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Israel attacks Lebanon (1 Viewer)


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
$hiftyIceQueen said:
look u i aint gonna start a debate about religion cause i know that islam is the one and only true religion howeva ur were the one goin on about wat rasist means .........so go get a life

islam hasnt been changed there is a god named Allah

now im goin to leave u to cry on ur own bout where ur gonna find ur nxt graph /dictionary meaning cause i dont hav time 4 u

is that understood
ok thats 4 u time see u next time...blah blah blah
If she still had a clitoris maybe she'd be a little more sensitive.

jks jks!
Jul 22, 2006
ihavenothing said:
1. Obviously you have never questioned your belief system that you did not choose but were told and made to believe from such a young age.

2. If it hasnt been changed then I don't think it can cope with the strain of the modern world.

3. I was created when my father's sperm was united with my mother's ovum, yes I can physically believe that because it can be investigated scientifically.

4. I don't care what happens after I die and I won't guess what will happen until then.:)

5. You have hijacked a debate about people (Lebanese, Palestinians) who don't necessarily follow the exact same beliefs into an ideology where they cast a blind eye towards reality. I support the Lebanese and Palestinian people but this religion crap with Hamas and Hezbollah has got too much.

PS. as for the spelling vowels are more ambiguous for Semitic languages (even Hebrew).
god help u

first off wen u die there is a thing called judgement day [not striaght after, as soon as u die ur either gonna b punished if u sinnd or praisd if u were good and accordin to ur actions u will eithr entr hell or heaven for eternity

now i know u dont want a essay on religion n i no i aint gonna do one jus for u so if u hav ny problems go chek the QURAN although i doubt u will

so in conclusion i aint gonna change ur opinion n u aint gonna change mine

good day nice meetin u


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
god help u

first off wen u die there is a thing called judgement day [not striaght after, as soon as u die ur either gonna b punished if u sinnd or praisd if u were good and accordin to ur actions u will eithr entr hell or heaven for eternity

now i know u dont want a essay on religion n i no i aint gonna do one jus for u so if u hav ny problems go chek the QURAN although i doubt u will

so in conclusion i aint gonna change ur opinion n u aint gonna change mine

good day nice meetin u
Sweeety he clearly isnt into religion therefore doesnt believe in judgement day which he has alreeady stated so why are u still going in about it!
Jul 22, 2006
ihavenothing said:
If she still had a clitoris maybe she'd be a little more sensitive.

jks jks!
after all that i gota go do my ancient assignment have good lives and dont 4get that the war isnt bout religion its about 3 countries

ps 4 ur info bout ^ we dont believe in that crap, even if sum people do


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
Yeh I'm sure you can read the Koran to find out how to wash an Angora sweater. I'm sure it has the answers to absolutely everything. I'm gay by the way just to rub it in more and I've been with a Muslim boy.
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
Sweeety he clearly isnt into religion therefore doesnt believe in judgement day which he has alreeady stated so why are u still going in about it!
its stressful trying to b nice

ok "SWEETY" i sed that i no that he dont care yet he startd
Jul 22, 2006
ihavenothing said:
Yeh I'm sure you can read the Koran to find out how to wash an Angora sweater. I'm sure it has the answers to absolutely everything. I'm gay by the way just to rub it in more and I've been with a Muslim boy.
i dont care if ur gay

+ i dont judge people on their sexuality


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
its stressful trying to b nice

ok "SWEETY" i sed that i no that he dont care yet he startd
chickibabe i thought you were leaving :) we will all miss your valuable comments

Bye mwa mwa mwa


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
$hiftyIceQueen said:
dont 4get that the war isnt bout religion its about 3 countries
Whoa, now she realises! Wake up and smell the coffee cos we weren't the ones who started to talk shit about Allah and all that bullshit.


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
+ this is got entertainment
what does that mean? if you were TRYING to write good i do inform you the 't' on the keyboard is no where near the 'o' or 'd'


Jan 9, 2006
Re: Israel vs Lebanon

jenzipoo said:
dont you dare accuse me of wishing death upon anyone!

Israel is the smallest country in the middle east...1/3 of the size of Tasmania....it is surrounded by 9 arab nations

When its own civilains are threatened especially its soldiers it will demand their release...nothing was done....well tough shit isnt it because how else will they ever get the soldiers back?

they will back down as soon as their soldiers are freed...its your own militants that are allowing this to continue!
honey get your facts right before you start announcing them to the world. Bahrain is actually smaller than Isreal... not that size is a criteria to justify actions.
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Nov 29, 2005
Re: Israel vs Lebanon

riot_girl88 said:
honey get your facts right before you start announcing them to the world. Lebanon is actually smaller than Isreal... not that size is a criteria to justify actions.

read in context

i wasnt comparing israel to lebanon please kindly read that i said compared to the 9 arab nations that surround it...which the majoirty of would love to see israel anhilated...

what does bahrain have to do with it??
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Jan 9, 2006
Re: Israel vs Lebanon

jenzipoo said:

read in context

i wasnt comparing israel to lebanon please kindly read that i said compared to the 9 arab nations that surround it...which the majoirty of would love to see israel anhilated...

what does bahrain have to do with it??[/quote]

i was merely correcting your statement about israel being the smallest country in the middle east when indeed it is bahrain... honey


Nov 29, 2005
Re: Israel vs Lebanon

riot_girl88 said:
jenzipoo said:

read in context

i wasnt comparing israel to lebanon please kindly read that i said compared to the 9 arab nations that surround it...which the majoirty of would love to see israel anhilated...

what does bahrain have to do with it??[/quote]

i was merely correcting your statement about israel being the smallest country in the middle east when indeed it is bahrain... honey
i do apolgise and recognise my mistake....honey


New Member
Sep 4, 2005
Bondi Junction
haha and so the great debate continues!i marvel at the stupidity of others who persist in retelling their rubbish...where for art thou shifty ice queen?is ur name a likening to urself?cos i just read that rubbish u wrote up earlier about how u disagree with israel killing people especially children...sweetie, have u seen wat ur fuked up friends in the middle east have been doing?blowing themselves up in public?shooting little children through car windows?kidnapping? YOU ARE SO FUKT!im generally a collected person but ur lack of education infuriates me, as for the rest of u morons reading this who disagree with me, GO AND LEARN THE FACTS - a notion overstated in this forum tho clearly a necessity


t3h sultan
Nov 10, 2004
jenzipoo said:
the captives israel currently hold are people that have activley tried to deny israel its right to existence and under criminial law within israel AND the world are rightfully allowed to be held prisoner...
BBC (2003) said:
There are also at least 530 "administrative detainees" in IDF custody, who are held without charge or trial for renewable six-month terms.

Administrative detention is a system revived from British Mandate times (before Israel was established in 1948) and has drawn harsh condemnation from human rights watchdogs who say it is illegal and arbitrarily applied.

All such detainees should be released immediately or charged with specific crimes and put on trial, rights groups say.
Source: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3130623.stm

B'TSELEM (2006) said:
According to figures provided by the IDF to Hamoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, the IDF is holding, as of 3 Jan., 2006, 741 Palestinians in Administrative Detention.
Source: http://www.btselem.org/English/Administrative_Detention/Statistics.asp

These are the people who both Hamas and Hezboallah are seeking the release of. People who are kept imprisoned without criminal charge.

jenzipoo said:
israel and her citizens have long been under attack by this group on their northern border and when two of its soldiers are kidnapped by them crossing the Blue Line which is outlined in UN Resolution 1559 then israel sees this as an act of war...also in this reolustion was the agreement by lebanon to totally disarm hezbollah...not done
True, but since this is a UN resolution, what right does it give Israel to skip any UN support/backing and dive into war? Infact, UN is calling for restraint and order in Lebanon to be shown by Israel because the attacks are _disproportionate_. If Israel fails to follow any authority by the UN, then why are you blaming Lebanon? Dont say "Oh, they didnt, why should we?" because that doesnt make you or Israel any better.

jenzipoo said:
hahahaha israel power hungry....a country that pledges peace with all its neiughbours and seeks nothign but stability within the region is power hungry! sorry to break it to you btu israel will never get power of the region which is dominated by arab dictator run countries (excluding a few such as lebanon which is 'democratically' elected) israel succeeds in many other ways such as priding itself in its IT industry as well as in the medical and farming fields
Afghanistan - Democratic
Armenia - Emerging democracy
Azerbaijan - Emerging democracy
Bahrain Semi-democarcy
Cyprus - Republic
Iran - Republic
Iraq- Democrary
Jordan- Constitutional Monarchy
Kazakhstan- Republic
Kuwait - Monarchy
Lebanon- Democratic
Oman- Monarchy
Pakistan- Democratic
Qatar- Monarchy
Saudi Arabia- Monarchy
Syria- Republic
Turkey- Republic
United Arab Emirates- Monarchy
Yemen- Parliamentary Republic

definition said:
Dictatorship, in contemporary usage, refers to absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state.
Only absolute monarchy's classify as dictators, and about 2 or 3 of them are. But anyhow, even if you count all monarchies then the number amounts to 5.

jenzipoo said:
they are aiming at airports etc because these are the ways in which a) hezbollah TERRORISTS can escape the country b) escape taking israel's soldiers with them c) get more weapons transported into lebanon by their funders syria and iran to fire at israeli CIVILIANS...it is rpeorted that about 100 hezbollah fighters have died and now with israels minor ground invasiont he majority of their bunkers will reveal this number to be higher as well as this their missile batteries will be destroyed!!
355 dead in Lebanon, mostly civilians.
19 soldiers and 15 civilians dead for Israel.

R.G said:
I think the death toll is far to large on both sides

$hiftyIceQueen said:
i aint gonna talk bout the suicide bombings cause u aint gonna understand it either way....
and its people like u that are close minded
Either way, in terms of Islam, you cannot justify suicide bombings however you may try. I understand the predicament which they may face but still, under Islam, it is not justifiable and thus is wrong under its rule.

jenzipoo said:
i can also tell you that the flyers warned people to head north as well as away from hezbolah known places!!
Oh, right. Go north, but we just fucked all the bridges up. G'luck, kaythx. Do you have any idea how many of the civilians dead were en-route to North Lebanon from the South and were killed on the way? I personally know people who were killed like that and no I am not Lebanese.

jenzipoo said:
and another thing im willing to put money on is as soon as israel is done (whic hopefully is soon) they will be the first to give the lebanese people aid!!! it is alreayd shown when an israeli soldier came back to israel with a lebanese woman that got caught in cross fire...she is currenlty being operated on in an ISRAELI hospital...israel did it for the palestinians and theyll do it for lebanon!!
That makes all better again right. I'll murder your family and just to make things the way they were again, I'll pay a few thousand to your relatives. Awesome. Because, you know, money = lives.

jenzipoo said:
if israel were to release the prisoners that hezbolah and hamas demand this is what will occur. These people will return back to their hamas and hezbollah counterparts and yes once again try and destory the soverignty of a state that has enough problems on its hand than dealing with MORE people that will yet again sacrifice themselves for the sole purpose of killing jews and israelis and disrputing the freedom that israel has storngly and longly sought after!! israel has had enough of its citiznes fearful to go to the movies, markets and pizza parlours..
Actually, I find that hard to believe when those prisoners' release which both groups are seeking are those who are kept without charge. When a government such as Israel keeping prisoners without charge, I doubt they would have to do anything with actively "destroying" the state of Istael .

jenzipoo said:

hezbollah is fighting in the name of allah! lebanon is just a country for them that cna easily be sacrificed for their greater cause...you might even say that hezbollah cares less about lebanon than israel! hezbollah, although, is just the messenger from syria and iran!! using anti semtic material and brainwashing people into hating a country that only wants peace!!

hezbollah is fighting a religious and ideological war whereby israel is defnding itself as a country...no one can claim this is an ideological war or religious war on israel's behalf considering the various types of religions that exist within the COUNTRY
jenzipoo said:
hizbullah literally means Party of God

with alternate names as Islamic Resistance Movement

no lebanon no palestinains just religion
Hezbollah[1] (Arabic: �*زب الله‎, meaning Party of God) is a Lebanese Shia Islamist group and political party, with a military arm and a civilian arm, founded in 1982 to fight the Israeli Defense Forces who occupied southern Lebanon until the year 2000 and are still occupying the disputed Shebaa Farms area in south Lebanon.

Along with the Amal movement, Hezbollah is the main political party and military organization representing the Shia community, Lebanon's largest religious bloc.[5] and it is a recognized political party in Lebanon, where it has participated in government.[6] The civilian wing participates in the Parliament of Lebanon, taking 18% of the seats (23 out of 128) and the bloc it forms with others, the Resistance and Development Bloc, 27.3% (see Lebanese general election, 2005). It is a minority partner in the current Cabinet.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah

Obviously they have a key interest in Lebanon and are not being "harboured" since it was founded on the very purpose of defending the Shebaa farms in Lebanon. It is not a trans-nation group such as Al-Qaeda, it was formed as a legitimate resistance movement investing a profound interest in Lebanon alone.

jenzipoo said:
the problem is that sum ppl misinterpet the Koran and for exmaple when using the word jihad and its meaning can then think its ok to excuse the bombing of people in its name...even though i am sitting here today defending israel and believe it needs "revenge" too i would never blow myself up for it (while taking innocent ppls lives) and thats what these organisations harbour...suicide bombing terrorists!!
Wow, it took you 32 pages to say something which has basis and truth. I agree that there are people out there who mistakenly interpret certain aspects of the Quran and make it there own. Suicide bombings are in no way or form justifiable under Islam, though one may see it as understandable. Killing innocent civilians, whatever your predicament, is plain wrong and is strictly forbidden in Islam. However, one must realise that the notion of "dying for liberty" is often universal. No matter how you try, you cannot deny the fact that in our history people have gone into "battles" (where there are no innocent civilians) knowing they will be giving up their life and this can be justified under any religion, even Buddhism, which is often thought to be a pacifistic religion. When taken in context, it can be see where suicide bombers go wrong. Fighting soldiers/oppressors instead of civilians would be a more appropiate idea.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
they ARE defending themselves, theyve been doin that for god knows how long [ u r so gonna tell me i can feel it] theyve been using tanks n vrythin hoeva when people do suicide bombings evry1 is like no thats WRONG
Read above.

jenzipoo said:
what is hezbollah defending? theyre not defending anythign...theyre attacking israel because they dont feel that israel shoudl exist and we can see where such idelogies source from...the very funding of hezbollah --> iran..whose president believes that "the zionist regime should we wiped off the face of the planet"
As state above, they are/were defending Lebanese land which is what brought them into existence.

jenzipoo said:
and your "sacred islamic state" of saudi arabia is in FULL support of ISRAEL
Which can be completely attributed to the influence of America.

davidcohen said:
yo shifty, no need to write a book on how smart you are.. listen up ay... its simple... israel is attacking some retarded terrorist group, because they started shit... they aint attacking islam. and HELLO EARTH CALLING BRAINS... syria and iran are terrorist countries, who if they dont behave there are two consequences, the first being they gonna be flattened like lebannon, and the second no children will get presents from santa claus because he has warned that bad behaviour has its consequences and these consequences are severe
lol, the world is so simple for you. Who told you Syria and Iran are terrorist countries? Prove it to me and I want sources too. Cheers.

R.G said:
R.G. Hearts davidcohen for his smart comments!
That better have been sarcastic. :eek:

ihavenothing said:
How can you trust the reliability of the Koran when it was written by people not God. Try and prove the existence of God.
Its cause of a thing called faith. If someone sees truth in the Quran then believe it , if not then dont. Simple. You cannot substancially prove the existence of God, the whole idea of religion is to believe without substantial proof - faith.

ihavenothing said:
Not everyone has to have a religion, but you are too narrow minded to see that in the Western World.
Oh so right. Each to their own.

Last of all, can we please get rid of the petty personal attacks, just makes all of you involved seem ultra superficial. Stay civilised. Cheers.


Nov 29, 2005
Sepulchres said:
True, but since this is a UN resolution, what right does it give Israel to skip any UN support/backing and dive into war? Infact, UN is calling for restraint and order in Lebanon to be shown by Israel because the attacks are _disproportionate_. If Israel fails to follow any authority by the UN, then why are you blaming Lebanon? Dont say "Oh, they didnt, why should we?" because that doesnt make you or Israel any better.

of course the UN will be calling for restraint...the UN has never backed a war! as no country or organisation alike should if it is not involved..there is no failure to authority by Israel to the UN...that would mean that a Resolution would have been ordered but it wasnt (and ye si know it was vetoed by israel's good old ally america)

Sepulchres said:
Afghanistan - Democratic
Armenia - Emerging democracy
Azerbaijan - Emerging democracy
Bahrain Semi-democarcy
Cyprus - Republic
Iran - Republic
Iraq- Democrary
Jordan- Constitutional Monarchy
Kazakhstan- Republic
Kuwait - Monarchy
Lebanon- Democratic
Oman- Monarchy
Pakistan- Democratic
Qatar- Monarchy
Saudi Arabia- Monarchy
Syria- Republic
Turkey- Republic
United Arab Emirates- Monarchy
Yemen- Parliamentary Republic
i appreciate your definition and i retract the word dictatorship form my explanaiton....but you cannot tell me that countries like iran and syria(and unfortunaty i cannot name more because i do not know enough about other countries and their governments) are democratically elected - according to the manner in which Western civilisation does so (ie people free to vote for whom they wish without fearing that they will be killed because of it)

Sepulchres said:
Either way, in terms of Islam, you cannot justify suicide bombings however you may try. I understand the predicament which they may face but still, under Islam, it is not justifiable and thus is wrong under its rule.
i in some way applaud your recngition of this however this is not what this forum is about

Sepulchres said:
That makes all better again right. I'll murder your family and just to make things the way they were again, I'll pay a few thousand to your relatives. Awesome. Because, you know, money = lives.
no i wasnt sayign that AT ALL. I wasnt justufying the death of innocent people by saying that its ok israel will 'pay' for their lives later...but in order to present israel in some form of moral light compared to other countries of war i said that


Sepulchres said:
Obviously they have a key interest in Lebanon and are not being "harboured" since it was founded on the very purpose of defending the Shebaa farms in Lebanon. It is not a trans-nation group such as Al-Qaeda, it was formed as a legitimate resistance movement investing a profound interest in Lebanon alone.
hezbollah was founded when israel first occupied lebanon in 1982...its sole purpose was to get rid of and fight off israeli soldiers as well as other western forces...do not get this confused with them trying to defern lebanon...they were trying to get rid of israeli and western forces! this is bred from hatred against these groups..

i do commend you however for your intellectual arguments and educating others, including myself, about different aspects and issues of this conflict..you have indeed restored the integirty that this argument once had

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