grk styl --> poetry is a maximum of 5000
ie you dont need to fill this up...using that as your maximum allowance, write whatever you feel makes a complete composition
its good that you are starting now...i also wish ihad a head start. just make sure you date everything from starting when you should have lol =) also, get a copy of the syllabyse and start noting down how you fit into it....coz my teacher's been an absolute bitch regarding that. its hard for "poets" to fit into the structure of the syllabyse and its expectations...i know its hard for me anyway...
jennay i cant believe that you're just doing you viva now! im so glad i got mine over week 4 last term...i was pretty freaked bout it lol
also perla
"Id wait till a lot closer to the due date if you were going to put anything because you never know who could come along and snake your idea. If you leave it closer to the deadline it would be less likely someone is going to steal some of your ideas."
i completely agree with not posting my offence to everyone out there... gotta remember that its all relative...i mean about marks...i mean... our top marks have been like...12.5/15, 16/20 and they all fall away quite quickly after just forgetting about it...coz whatever the scaling you still stay the same rank... and thats all that matters. we'll still get the average of the two marks to get the final mark...and like for me...i cant do anything more than i am to make my poetry i dunno. i reckon its best forgetting bout all that scary scaling stuff and leave room for other stuff....which in my case is generally stress about the scaling of other subjects hahah
ah im *so* tired and rambling lol i cant believe this ive been sleeping all week.
is anyone else getting *really* stressed out? in hairs is much more thin than it used to be (im going bald lol) nah im just being melodramatic...but still! girls arent sposed to loose hair like guys are they?! lol
how are everyone's hsc timetables (how spooooky!)