rahul, connecting to ... ?
A) irc server
B) file server (fserve)
for A: /server <server name>
e.g. /server irc.efnet.org
for B: type the person's trigger
it could be !Rahuls-Illegal-DLs
if it's not a file server, and if it's one of those "mp3-sharing" channels, then you might want to ctcp/msg them for their xdcc list ... ONLY if it is an xdcc bot.
to do this,
/ctcp <bot name> xdcc list
then you'll see their pack listings,
grab whatever file by typing /ctcp <bot name> xdcc send #packet number here
e.g. /ctcp Rahul xdcc send #3
if it's anything else,
then again ... sit there, ask for help (if it's not moderated), then wait for the triggers or advertisements.
(hope i havent confused you!)
in summation,
for servers: /server irc.whatever.com (for example)
for file servers/fserves: type their trigger e.g. !Rahul-is-cool
for xdcc bots: type /msg (ctcp will work, depends on the bot) <botname> xdcc list -- for a listing, for requesting packets, see above.
for other mp3-servers, then they might be using tdcc or other forms, so watch out for their triggers.
ryan has summed it up if you're in a mp3 channel,
@find rahul's favourite song
check your private messages/window
copy/paste the trigger, or get into his/her file server (dos commands, ls, dir, help, exit, get, read, sends, queues, etc)
or paste it in the main chan (if allowable) and wait for a slot (or get in a queue).
if it's too complicated ... then stick to what works for you

(p2p; kazaa lite as i've read in your other posts)
hope this helps