Indonesian couple caught having illegal sex, forced to marry, bride murdered. (1 Viewer)


Mar 12, 2010
An Indonesian teen was recently forced by village elders to marry a cow – after he was caught having sex with it. The young man passed out during the ceremony in front of hundreds of curious onlookers.

Ngurah Alit, 18, was caught in flagrante delicto behind the cow in a rice paddy field near the village of Yeh Embang in Jembrana.

Caught, literally, with his pants down, Alit admitted his crime but claimed the cow seduced him and "wooed him with flattering compliments."

The marriage ceremony was part of a Pecaruan ritual designed to cleanse the village of the unholy act.

Alit apparently did not make it through the vows as he lost conciousness during the ceremony amid the press of spectators and journalists attempting to view the event.

Unfortunately, as part of the ritual, the bride was drowned in the ocean after the ceremony. Alit was "drowned" symbolically to as well, his clothes thrown into the sea.

The village chief declared that the village had been successfully cleansed from the defilement but we imagine that Mr. Alit's high school reunions will be full of awkward pauses.

While marriage between humans and animals is unrecognized legally in any country in the world it is often practiced as part of religious traditions or to court good luck.
Teenager forced to marry cow – after he is caught having sex with it

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