for the body paras i read it out a lot and test myself by reading it out loud to save more time and then type the whole thing. other than the quotes it doesn't really matter if i don't memorise it word for word since the quotes trigger key words and stuff but i try to since i really like how i express my ideas in my memorised draft.

i don't memorise conclusion since it's easy to write on the spot -- got a 19/20 for my last essay and i legit wrote a one sentence conclusion.

after all that it's like 4am and im tired as shiz. it'd be nice if i wrote the whole essay by hand and time myself but i'm too ceebs so i just type everything out in one go and zzz.

wake up. type and test myself on parts i'm not sure on the car ride to the station. type and test myself on parts i'm not sure on the train ride to school. read out loud and test myself on parts i'm not sure on the walk to school. at this point i'm sick of hearing my voice, even the inner voice in my head but that's good. that's when i know that i've DRILLED the essay into my head. hehe.

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