King Lear (1 Viewer)


Jul 10, 2002
Gonzalina, that was the exact wording of the question
That is one of the easier King Lear questions i have seen. Basically the correct way to go about it is (using techniques appropriate to the format and audience etc.) talk about one interpretation (eg. feminist), talk about how it adequately represents the 'major issues' (eg. basis of power), at this stage you could introduce critics views to support your arguement. Then talk about how it could be produced in a scene, (eg. portraying Regan + Goneril + Cordelia as victims of the mad, oppressive patriarch through using techniques associated to your chosen medium of production i.e. stage production). I don't think the question requires you to talk about existing productions, but you could talk about one/some (e.g. 'A Thousand Acres' if you were using a feminist readng) to justify that it is possible to produce this reading, and "this is how so and so did it"

So basically thats a pretty straight forward question.. I've answered ones about "supporting feminist criticism of the play" in which you talk about productions and critics views, and not so much readings.

And as BlackJack noted about Peter Brook's production being not one specific interpretation, i find that this is the case of most (if not all) Lear productions - they do not represent only one interpretations but rather are an amalgamation of several ones. I think in that respect it makes it easier for an exam, because if you wanted to justify an Aristotelian reading, you could select elements from Brooks film, whilst if you wanted to justify your Absurd reading you could also talk about Brook's production i.e. you can use one production to validate more than one reading.. quite handy really cause then you dont need to learn lots and lots of productions..


Aug 13, 2002
Sydney! makes sense now that i've gone over and reread it! maybe cause i've now done most of my lear study! was really proud of myself fact, i think my lear notes will be my best for in in the HSC...havent finished them yet though...still have to write about most productions and structualist, poststructualist, and marxist reading...urgh....

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