Steven88 said:
I heared that if you do english standard you cant get a band 6 for some reasons its caped at a certain mark...Is this true??
It is a common belief that English (Standard) is capped. The truth is that English (Standard) is NOT capped. Candidates CAN get a band 6 for English (Standard), it's just that not many people have actually achieve it. Last year two people managed an aligned HSC mark in band 6 for English (Standard).
It is POSSIBLE for an English (Standard) student to achieve a mark of 100, but this has not happened yet simply because most of the candidates do not have the abilities to do so. In determining a band cut-offs, you need to remember that English (Standard) students are up against English (Advanced) students in the standards setting procedure. In other words English (Standard) and English (Advanced) are marked on the SAME performance descriptors and criteria.
Since the quality of English (Standard) student responses are often not as good as the respsonses of English (Advanced) student responses, that probably explains why the overall performance of English (Standard) is rather low because they are compared to English (Advanced) students.
So basically, a band 6 in English (Standard) is the equivalent of a band 6 in English (Advanced).
Refer to the following threads for details, especially at the latter parts of the thread, which may be of relevence to the information you are after:
Steven88 said:
Cna you class average bring you mark down...Does the HSC use class average if so WHY
You must understand a process called moderating in order to answer this question. Refer to the following thread for an explanation of this process:
Basically, it's your school's average in the EXTERNAL EXAMINATION that counts, not your class average (unless of course, there is only one class in the whole school for a particular course). Your school's average in the raw internal examination is merely of any significance before it is moderated.
You won't be affected by your school average if you maintain your rank within the grade for both your internal and external examinations and assessments. If you don't maintain your rank or if others don't then complications begin to happen. In the moderating process the school's average in the assessment marks is altered to match the school's average in the external examination marks. The assessment marks are then altered in correspondence to the ranking of each student.
For example if the top mark for external examination was 90, then the top mark for the internal examination would be moderated to 90. However, that top mark may not come from the same student, it all depends on the ranking in both school assessment marks and examination marks.
So basically, if your school gets a higher HSC examination average than the average of the raw school assessment marks, then chances are you will gain high marks for that course since the marks would be increased to match the distribution of marks in the HSC examination.
Refer to the following threads for details: