How many hours do you have to put in a day to get the best mark in year 11 and 12? (1 Viewer)


Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
perfectstudent1 said:
Dont listen to foram is a complete fraud. He contradicts himself on numerous occassions. He once states that he does standard english and then his profile says that he does extension. He also states that he does japanese background speakers and then japanese beginners, these 2 courses cannot be done simultaneously
just ignore him
I would never say I did a scaled down subject like standard english, because that would make me look stupid.

I would also never say I did japanese background and beginners, because i'm chinese, not japanese, and i would not want to be seen as japanese, especially after japan invaded china and killed lots of innocent chinese people.

I also would not contradict myself unless i was trying to be blatantly obvious about it, e.g saying i am honest and modest.

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
foram said:
I would never say I did a scaled down subject like standard english, because that would make me look stupid.

I would also never say I did japanese background and beginners, because i'm chinese, not japanese, and i would not want to be seen as japanese, especially after japan invaded china and killed lots of innocent chinese people.

I also would not contradict myself unless i was trying to be blatantly obvious about it, e.g saying i am honest and modest.
well you are honest :)


May 10, 2007
Re: How many hours do you have to put in a day to get the best mark in year 11 and 12

perfectstudent1 said:
Dont listen to foram is a complete fraud. He contradicts himself on numerous occassions. He once states that he does standard english and then his profile says that he does extension. He also states that he does japanese background speakers and then japanese beginners, these 2 courses cannot be done simultaneously
just ignore him
Despite the fact that Foram started out being like an arrogant dooshebag (no offense), I've seen him help other people (like that Prelim Economics thread), and that's more than enough for me.

That being said - he still needs to work on the ego. :D


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
Re: How many hours do you have to put in a day to get the best mark in year 11 and 12

hahha foram's awesome, leave him alone. sure he's cocky but when he enters the maths forum his ego's is as good as gone.

On topic -

Prelim year I did next to no study, even getting 10 hrs TOTAL (that is for all subjects..) before exam time. I did average however.

I do not reccomend anything above 2 hours for Preliminary. You burn out, you get tired, and you soon realise how useless it is.

My opinion - 2 or hell, even 1 hour of effective STUDY is better than 3-4 hours of doing "study" that is useless.

PS. I didn't do homework for any of my subejcts except Maths, which ironically made me top 30/160 at my school.

What I'm trying to get at is, homework shouldn't be first priority, it should be keeping up with notes and studying (with past papers and what not).


Oct 28, 2007
Re: How many hours do you have to put in a day to get the best mark in year 11 and 12

tommykins said:
hahha foram's awesome, leave him alone. sure he's cocky but when he enters the maths forum his ego's is as good as gone.

On topic -

Prelim year I did next to no study, even getting 10 hrs TOTAL (that is for all subjects..) before exam time. I did average however.

I do not reccomend anything above 2 hours for Preliminary. You burn out, you get tired, and you soon realise how useless it is.

My opinion - 2 or hell, even 1 hour of effective STUDY is better than 3-4 hours of doing "study" that is useless.

PS. I didn't do homework for any of my subejcts except Maths, which ironically made me top 30/160 at my school.

What I'm trying to get at is, homework shouldn't be first priority, it should be keeping up with notes and studying (with past papers and what not).
I totally agree with what he said. However, I don't think that it is amount of "study" that burns you out. I think it is probably the result that you get that burns you out. What I mean is: if you get crap results when you worked so hard, it is the reason why you burn out. If you get good results from hard work, it wouldn't actually burn you out. At least, that is what I am like. I am completely burnt out in SOR1. Don't have motivation for that subject whereas I am completely pumped up for all the subjects.

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