Active Member
Hey everyones. 
This is an issue I'm experiencing at the moment, I know these people fairly well so I don't really want to be an arsehole and throw a whole heap of legislation/case law in their faces. I guess I am asking for advice without having to do so? The issue is as follows:
1) I am a student of a sporting club.
2) I was personally asked by a Friend (M), who is also a member of the club, if I wanted anything bought back overseas. I said yes, and asked her to bring back $50 AUD worth of items. All this is done via email communication, I still have records of it.
3) The School (club, whateva), also asked her to bring back a whole heap of items so they could sell it for a profit in future.
4) Friend came back to Australia, handed me the items.
5) School confronts me (and a few other of my friends) and tells me that all items are now property of the school. If I intend to purcahse these items, i would have to buy it off the school at the price the school sets. (Jacked up by a lot, duh).
Like, wtf? I told the person off. (who was stupidly, acting for the school), and told him that my initial email was the valid document. It was agreed that the price was $50 AUD for all items I ordered and that taking the items away from me and claiming it to be school property, selling it off to me again for a jacked up price was wrong.
Now I know the person personally, and don't really want to act like a dickhead in front of him, because he is only acting on the school's behalf, but what can I do my learned friends? Do I really have to call the p[olice up for such a stupid matter?
Thanks. peoples.
This is an issue I'm experiencing at the moment, I know these people fairly well so I don't really want to be an arsehole and throw a whole heap of legislation/case law in their faces. I guess I am asking for advice without having to do so? The issue is as follows:
1) I am a student of a sporting club.
2) I was personally asked by a Friend (M), who is also a member of the club, if I wanted anything bought back overseas. I said yes, and asked her to bring back $50 AUD worth of items. All this is done via email communication, I still have records of it.
3) The School (club, whateva), also asked her to bring back a whole heap of items so they could sell it for a profit in future.
4) Friend came back to Australia, handed me the items.
5) School confronts me (and a few other of my friends) and tells me that all items are now property of the school. If I intend to purcahse these items, i would have to buy it off the school at the price the school sets. (Jacked up by a lot, duh).
Like, wtf? I told the person off. (who was stupidly, acting for the school), and told him that my initial email was the valid document. It was agreed that the price was $50 AUD for all items I ordered and that taking the items away from me and claiming it to be school property, selling it off to me again for a jacked up price was wrong.
Now I know the person personally, and don't really want to act like a dickhead in front of him, because he is only acting on the school's behalf, but what can I do my learned friends? Do I really have to call the p[olice up for such a stupid matter?
Thanks. peoples.