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Israel and Palestine (2 Viewers)


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Ever heard of self defense. The same argument can be applied to Hezbollah. Their use rockets being shot into Israel gives Israel the right to defend themselves. Or are you suggesting that Israel just turn the other cheek? Give me a break!
Hezbollah attacked ISrael not Lebanon so why blow up Lebanon for?

More civilians were killed because Hezbollah repeatedly used them as human shields with their knowledge or without their knowledge. I can’t believe you blame Israel for that! Actually if you bothered to research or look things up you will realise that Darwin was first bombed in FEBRUARY 1942, so before then in 1942 Darwin was indeed a city and not a hole as you have claimed. How do you expect people to take your arguments seriously when you don’t even know Australian history, let alone another country’s?
I never said Darwin wasnt a city, I said Darwin is a hole and still is one!

No, that is completely wrong, they gave pamphlets to all areas that they bombed, something that neither Hezbollah nor Hamas do.
Hezbollah dont have bombers, and they gave plenty of warning of their rockets attacks to Israel.
Lol, I love how you reject fact with the line ‘that’s all bullshit’. Read up for yourself you dumbass. If you had bothered to read up on the incident Israel was targeting Hezbollah in the area (which were a few metres away) when they hit the UN outpost. Israel apologised for this attack directly to the UN. But once again, if these people had been doing their jobs this wouldn’t have happened, and that is fact. As to the use of cluster bombs, I have repeatedly explained this to the present forum, what is the matter, do you just skim my posts? Cluster bombs were mainly confined to open areas away from cities and towns to minimize their damage to civilians. Cluster bombs were the most effective weapon against these terrorists and that is why they were used. However some were used in urban areas because the were best to neutralize the threat of Hezbollah. Before those bombings, pamphlets were used to warn Lebanese civilians using the designated safe routes. Those that stayed can only be terrorist supporters or the terrorists themselves.
Can you provide evidence that phamplets were used before Cluster bombing by Israel?

CLuster bombs were not used in open areas - u tard. There are heaps of unexploded bombs still in Lebanon that are being cleared. They are all over place. Cluster bombs are not the most effective weapon in an URBAN environment!. It against the geneva convention to use them in such areas!

Learn to use QUOTE TAGS!


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
Hezbollah attacked ISrael not Lebanon so why blow up Lebanon for?

I never said Darwin wasnt a city, I said Darwin is a hole and still is one!

Hezbollah dont have bombers, and they gave plenty of warning of their rockets attacks to Israel.

Can you provide evidence that phamplets were used before Cluster bombing by Israel?

CLuster bombs were not used in open areas - u tard. There are heaps of unexploded bombs still in Lebanon that are being cleared. They are all over place. Cluster bombs are not the most effective weapon in an URBAN environment!. It against the geneva convention to use them in such areas!

Learn to use QUOTE TAGS!
"Hezbollah attacked ISrael not Lebanon so why blow up Lebanon for?"Hezbollah is IN Lebanon...kinda odd to go and bomb somewhere else when you are looking for Hezbollah

"Hezbollah dont have bombers, and they gave plenty of warning of their rockets attacks to Israel."

No that is false...unless you take
"if Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." and "If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli."(Nasrallah) to be a warning of rockets, well then yes, warning was given...


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Just an interesting thing, not arguing with anyone in this post but I found something interesting that Nasrallah said:

"The Lebanese refuse to give the Palestinians residing in Lebanon Lebanese citizenship, and we refuse their resettlement in Lebanon. There is Lebanese consensus on this...we thank God that we all agree on one clear and definite result; namely, that we reject the resettlement of the Palestinians in Lebanon."

(^ Passner, Deborah. "Hassan Nasrallah: In His Own Words." CAMERA: Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. 26 July 2006. 18 November 2006. This article was reprinted in CAMERA's On Campus magazine in the Fall 2006 issue.)


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
why are you asking for the village names, if you're supporting the "israel dropping pamphelts into palestinian viallges" theory ?? you suopport that, so you should know the names of the villages that israel bombed. Or do you supposrt anything as long as its anti-palestine ??
You said Israel bombed a whole village I am just asking you which WHOLE village was bombed? If you are so sure about those things why cant you give us any names of villages or evidence? It is quite clear that you are making it up as you go. Typical of you.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Naaahhh, you just dont wana use them quote tags, because you just want to make it complicated for people to read and find all the irational, ridiculous and flawed facts in your posts. Therefore, i wont take you posts seriuosly and i aint goina read them anymore, theres no use of debatting with a nutter such as yourself. and yeah, your making a huge fool outta yourself :santa:
Wow your funny. You know I think you would reject that 1 + 1 = 2 if it became known that it was some Zionist plot. You refuse to deal with facts, your arguements hold no water and when I defeat them you try to save yourself by saying that my arguements are complicated, irrational, flawed and you are not going to take them seriously. Why post if you refuse to accept facts? Why argue if you are not going to accept that there are points in your agruement that don't make sense? What I am basially trying to say here is why argue went it has become obvious that you are wrong yet you will never accept it?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“Hezbollah attacked Israel not Lebanon so why blow up Lebanon for?”

There is a country called Lebanon. In that country is a terrorist organisation called Hezbollah. Hezbollah is based in Lebanon. Do I need to make it simpler for you?

“I never said Darwin wasnt a city, I said Darwin is a hole and still is one!”

You said Darwin was a hole in 1942. I assumed that you meant that Darwin had been bombed into a hole by 1942, which was wrong. Quite simply it is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about if you are talking about whether you consider Darwin a city or a hole when I was talking about it being bombed. Since you are talking about that you have missed my whole point. Look at my arguments again to see if you can get it, but going on your past record I very much doubt it.

“Hezbollah dont have bombers, and they gave plenty of warning of their rockets attacks to Israel.”

Hah! WTF are you talking about? Do you know that the rockets they launched have no guidance systems and therefore Hezbollah had no idea where they were going? Why do you think the majority of them fell in forests and cities where there are no military presence? And yes Hezbollah do have bombers, they are called suicide bombers which thankfully were not used in this war. BTW Israel’s rocket alert system give about 30sec warning, unlike the amount of time given by they Israelis which was much longer as I have said repeatedly.

“Can you provide evidence that pamphlets were used before Cluster bombing by Israel?”

Yes, have you not seen them on the news? Anyway here is the one that was used in the Gaza Strip/

http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Governmen...nian population in the Gaza Strip 28-Dec-2005

“CLuster bombs were not used in open areas - u tard. There are heaps of unexploded bombs still in Lebanon that are being cleared. They are all over place. Cluster bombs are not the most effective weapon in an URBAN environment!. It against the geneva convention to use them in such areas”

Cluster bombs were indeed used in open areas (when they were used) and I agree with you they are most effective in urban areas, but there use was limited and pamphlets were dropped in before. These bombs were used to stop the terrorists as quickly as possible with the minimization of civilian casualties. I notice another thing, you have not yet critized Hams or Hezbollah for firing on civilians, which is also against the Geneva Convention.


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
You said Darwin was a hole in 1942. I assumed that you meant that Darwin had been bombed into a hole by 1942, which was wrong. Quite simply it is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about if you are talking about whether you consider Darwin a city or a hole when I was talking about it being bombed. Since you are talking about that you have missed my whole point. Look at my arguments again to see if you can get it, but going on your past record I very much doubt it.
WHy do you assume things? Do I assume things when I post in here? I said Darwin is a hole, not bombed into a hole? If dont know what means - get out on the streets and ask them is Darwin a hole? they will say yes or no. They wont it was bombed into a hole or some crap like that.
Hah! WTF are you talking about? Do you know that the rockets they launched have no guidance systems and therefore Hezbollah had no idea where they were going? Why do you think the majority of them fell in forests and cities where there are no military presence?
So Hezbollah was such a thread with their unguided rockets that Israel needed to blow Lebanon as act to show they have superior technology was that the purpose of the war?
And yes Hezbollah do have bombers, they are called suicide bombers which thankfully were not used in this war. BTW Israel’s rocket alert system give about 30sec warning, unlike the amount of time given by they Israelis which was much longer as I have said repeatedly.
I have to be extra precise with you cos your so dumb. Hezbollah dont have planes that drop bombs!.

There is little point giving a warning and bombinh something else. Was there any warning given to the UN outpost that was bombed with un Officials still inside?
Yes, have you not seen them on the news? Anyway here is the one that was used in the Gaza Strip/
In Lebanon not Gaza Strip. That isn't evidence of pamphlet that was used in the Gaza Strip. That is evidence that the Israelis.. can write a pamphlet.
Cluster bombs were indeed used in open areas (when they were used) and I agree with you they are most effective in urban areas, but there use was limited and pamphlets were dropped in before. These bombs were used to stop the terrorists as quickly as possible with the minimization of civilian casualties. I notice another thing, you have not yet criticize Hams or Hezbollah for firing on civilians, which is also against the Geneva Convention.
Cluster bombs - quite clearly stated not used to be in areas where civilians are present. Quite frankly that means they are not the most efficient weapon to use to minimise civilian casualties.

Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organisations - there is no question about that. Israel on the other hand act no differently from a terrorist organisation and yet countries like America , Australia etc support their actions on killing innocent people rather than taking actions towards peace and being the superpower in the region taking more responsbility.

Why do you think Ehud Olmert is being kicked out of Parliament - only one reason his conduct of the war against Hebollah he didnt handle the war at all well - and it widely known that Israel lost it - by not achieving its goals.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“WHy do you assume things? Do I assume things when I post in here? I said Darwin is a hole, not bombed into a hole? If dont know what means - get out on the streets and ask them is Darwin a hole? they will say yes or no. They wont it was bombed into a hole or some crap like

You do realise that when I am talking about cities being bombed into the ground and you talk about Darwin being a hole (as in a crap city) in 1942 (for which you were wrong) that you are not in the right context. Why do you attempt to pick out the finer details of an example when it has become obvious that you have missed the point as I talked about in my last point. Thank you HotShot for proving my points yet again.

The point was for those who are following was that Israel gives a warning of up to 12 hours before it bombs and does it’s best to minimize civilians casualties while other countries in the past and in the present give no warning and target civilians, hence the example of Darwin being bombed.

“So Hezbollah was such a threat with their unguided rockets that Israel needed to blow Lebanon as act to show they have superior technology was that the purpose of the war?”

Of coarse they were such a threat, not only did they capture two soldiers, they launched missiles into cities (Haifa – I had a friend there that was in a bomb shelter for a full month, Svat and many others). Israel had to neutralize this threat, as I have said before what do you expect Israel to do, turn the other cheek? No country does this, not ever!

“I have to be extra precise with you cos your so dumb. Hezbollah dont have planes that drop bombs!

You said do Hezbollah have bombs? And I answered by saying yes they do, for example they were used against the U.S. killing some 240 U.S. Marines in Beirut. So before you call someone stupid take a good look at yourself. BTW bombs, rockets, missiles – what does it matter if anyone of those can kill?

“There is little point giving a warning and bombing something else. Was there any warning given to the UN outpost that was bombed with un Officials still inside?”

To the first line, WTF!!! When have Israel done this, they drop pamphlets in the target area telling people to get out and then they hit that target. You really must be an idiot if you think Israel would do that. As to the UN post, pamphlets were dropped in that area if they had gotten away like they were told to those men would still be alive. If they had done their original jobs the war would not have been started due to the non-existence of Hezbollah.

“In Lebanon not Gaza Strip. That isn't evidence of pamphlet that was used in the Gaza Strip. That is evidence that the Israelis.. can write a pamphlet.”

These pamphlets were used universally. I can not make you believe that they were used if you refuse to use your eyes. They clearly were used; it was reported on the new and in the newspapers. This is clear evidence to anyone with a brain so if you can’t accept that, then you clearly can’t accept the existence of reality.

“Cluster bombs - quite clearly stated not used to be in areas where civilians are present. Quite frankly that means they are not the most efficient weapon to use to minimise civilian casualties.”

I repeat what I say, clearly you have not read my argument. There use was limited and pamphlets were dropped in before. These bombs were used to stop the terrorists as quickly as possible with the minimization of civilian casualties. I notice another thing, you have not yet criticize Hams or Hezbollah for firing on civilians, which is also against the Geneva Convention.

“Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organisations - there is no question about that. Israel on the other hand act no differently from a terrorist organisation and yet countries like America , Australia etc support their actions on killing innocent people rather than taking actions towards peace and being the superpower in the region taking more responsbility.”

Israel acts no different from a terrorist organisation! WTF is wrong with you. A terrorist organisation is an organisation that uses terror and does not care about civilian casualties in order to press an ideology on a people. I see no evidence of that done in Israel. Yet I see exactly that being done by Hamas and Hezbollah. Both want to destroy Israel, both teach children from a young age to hate Israelis and Jews, both use human shields, both glorify the killing of civilians (I’m sorry did you just get ripped? lol).

“Why do you think Ehud Olmert is being kicked out of Parliament - only one reason his conduct of the war against Hebollah he didnt handle the war at all well - and it widely known that Israel lost it - by not achieving its goals.”

Olmert is not being kicked out of parliament, he has no intention of resigning, clearly once again you show your lack of intelligence with Israel and the world in general.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
The point was for those who are following was that Israel gives a warning of up to 12 hours before it bombs and does it’s best to minimize civilians casualties while other countries in the past and in the present give no warning and target civilians, hence the example of Darwin being bombed.
Can i have a sorce? Israel never drops pamphlets in palestine. They only used them in lebanon, as far as i've researched, i havent read anywhere that they've been decently used in palestine as you've been saying.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Can i have a sorce? Israel never drops pamphlets in palestine. They only used them in lebanon, as far as i've researched, i havent read anywhere that they've been decently used in palestine as you've been saying.
This is more proof that you do not actually read my arguements if you had bothered to read what I have wrote a few posts up you would have noticed this.

"Yes, have you not seen them on the news? Anyway here is the one that was used in the Gaza Strip"



Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
This is more proof that you do not actually read my arguements if you had bothered to read what I have wrote a few posts up you would have noticed this.

"Yes, have you not seen them on the news? Anyway here is the one that was used in the Gaza Strip"

DO you have any other source? rather than some biased Israeli government?

Please use quote tags, if you dont from your next post...

You keep saying the same thing over and over again.. which are just lies. If you prove to me that Israel dropped a phamplet in every street they bombed? Can you prove they gave 12 hours notice?

Can you prove to me that the terrorists were actually near the UN Outpost?

Try give some unbiased sources.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
DO you have any other source? rather than some biased Israeli government?

Please use quote tags, if you dont from your next post...

You keep saying the same thing over and over again.. which are just lies. If you prove to me that Israel dropped a phamplet in every street they bombed? Can you prove they gave 12 hours notice?

Can you prove to me that the terrorists were actually near the UN Outpost?

Try give some unbiased sources.

"which are just lies"

You keep talking about "PROVE IT". PROVE this PROVE that. Obviously this is impossible because I cannot take you to the exact events (even 'zionist magic' has not worked time travel, but I'm sure you could find an article to tell me I'm wrong;) ). So I could provide you with some secondary evidence but then you will just say its lies as I have quoted you doing.
So don't demand proof from others, how about you prove what you are saying first...but I get to tell you that every source you offer is false...fair's fair...


New Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:

That land doesnt belong to Israel anyway. Israel doesnt exist - it is not recognised by the Palestinians.
ur obviously an idiot...


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

michaelhazan said:
ur obviously an idiot...
look in the mirror and you'll see the real idiot ;) ;)


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
DO you have any other source? rather than some biased Israeli government?

Please use quote tags, if you dont from your next post...

You keep saying the same thing over and over again.. which are just lies. If you prove to me that Israel dropped a phamplet in every street they bombed? Can you prove they gave 12 hours notice?

Can you prove to me that the terrorists were actually near the UN Outpost?

Try give some unbiased sources.
While you and Maniella could not give a single source for any of your points and assumptions, a biased source from israeli military is reliable than ones made up by you and maniella.

What happen to your NON-EXISTING UN HQ attacked by israel? Can't keep up with your own lies? :rofl:

maniella said:
Can i have a sorce? Israel never drops pamphlets in palestine. They only used them in lebanon, as far as i've researched, i havent read anywhere that they've been decently used in palestine as you've been saying.
This comes from a person who said her sources are from academic journals, while contin ually failed to give any source whatsover to her accusations of Israel. Israel does not need to warn Palestinians of any imminent attacks, we do not see palestinians giving warnings to residents of Sderot before they rained the town with rockets.

Oh just one thing, 50 people are killed in just one or two weeks of violence between hamas and Fatah. I don't even know why i debated about these people who are more than happy to kill and blew up their own people. Go cry me a river.


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
While you and Maniella could not give a single source for any of your points and assumptions, a biased source from israeli military is reliable than ones made up by you and maniella.
So far I havent provided any sources. At least I dont use biased sources. how can a biased source be reliable? It can be reliable in not telling the truth lol. I dont make up sources.
What happen to your NON-EXISTING UN HQ attacked by israel? Can't keep up with your own lies? :rofl:
Big deal UN HQ - UN OUTPOST. At least I dont deny I made a mistake.

This comes from a person who said her sources are from academic journals, while contin ually failed to give any source whatsover to her accusations of Israel. Israel does not need to warn Palestinians of any imminent attacks, we do not see palestinians giving warnings to residents of Sderot before they rained the town with rockets.
I never said that Israel has to give warning. I was questioning if Israel did give warning as claimed by Atilla.

50 people are killed in just one or two weeks of violence between hamas and Fatah. I don't even know why i debated about these people who are more than happy to kill and blew up their own people. Go cry me a river.
Stay on topic Israel & Palestine... :)
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
While you and Maniella could not give a single source for any of your points and assumptions, a biased source from israeli military is reliable than ones made up by you and maniella.

What happen to your NON-EXISTING UN HQ attacked by israel? Can't keep up with your own lies? :rofl:

This comes from a person who said her sources are from academic journals, while contin ually failed to give any source whatsover to her accusations of Israel. Israel does not need to warn Palestinians of any imminent attacks, we do not see palestinians giving warnings to residents of Sderot before they rained the town with rockets.

Oh just one thing, 50 people are killed in just one or two weeks of violence between hamas and Fatah. I don't even know why i debated about these people who are more than happy to kill and blew up their own people. Go cry me a river.
Actually I do provide sources in some of my posts, I just ignore giving you sources on plain obvious facts, that are widely known and that do not need to be proved.
I also won’t comment on providing sources if I were you, because you hardly ever provide proper sources and when you do, 90% of them are off wikipedia.

Im too busy to argue with you now, since im in the middle of my final exams, but when im back, im gonna kick you big dirty ass big time.

And btw, if im making stuff up, why do you even bother replying to them?? You're the stupid one bothering yourself to reply to my "made up" posts, this just proves that your one retarded fag.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
DO you have any other source? rather than some biased Israeli government?

Please use quote tags, if you dont from your next post...

You keep saying the same thing over and over again.. which are just lies. If you prove to me that Israel dropped a phamplet in every street they bombed? Can you prove they gave 12 hours notice?

Can you prove to me that the terrorists were actually near the UN Outpost?

Try give some unbiased sources.
...LOL, stop making me laugh! You ask for a source, you got one. It's the Israeli government. If you don't accept it because it is Israeli tough, normal people do, the media does, our own government does, yet it is you who don't. Why don't you do some research and find another source if you're so keen.

"50 people are killed in just one or two weeks of violence between hamas and Fatah. I don't even know why i debated about these people who are more than happy to kill and blew up their own people. Go cry me a river."

"Stay on topic Israel & Palestine..."

Um, Fatah and Hamas are political parties in the Gaza Strip and West Bank (disputed not occupied territory), how is that not related to the current thread?
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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Actually I do provide sources in some of my posts, I just ignore giving you sources on plain obvious facts, that are widely known and that do not need to be proved.
I also won’t comment on providing sources if I were you, because you hardly ever provide proper sources and when you do, 90% of them are off wikipedia.
Wikipedia articles actually have its sources provided at the bottom of every article while you provided none. You always made big claims such as israel bombed and destroyed the whole village, israel killed the whole village while you cant name a single source or names of those villages.

Im too busy to argue with you now, since im in the middle of my final exams, but when im back, im gonna kick you big dirty ass big time
And btw, if im making stuff up, why do you even bother replying to them?? You're the stupid one bothering yourself to reply to my "made up" posts, this just proves that your one retarded fag.
because I love exposing your ignorance on Palestinian-israel issue. I heard your folks don't use tissue and use sands to wipe ass, you better mind your own dirty ass first before thinking about my bootylicious ass OK :D

Hotshot said:
I never said that Israel has to give warning. I was questioning if Israel did give warning as claimed by Atilla.

Stay on topic Israel & Palestine... :)
israel gave plenty of warnings to people living in southern Lebanon, warnings were provided by TV, Radio, leaflets, even hijacking Hezbollah TV signal. Even people living in Australia, USA and Europe heard Israeli warnings to lebanese citizens in southern lebanon during the war, we read it everyday on newspapers from the day the war started. We also read how many lebanese defied warnings and chosen to stay while many heeded the warnings and fled to christian areas and the north. We also read how the people who fled the south were attacked by Israel on their way to safety. Stop bullshit and useless arguments.

Hamas and fatah violence is very much the israeli-palestinian issue that is at the centre of middle east violence since the past two weeks. What else is there to talk about or did it embarass you too much seeing how Palestinian Fatah and Hamas race to kill as many palestinians as they can, obviously trying to over do israeli surgical strike of hamas terrorists while you portray them as a flock of innocent lambs here ?

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