In reference to leaving things on desks, I was at SamBAR on friday, and some guy was using an HP laptop. He got up, went into the bar for at least 10mins, meanwhile hie books, papers, bag and his laptop, still running were left sitting on the table. My friends and I were waiting for it to walk.
One friend dared me to use my keylock on it - i carry a kensington lock with me cause i can just see myself doing that - using laptop in library, getting distracted, leaving desk, leaving laptop behind - so if i do that, hopefully i can come back to find my laptop still there and not missing.
ADVICE!!! if you use a laptop, invest in a Kensington lock!!!
OH! and don't drink beverages near them either *waits for the day someone spills drink/liquidy food over laptop and screams as they loose their thesis*
and to further the current discussion, I can't think of anything racist relating to asians that hasn't already been mentioned now -_-
EDIT! yes i can!!!

maybe they don't care how they look, maybe it is the 'riced up' car they are in that is more important aesthetically
