For commerce/arts one needs an ATAR of 95 whereas mine is 67.9. So what should I do?
Do very well then apply to transfer. Regardless of WAM, I cannot see usyd saying "no" to you if you hold a HD or even a distinction average in the 80s. I think usyd takes in 50% WAM 50% ATAR if your ATAR is superior to your WAM, otherwise they base their decision more on your WAM.
Which is why you need to go to UWS.
UWS marks easier than Usyd does.Therefore, its easier to get a higher grade at UWS than Usyd. Again, since Usyd doesn't care about the university you are transferring from, you should capatalize on that advantage.
I'd give you an example: I had a very close friend friend who got around the same grades as me back in high school. He went to Macquarie (a "lesser" university) to do arts last year while I went and did resource economics at usyd. We did similar subjects (economics) so we will share notes. First off the bat, I already noticed their content was much easier. Then, I realized the grades he were getting were significantly higher than mine even though he didn't come off as much more knowledgeable during study sessions (for an essay, I would get 72 while he would get 88..we studied using the same notes). And you know what? He ended up with 4 HDs and 4 Ds and just transferred to arts/law at usyd. Meanwhile, I got 2Ds, 5Cs and 1P and only got into commerce here.
This is why this year I am going to Macquarie to do that I can come back next year even stronger (because secretly I am a "prestige" kind of guy too
