I hope this is rigorous enough:
Hence our product is:
The last digit in this product is the last digit of the number obtained by multiplying all the units terms.
Therefore the last digit of the product is the last digit of
So now we find the last digits of each of these terms, and multiply them together.
We first notice that:
3^1 = 3
3^2 = 9
3^3 = 2 7
3^4 = 8 1
3^5 = ....3
And so on, we see that the last digit is periodic every 4 powers, alternating through 3,7,9,1. We can prove this if necessary through modular arithmetic
Meaning, we simply need to determine whether the number 10^{n-1} is in the form:
4k + 1, 4k+2 , 4k+3, 4k+4.
It cannot be 4k+1, 4k+3 since it is even, and since 10^{n-1} = 2^{n-1} 5^{n-1}, if n > 2 then it is divisible by 4, hence in the form 4k+4, thus the last digit is 1 if n > 2
Similarly we do the same for 7 and 9, and notice that 7 is periodic by 4 through:
Thus for n > 2, 7^{10^{n-1}} has last digit of 1.
For 9, it is periodic of 2 through, 9,1.
If 10^{n-1} is even, last digit is 1, thus it is 1.
Now if n=2, then the power of 3^(10^{n-1}} is in the form 4k+2, meaning the last digit is 9
Similar for 7, last digit is 9, m,ultiply together to get 81, times 1 from the 9, thus we take last digit from that which is 1.
Therefore we see as our final answer:
I hope that's right lol