maple_leaf_matt said:
It's hardly behind your back if its on a public forum which you moderate, you seemed happy enough to take part in similar endeavours against tha-ish in the previously closed thread. Let's keep on track here. And if it was a formal complaint, it would be kept private. However, as complaints on these forums are seldom formal, I thought it would best fit the style of BOS to follow suit.
Lets get things straight. I posted a line:
AsyLum said:
People like this are allowed to do law and they reject me?! GG
Notice the

? Notice the GG (good game) ? Notice the overwhelming sarcasm? Obviously not. You obviously didn't get the non-seriousness of the other posts with regards to the topic at hand.
Formal complaints can be forwarded quite easily to a moderator, a super-moderator or an admin. They come quite often, and one of the reasons moderators exist.
Your attack against me seemed to signal that I was the anti-christ and had this innate need to justify me not getting into law. From what? Two posts? How many posts have I made? Just a shy of 10,500. The burden of proof, as known by those who have been here longer than you, is that I was joking when I posted my original response.
Your second criticism is that I went after tha-ish. Lets see, he became abusive first, started assaulting other members and then told us how he had some sort of experience in a law firm to justify his actions. Let me tell you now, when someone posts up a thread like that, which appears to be nothing more than 'sponging' then as a moderator, you get defensive. I have outlined my reasons previously, but here it is for an official time:
- The thread was inciting unnecessary attacks.
- It served no purpose, with an incredibly vague first post.
- Abuses the very people who are interested in helping him.
Again, you appear to be taking some sort of moral high ground on this, claiming that I have no right to do so, then find it necessary to enlighten the rest of the forum of my 'illegitimate' actions. You then proceed to assassinate my character freely and maliciously.
AsyLum said:
a) You work part-time in a law firm? Doing what? Filing you idiot ? Perhaps you do a little typing? Or some receptionist work ? Fuck off with the experience shit. I probably have more experience than you working in actual legal situations and that was back in year 10-12.
b) Don't you dare insult people on here about not helping you after you blatantly asked for them to just post shit up. Fuck you buddy. As you said, it is an informal forum, not you're fucking easy ticket out. You got into law, then do the fucking work. Otherwise get the fuck out of my forum.
Have a nice day.
Please tell me where in that I assaulted his character? I worked off the evidence shown in the thread, he was vauge, abusive, and lacked the grammar to carry such a conversation across.
You believe you have a case, please don't hesitate to contact Minai. Otherwise, you can take your pretentious case and shove it. I've had enough of you lot who think that have 40 odd posts gives you the right to judge me based upon 2 posts.
Have a good day.