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How many people do you think will try to cheat? (1 Viewer)

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
cheating is stupid. sure, it's easy, but what if you get caught? all marks out the window right there. plus if you feel the need to cheat that badly, then you're obviously not prepared enough and just making a desperate bid to get better marks...when really if you still cant remember key points and have to resort to decorating yourself with them in the exam then you're screwed anyway. might as well fail properly and be done with it.
That's a damned lie, and you know it! Cheating requires much preparation too. Observe:

Here's how I'm going to cheat:

Captain Gh3y's Complete Guide To Cheating in the HSC:

Aim: To sneak notes into the HSC Exams and 'go to the toilet' whenever you need to refer to them. This allows you to answer questions you wouldn't otherwise be able to, thus boosting your marks considerably.

Equipment Required:
  • Your notes (obviously)
  • A piece of plastic pipe, with a VERY small diameter
  • A piece of string
  • Water based lubricant
  • A doctor's certificate to verify that you have dyssentry

  1. Tie the piece of string around the end of the pipe
  2. Role your notes up into a nice thin cylinder - the thinner they are, the better
  3. Place your rolled up notes into the pipe
  4. Liberally apply the lubricant to the pipe
  5. Prior to entering the exam, hide the pipe in your rectal cavity
  6. During the exam, go to the toilet as often as you like. The dyssentry certificate means they're NOT gonna ask questions.
  7. In the toilet, retrieve the pipe from your rectal cavity, and browse your notes at your liesure... take as long as you like, once again they're not gonna ask questions.

Considerations: The bigger the pipe, the more notes you can fit in. On the other hand, the more notes you take, the more discomfort you must suffer during the exam. Take what best suits you. Sexually active women or homosexual men may be better suited to this method.

The doctor's certificate (or even just a note) to say you have dyssentry is critical, otherwise it's going to be highly suspect when you go to the toilet 3 times.

The piece of string is also very important, as it prevents the pipe from getting stuck. If this occurs, worse than fail your HSC, you'll have to go to the emergency room.

Conclusion: This is a highly effecive, FOOL-PROOF method of cheating, that is 100% certain to work if performed correctly. :D
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Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
if any1 wants 2 cheat i have a message for you, "i hope you get aids and die!!!!" :D

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
cheating is stupid. sure, it's easy, but what if you get caught? all marks out the window right there. plus if you feel the need to cheat that badly, then you're obviously not prepared enough and just making a desperate bid to get better marks...when really if you still cant remember key points and have to resort to decorating yourself with them in the exam then you're screwed anyway. might as well fail properly and be done with it.


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
yeh as if u would

as if you would be stupid enough to cheat......
if the option to cheat even crosses your mind you are a deadset idiot..... think of what would happen if u got caught.... these exams are so important.... what would happen if u got caught???? zero.... and you would look like a fool. cheating does go on records you no... which would affect job possibilities... and uni prospects...... obviously u arent considering cheating but if anyone actually is... i would strongly advise against it....... seriously though... people who cheat obviously havent got confidence in themselves... which is gonna be their downfall in the exams........


Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman
Aug 8, 2003
In here !
during the mid-term exams..this guy next to me was copying my multiple choice for economics...i noticed straight away...cause he was like sitting up really straight occasionally flicking his eyes at my work...haha i put in the wrong answer for about 6 of them....on purpose...and he kept copying...i put a mark on my paper with the right answers..at at the end i fixed em up...it was kind of funny when we got the results back i got 18/20 he got sometimg like 12/20....hahah ...if u cheat u wont get anywhere...


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
zahid said:
during the mid-term exams..this guy next to me was copying my multiple choice for economics...i noticed straight away...cause he was like sitting up really straight occasionally flicking his eyes at my work...haha i put in the wrong answer for about 6 of them....on purpose...and he kept copying...i put a mark on my paper with the right answers..at at the end i fixed em up...it was kind of funny when we got the results back i got 18/20 he got sometimg like 12/20....hahah ...if u cheat u wont get anywhere...

u should off made that u fake all of them right, how funny will that b hahaha


Oct 16, 2004
the best way is to try get the exam the day before. going to the tiolet, and all that random stuff is just stupid


Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman
Aug 8, 2003
In here !
aaaman said:
u should off made that u fake all of them right, how funny will that b hahaha
i thought about that for a sec...but i was not even sure about some of them...so i did not risk that.


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
rOMON said:
Its not like its hard, i cheated for fun in year 10 just to see how hard it is to do.
I played the trials clean, so that i could see what my marks were looking to be.
Im very sure that i dont need to cheat, so i wont.
But, it would be fairly easy to get some cheating action going on - in ways that nobody could really pick up on either.

What do you think?
Cheating... easy?... hmmmm

one thing though, is cheating throughout the HSC yr...

alot of ppl do cheat throughout the year... and its way easier to cheat during the yr compared to the HSC exams, but let me tell u one thing

It's either u have no friends.. or u just claim that ppl are ur friends when really u couldnt give a stuff ...

cheating in the HSC year.... My psychological analysis; alot of HSC students don't understand how the HSC system works, this is something i tried to educate my freinds about.. why?

How is cheating related to the lack of knowledge about the way the HSC system works?

alot of ppl think its the mark that matters most.. when really its ur rank!
If student C is ranked 3rd... and one day they decide to cheat in an exam and suddenly they get ranked 1st overall, obviously this puts students A and B who were previously ranked 1st and 2nd respectively (before student C cheated) in a bad positon, why?... Student C obviously needed to cheat in order to get that 1st ranking . Now because students A and B are ranked under student C (who cheated) their assessment marks will be lower than student C because the person with the highest ranking internally will obtain the highest assessment mark when moderated by the board of studies.. and thus student A and B (who did not cheat) will have a lower assesment mark than the one they earned honestly...

Now!.. the UAI as we all know is a rank...

those 5 or 6 marks that u lost because the guy who cheated was ranked above u... could have been that 0.25 that would have put u into ur desired course at ur deisred uni... but instead.... u end up having to move or wateva in order to go to a Uni that is either too far... or even worse don't end up getting into uni straight away.. but rather have to go through "back doors" when really u earned ur posistion to go uni.. but due to that one selfish person ur forced to enter through the "back door"... now theres nothing wrong with going through the back door... however, when uve been given the right to enter from the front door and someone pushes in and takes ur place... It really hurts... someone who doesnt really give a stuff about their friends and class mates will cheat, but then again alot of ppl don't understand how importanat 1 or 2 marks can be to someone, their being slefish etc etc...

I'm speaking from experinece... I Really hate to say this but a few of my friends were found to have been cheating in the trials and as a result ... they all got big fat chunky zeros and Im pritty sure their gonna get some pritty low UAIs compared to what they would have recieved of they didnt cheat... after all, the trials were worth the highest percentage.. one of the guys got dragged down from being 3/8 to being 7/8...

DON'T CHEAT... (by the way none of this is directed at the thread starter im speaking in general here)....as i was saying

DON'T CHEAT... dont degrade urself down to that level u don't need to! everyone makes mistakes some ppl learn some ppl dont... just don't make that BIG mistake when it matters most, in the HSC exam.

what happens when someone does cheat... and they get caught?... according to the board of studies... it could terminate ur whole HSC.. not just that one subject!!!

in the end we can just advise...and its up to u to decide... do the right thing or the wrong.. u have a brain USE IT!!!


University Life
Mar 10, 2005
centre number: 59
last year at my school, a year 12 student he came to do the exams, dont know which subject it was, he carried all the revision papers he had under his school jumper, he had the papers on the table and suddenly he went to have a panic attack (shock) and didnt end up doing the exam and ended up getting a zero..thats why its bad to cheat or trying to cheat in an exam, bad things can happen


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
oh2sxc said:
shouldn't you be studying? :)
no actually, according to my schedule i dont start tonight till 10:00pm and finish at 3:00am, so im on a big break now! and no!... its not the only study i do.. i also study from 11am-5pm!!! ( small breaks included)


BUT, if you "somehow" just got the answers to the HSC maths paper, wouldn't you want to know the answers, even though it is cheating, IT IS THE HSC, I would definately cheat, regardless


Oct 5, 2005
FroZenWaffleS said:
Cheating makes people feel guilty
I think the desire to reach my target UAI, thus getting into my desired Uni course and eventually raising my chances of gaining long term employment and not ending up on a street corner with seven kids, cardboard walls and a crack addiction would probably outweigh any lingering moral concerns.

Maybe I'm overdramatizing. But probably not.


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
kadlil said:
BUT, if you "somehow" just got the answers to the HSC maths paper, wouldn't you want to know the answers, even though it is cheating, IT IS THE HSC, I would definately cheat, regardless
NO! see that's where self dicipline should come in! I understand where ur coming from I mean, why not?... 'somehow' u got the answers OK... the question now is, How did u 'somehow' get the answers?

The only way someone can "somehow" get the answers to the HSC exams is by comitting some kind of crime... in whatever form, shape or size it may come!

I understand that for the trials some teachers do actually tell their students the essay questions for english and stuff (which usually isnt cheating becaue the entire class knows the question so no one is disadvantaged)... and i heard the Catholic trials were being taught prior, to students by tutours... regardless this is completely diff. to the HSC, they take certain precaution to make sure its not leaked...CSSA isn't so strict as the exams are issued to schools before the exam date!

I know alot of ppl will take the answers (if offered), no questions asked, but alot of ppl won't!.. as odd as this may sound , it's true!

and lol its funny u say maths Kadlil... that's the least one id want answers to...

Perosnally for me, I wouldn't, religiously and morally! but u don't have to be religious to realise that its wrong

how awesome do u think it feels to get a UAI of 80 knowing u didn cheat, or getting 70 knowing u didnt cheat, or getting 90 knowing u didnt cheat....or even 100...knwoing uve done ur best!

but if u got those very same UAI's knowing that ur UAI was boosted because u cheated in 1 subject... deep down inside u'll feel like c**p.. u prolly wont show this, but then again that would be because ur trying to forget about it!

hey Mr x what was ur UAI?... i got 82.40

what did u get Mr "I cheated"?.. oh me!... i got 82.45....

Mr x: oh man if i got that i would have been able to get into ...., ..., ...,

Its not worth cheating...

Uni these days isnt so hard to get into, as there are lot of opportunities, and different ways to get in if u dont make it right away!...

I was doing an exam once... I think i was in yr 8 then!

anywas, i didnt know the answer to a question in the exam, i was worried and stuff and it was worth a few marks. I sat their for a while, having completed the whole exam... thinking of the answer, nothing would come to me!

then.. a voice... one of the guys in my class yelled the answer across to another guy... and there it was I had the foundation to build on that and get the full marks!... even in yr 8... i felt so guilty i left it empty and got 0 for that question...

like i said before... Its ur choice... But in the end u have to live with it... and u will be accounted for it, it'll come back to u one day I can gurantee u that!!!

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