my first boyfriend was a guy that i'd known since i was a kid, and we just kinda fell into it... to cut a long story short (im sure i've talked about this in another thread anyway), the break-up was terrible, we had a love-hate thing afterwards, but now it's four years on and we're still good friends.
second "boyfriend" was a really close friend, and i was completely oblivious to the fact that he liked me (it seems so obvious now, looking back), and when he finally told me and asked me out, i was really shocked. he said "either you say yes, and we go out, or you say no, and i can't see you again." he didn't mean it in a threat sort of way, but wtf?! so we "dated" for a month - if you can call it dating. it was exactly like being friends, except we held hands. i dont think we even kissed.
in the end it was a mutual break-up, and we didn't talk as much as we used to for a few weeks, then we went back to being normal and talked every night as usual... and then he just completely disappeared. he blocked me on msn, has ignored the birthday SMSes i've sent him each year... and i have no idea why. it's sad.
so after that, i was really reluctant to "take the risk"... but sometimes you just have to. sometimes i regret not going out with this guy that asked me out in yr11, i really really liked him but i didn't want to risk the friendship and get hurt all over again. we saw eachother a few weeks ago, and it was great - but i think we were both thinking what could've happened....
ahh well, life goes on