I have forgotten everything (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 26, 2024
Hello, to whoever may read this.

This probably won't get any views but I have actually forgotten every piece of information for all of my subjects and I have trials in about 24 days, what should I do because I know I'm doing pretty easy subjects and I feel motivated to try but when it comes to doing the work I cannot bring myself to doing it. I have failed every single test this whole year and have only passed 2 subjects, the rest I have gotten a low score in them. I know it's not to late but I might probably fail trials but the final HSC test is 50% and I do not want to fail again. If anyone reads this, can you guys please help me out and give me any suggestions on what I should do.

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
Hello, to whoever may read this.

This probably won't get any views but I have actually forgotten every piece of information for all of my subjects and I have trials in about 24 days, what should I do because I know I'm doing pretty easy subjects and I feel motivated to try but when it comes to doing the work I cannot bring myself to doing it. I have failed every single test this whole year and have only passed 2 subjects, the rest I have gotten a low score in them. I know it's not to late but I might probably fail trials but the final HSC test is 50% and I do not want to fail again. If anyone reads this, can you guys please help me out and give me any suggestions on what I should do.
stsrt to study


Active Member
Apr 18, 2024
Hello, to whoever may read this.

This probably won't get any views but I have actually forgotten every piece of information for all of my subjects and I have trials in about 24 days, what should I do because I know I'm doing pretty easy subjects and I feel motivated to try but when it comes to doing the work I cannot bring myself to doing it. I have failed every single test this whole year and have only passed 2 subjects, the rest I have gotten a low score in them. I know it's not to late but I might probably fail trials but the final HSC test is 50% and I do not want to fail again. If anyone reads this, can you guys please help me out and give me any suggestions on what I should do.
by 'forgotten every piece of information' do you mean every single piece of information you learnt in class or every single piece of information youve studied outside of school. because which one it is impacts a lot on what u need to do.


New Member
Sep 4, 2023
Hello, to whoever may read this.

This probably won't get any views but I have actually forgotten every piece of information for all of my subjects and I have trials in about 24 days, what should I do because I know I'm doing pretty easy subjects and I feel motivated to try but when it comes to doing the work I cannot bring myself to doing it. I have failed every single test this whole year and have only passed 2 subjects, the rest I have gotten a low score in them. I know it's not to late but I might probably fail trials but the final HSC test is 50% and I do not want to fail again. If anyone reads this, can you guys please help me out and give me any suggestions on what I should do.
Download concise notes for all of your subjects and just try to teach yourself the content, if you plan on going well in the trials, you are going to have to forgo any social life or any time playing video games.

If you are decent at memorising, try to memorise generic essays for english, or any other subject involving essays.


#1 SK
Jun 23, 2022
my room
Hello, to whoever may read this.

This probably won't get any views but I have actually forgotten every piece of information for all of my subjects and I have trials in about 24 days, what should I do because I know I'm doing pretty easy subjects and I feel motivated to try but when it comes to doing the work I cannot bring myself to doing it. I have failed every single test this whole year and have only passed 2 subjects, the rest I have gotten a low score in them. I know it's not to late but I might probably fail trials but the final HSC test is 50% and I do not want to fail again. If anyone reads this, can you guys please help me out and give me any suggestions on what I should do.
hey, i just saw ur profile and i see that you do business & pdh as well so these are my tips;
i normally try and make summary sheets of all my subjects and they come in handy for quick testing. keep it concise and try doing open book practice questions w them and slowly ease into no notes.
sometimes it feels easier to just download others but i found it better when i wrote it and somehow remembered more? (idk if its placebo)
it seems daunting at first but the more questions you do, u can tell a pattern :)

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