pmr_123 said:
if you feel completely happy around him, who cares if it's love, if he makes you happy, then stay with him.
and try not to let your mind go crazy, it happens to the best of us.
your happiness right now is all that matters
yeah, i know. he makes me really really happy

but of course, why break up if it's not precisely love..that'd just be stupid (and quite shallow).
i try not to let my mind control me...but i guess if you have a lot of free time it happens, you think too much, and the worries/doubts come back.....and then you have this whole thread again (..yay..).
azzie said:
love is finding someone whose faults are even perfect for you.
love is wanting someone for everything they are, personality, looks, spirit, and them wanting you the same way.
love is a feeling really deep in your heart that tells you that you want to be with that person forever, even if you cant be.
it's all that and more. love is everything. love is lovely. love love love love love!
all so very true az :uhhuh:
1) definitely! check

3) cute old couple love

almost check
love is everything, love is lovely, and mi amo il mio amore (i love my love)
santaslayer said:
Love is when she farts or burps like a pig and you couldn't give a rats arse. She still looks amazingly angelic in your eyes.
heheh that's cute

accepting their 'faults' as a part of them is one of the most important things you need in a relationship. my boyfriend has lots of things which would normally get on my nerves a bit, but the way i feel about him makes me forget about them and makes my time with him the best time ever

and if they did begin to piss me off, i'd just tell him to quit it for a bit, and then chuckle and continue to have fun
FreakTiger said:
For the love of god, how is it important?!
Enjoy being 19.
i'm 18 for the record (checking profiles help), and i know i shouldnt be concerned but it did make me wonder. i know that a lot of people my age (basically anyone under 21) wouldnt really give a rats arse about how much/whether they loved their partner or not (and vice versa), but i guess me being me makes me think about this sort of stuff. relationships are important to me, i'm not the type who'll go out with someone for the sake of it - if i began a relationship i want to put in some effort and try to make sure that its the best it can be.