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Merlin... again (1 Viewer)


Oct 12, 2003
ahh k...

the only question i ask you now katie... just one question...

i asked it in my 3rd last post...

I knw you dont feel responsible for what happenned, but you said you felt terrible that it did happen. You can admit that if we had not done this to aborigines we would not have an australia... (the english wouldnt have colonised australia) so do you not feel some, JUST some, obligation to give back some of what you have received as a result? not even money just a feeling of cooperation to solve an inherent problem? just an smidgeon of sadness over the division it has caused... just a little sorry for their current plight... a result of current mismanagement?

i dont ask you to be sorry for the deaths and the children stolen from their parents... i just ask for a small feeling of obligation to help cure a different cancer... a cancer of thoughts, a result of the spiralling effects of past racism.

Apologise... not to give credence to a responsibility to death, but to show them that we understand our past mistakes, and endeavour not to make them again.


I have stated before that I totally disagree with what happened, and that for those effected, I offer my condolences...But I am not sorry, I am not sorry because Australia has become a great country...Even if we have some history we'd like to erase.
I dont feel as though I need to say sorry if I recognised that they have been wronged. I feel that instead of treating them as though they are still victims, we should point out that we are one whole nation, and we should concentrate on the problems they face now.
Perhaps money would be a good thing...or would it? Do we hand them the money and trust they do the right thing with it...or do we hand the money to a group or government who then decides how to delegate the funds?

I understand the past mistakes, not ours because they are not ours, but theirs (their as in the people who did it), and i dont condone them...I just think saying sorry is rather pointless. If we put as much energy into doing something productive as we do arguing this, the problems would be half resolved.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
katie_tully said:
If you think saying sorry is so damn important, then the next indigenous person you see, go up to them and apologise. And the next after that. And the next after that.
Do not say John Howard has to say sorry on behalf of the Australian people, BECAUSE NOT ALL AUSTRALIANS AGREE. That's going against democracy and freedom of speech if our government is forced into speaking on behalf of a nation, when a lot of people disagree.

If you think saying sorry is so important, than by all means say sorry. Don't criticise others because of their standpoint.

Also; If you think grammar is so important, you're in the wrong place. Dont detract from the argument.
I also refered to "whites", funny how nobody seems to get offended when Europeans are refered to as "whites", but blacks seems to be the naughty word of the week.
KATIE: You think you love me! Will you marry me? Your an absolute legend!!!

I'm gonna instigate a group. COTCH (Coalition Of The Cock Heads). This group is for anyone who remotely admires or likes Merlin. If you do like Merlin, I urge you to join! WE WANT YOU!!! Oh, sorry to all those America haters.

Because I'm so a Liberal, when I go to Scotland next holidays I will personally apologise to every Scotish person for the murder of their people by the English (from which I'm decended). I'm then going over to the Pacific so I can apologise to the "kanaks" for the kidnapping of their people by the British(from which I'm decended). I'll then go to Africa to apologise to every African who was in any way hurt by the colonisation of their countries by the French, British, Germans, Italians and the Spanish. I'm also going to go to South East Asia to apologise to the Indochinese for the occupation of their country by the French-which of course I'm directly responsible for. Also, the Mexicans, Native Americans, South Americans, Chinese, Asians, Pakistanis and the Indians all deserve a huge apology for anything thats happened in their past that they might dislike-as of course, I'm directly responsible for.

HOMO: Katie put it nicely when saying we would vote if we could-you tool.

JILLIAN: What happened was misfortunate, yes, but in no way does it amount to what has happened to other countries in the past. IN NO WAY. As I said before, the Holocaust was huge, Rwanda was huge and Sudan IS huge-these where all defining moments in the world, the misplacement of a few Aboriginals seems to pale in comparison. Do you agree? No, of course you don't. I also take offence at your comment :p. And remember, what goes on here, stays on here.

Now, for the member of COTCH who defined "Democracy"-I think it was you homo.
Apology-An explanation that no offence was intended.
"The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary"
I'm here to tell you people what happened was intended, hence, NO APLOGY. The defence rests its case.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
VANBASTEN: Mate, your a classic. I want to hear what you have to say!!!

KATIE: I still wanna marry you.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
Can we go to the Vietnam, so we can say sorry to the Indochinese for Capitalism-PLEASE!!!


Anything for you :D

And then can we spend a week in Alaska apologising to the innuits for years of being called Eskimos?


Oct 12, 2003
I've never seen so much said, with so little meant.

But now to focus in on some of those obviously sarcastic yet oddly true comments...

thorrnydevil said:
I'm gonna instigate a group. COTCH (Coalition Of The Cock Heads). This group is for anyone who remotely admires or likes Merlin. If you do like Merlin, I urge you to join! WE WANT YOU!!! Oh, sorry to all those America haters.
One doesnt INSTIGATE a group that doesnt already exist... dont use big words you dont/cant understand.

thorrnydevil said:
Because I'm so a Liberal, when I go to Scotland next holidays I will personally apologise to every Scotish person for the murder of their people by the English (from which I'm decended). I'm then going over to the Pacific so I can apologise to the "kanaks" for the kidnapping of their people by the British(from which I'm decended). I'll then go to Africa to apologise to every African who was in any way hurt by the colonisation of their countries by the French, British, Germans, Italians and the Spanish. I'm also going to go to South East Asia to apologise to the Indochinese for the occupation of their country by the French-which of course I'm directly responsible for. Also, the Mexicans, Native Americans, South Americans, Chinese, Asians, Pakistanis and the Indians all deserve a huge apology for anything thats happened in their past that they might dislike-as of course, I'm directly responsible for.
Once again, as i have explained 3 times before (but you obviously didnt read anything of mine, suggesting that you cant keep concentration to read anything longer than 10 lines). Someone travelling Australia (or the world, as you stupidly suggested) apologising for the crimes committed against them, is pointless, and NO ONE IS SUGGESTING THAT. NO ONE... NO ONE... UNDERSTAND THE TERM "NO ONE".

Apologising expresses a feeling of good-will and a spirit of cooperation, with which we can develop REAL, EFFECTIVE solutions to solve the problems. It is symbolic.

and as for "huge apology for anything thats happened in their past that they might dislike"... as we see later on, you criticise us for belittling the effects of the crises in Germany during WW2, Rwanda and Sudan, AND THEN, you compare "that they might dislike" to the mistreatment, dislocation, murder of thousands of aborigines through a couple of hundred years. Such stupidity and such contradiction.

thorrnydevil said:
HOMO: Katie put it nicely when saying we would vote if we could-you tool.
Thats immaterial. What homo said was exactly right. The Australian government, ITSELF, gives more rights for Merlin to vote, than it gives you. The Australian government, ITSELF, through its OWN laws, values the opinion of Merlin MORE than you. Merlin CAN become a citizen and vote, faster than you can turn 18. He COULD vote in the next election (i wouldnt be surprised if he does) whereas you CANNOT. Don't feel bad, just accept your position as having LESS outcome on Australia then Merlin does, THEREBY allowing him to do what he did, moreso than you would.

thorrnydevil said:
JILLIAN: What happened was misfortunate, yes, but in no way does it amount to what has happened to other countries in the past. IN NO WAY. As I said before, the Holocaust was huge, Rwanda was huge and Sudan IS huge-these where all defining moments in the world, the misplacement of a few Aboriginals seems to pale in comparison. Do you agree? No, of course you don't. I also take offence at your comment :p. And remember, what goes on here, stays on here.
There's that beautiful contradiction of yours. First you say (albeit sarcasticly) that you want to apologise in the same way to the aborigines as you do Pakistanis, and others. THEN you start to rate levels of treatment.

Sure the larger, worse, and more terrifying events must be given more immediate weighting in terms of actions taken to rectify, BUT that doesnt mean we can ignore the "smaller" problems in the mean time...

thorrnydevil said:
Now, for the member of COTCH who defined "Democracy"-I think it was you homo.
Apology-An explanation that no offence was intended.
"The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary"
I'm here to tell you people what happened was intended, hence, NO APLOGY. The defence rests its case.
No offence was intended. Or so the story goes. But taken at its best level for the Australian government, they believed that by taking the children away from their parents they were doing a service for them. SO, in fact, no offence was intended at the time. The apology that we would make would attempt to rectify the mistake we made. Showing the aboriginal people that we want to help them.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
good thing katie is making a stand by not providing a cent to the sorry cause. as we all know, much money needs to be raised in order for someone to apologise, so well done katie, you are definitely stopping the movement by making sure they end up a few dollars short of what is needed

and i'm so glad katie and thorny feel so strongly on this issue even though they can't vote. they have shown us that all opinions can make a difference, even if they can't really

"I'm here to tell you people what happened was intended, hence, NO APLOGY. The defence rests its case." i'm here to tell you that you're an idiot. seriously, do you even understand english properly? because you quoted the definition of apology just two lines above. "Apology-An explanation that no offence was intended." notice the part in bold? it's the part that tells me you were dropped many times as a baby


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
Dropped on my head as a baby? Haha, you dick head. Haven't hurt that one before-I feel really hurt, HOMO.

Apology-An explanation that NO OFFENCE was intended.
You accuse me of not being able to read English properly. The offence which occured WAS intended you tool. Before you go rambling on, read the quote "properly".

Katie: I'd love to go to Alaska, but I also want to apologise to the White Nosed Rhinocerous for the hunting of its kind-Pretty please sweet heart???


Oct 12, 2003
Seeing as we're are not reading the threads above that disprove what we are saying i thought i would discuss my beliefs without ever being wrong. The world is flat, because we cant see whats underneath, therefore true.

I love how you call him HOMO, like its an insult. how can you live under such torment and persecution homo...

I thought, since we are also using dictionaries now... i would find my own little definition that will exactly suit me and, WHEN taken out of context, will show me to be a genius, a leader amongst men. Oh wait... this one is true... and isnt out of context.

Apology - An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. (dictionary.com)

Katie expressed regret, yet doesnt want to apologise.. hmm

Hey homo, wanna start our own little narrative that shows how stupid and small minded we are? "HEY, lets go to saudi arabia and kill more arabs, HAHAH YEH, that would be great, LETS GET MARRIED... HAHAHAHA HOW FUNNY AM I"


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
thorrnydevil said:
Haven't hurt that one before-I feel really hurt, HOMO.
freudian slip?
thorrnydevil said:
Apology-An explanation that NO OFFENCE was intended.
You accuse me of not being able to read English properly. The offence which occured WAS intended you tool. Before you go rambling on, read the quote "properly".
i'm so glad you aren't able to vote. you can't even understand your own argument. so you think the australian government back then intended to hurt children by taking them from their families? that was the intention, was it?


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
crazyhomo said:
freudian slip?

i'm so glad you aren't able to vote. you can't even understand your own argument. so you think the australian government back then intended to hurt children by taking them from their families? that was the intention, was it?
Actually, the intention of the Australian Government was assimilate the aboriginal children into white society. Their intention wasn't to hurt the aboriginal children, they genuinely wanted to help them get a better future. In many Aboriginal tribes, if the parent disliked a child they would get a rock and whack them over the head till they died-hmmm...thats reallly humane isn't it homo. OK-the long term effects were bad, but the short term effects, such as death, where minimalised.

Egg 666: I think the OXFORD DICTIONARY would be a more reliable source than "dictionary.com"


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
thorrnydevil said:
Actually, the intention of the Australian Government was assimilate the aboriginal children into white society. Their intention wasn't to hurt the aboriginal children, they genuinely wanted to help them get a better future. In many Aboriginal tribes, if the parent disliked a child they would get a rock and whack them over the head till they died-hmmm...thats reallly humane isn't it homo. OK-the long term effects were bad, but the short term effects, such as death, where minimalised.
so, now you are saying that not offence was intended? because they were trying to help the children?


Oct 12, 2003
thorrnydevil said:
Actually, the intention of the Australian Government was assimilate the aboriginal children into white society. Their intention wasn't to hurt the aboriginal children, they genuinely wanted to help them get a better future. In many Aboriginal tribes, if the parent disliked a child they would get a rock and whack them over the head till they died-hmmm...thats reallly humane isn't it homo. OK-the long term effects were bad, but the short term effects, such as death, where minimalised.
HAHAHAHAHAHA... hit them with a stone.

If you believe that, there is seriously no point in arguing... thats outright stupidity.

Go to redfern, matter of fact, GO ANYWHERE, and try and say that... You are a moron. The aborigines, if one was found to have been cheating on his wife, would break the guys arm.... not very humane sure, but it wasnt for no reason. IT WAS FOR A CRIME (that is oddly not recognised under western law) which actually make them MORE moral. NOBODY STONED A KID TO DEATH BECAUSE THEY DIDNT LIKE THEM.

That happens more in Western society, when mothers go through post-natal depression. and that last sentence... jesus thats just crazy... you cant argue against a person who believes that. its like saying thk gd we took out saddam cos he killed half his popn every day and raped the other half.

Aborigines are a group more cultured than Australians.

thorrnydevil said:
Egg 666: I think the OXFORD DICTIONARY would be a more reliable source than "dictionary.com"
It doesnt matter, Both defintions prove you wrong... but just wanted to bring in another one...

Answer Homo's questions
Last edited:


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
Firstly, what was homos questions? I get bored of his posts so I don't read it all-the same with you egg.

Secondly, a close friend of my families was a cop in the Northern Territory. He tells us first hand stories of kids being bludgeoned to death. First hand source here. Its not outright stupidity you tool-its pure fact.

Just deal with the fact your wrong-you should already be very accustomed to the feeling.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
thorrnydevil said:
Firstly, what was homos questions? I get bored of his posts so I don't read it all-the same with you egg.
i guess that explains why you haven't been responded to me at all...or maybe you are agreeing that no offence was intended?


Thorny, I'll do anything for you my little turtle, so long as we can go say sorry to the fur seal colonies for wearing and eating their babies.
Crazy dickhead, thanks for the bad rep over caps dude. I hope you slept well after getting that off your chest big boy, give yourself a gold star for me hey dude?

Now, as for this saying sorry shit.
So far you've been arguing over the definition of an apology...And I just cannot comprehend how you can try and refute the definition of a word? Apologising is asking for pardon, or admitting to a fault or offense...
Sigh. Such confusion.
Now, let me see. Seeing as how the firslt fleet didnt come until 1788...And...um, seeing as how that's like..over 200 years ago, ADMITTING to a FAULT would be ADMITTING to MURDER. I'm pretty fucking sure, as being born in 1987, that I didn't kill these dudes.
But let's take another look at this shall we? England was an advanced, exploring race. They had a pretty big empire, and although Theran, Egyptian and Roman civilisations had sewrage systems back when dinosours were still rotting in the deserts, poms were still pissing out their windows into the streets in the 1800s. But we'll let that slide, coz in all honesty, they did effectively manage to own a few asses along the way, including the aboriginies.
Now, Egg, I cant remember every stating that I regret the aboriginies got owned...coz dude, I dont. If they didnt, we wouldnt have Australia.
So, it's safe for me to say, as I wasnt around I could not have committed the offense, therefore I dont apologise. Comprende?
Now, this stolen generation hoo rah. Were any of you in government from 1883-1969?...Neh.
Seeing as how Federation did not happen until 1901, it's Britain who should be assuming responsibilty from 1883-1901.
We'll do a case study ok?
Little Johny has been living in his London pad since he was a lad. The only urchins he sees are the whores on the street and the oliver twists singing annoying tunes on the corner for a bread crust.
Then, he gets sent to Australia, and sees dudes living under trees and catching their food with a stick...Naturally, this would either amuse you or freak you out...In this case it did the latter. We dont need these savages he said, so they went out to take the children and breed them into civilised kiddos. Now...you cant blame a dude for trying? I mean, England really wasnt the brightest crayon in the European box. They honestly thought they were doing the right thing by taking these kids.
Should the people who stole the kids apologise? yes. why? because they are at fault. Should I, or anybody I know agree to saying sorry? no? because we are not at fault.
you cannot take the word apologise and mould it to fit this situation. you cant forget that it means to ask for pardon for an offense...and it's pretty stupid generally to admit to doing something you didnt do.
we can offer condolences, sympathy or a gold sticker.

now, you people saying we cant compare this to other events is bullshit. a shitload of aboriginies were killed. hitler killed a few million, coz he was a git. pol pot should have been eaten by a rabid panda, stalin should have learnt to channel his energies into something like tennis and you should all pull your head out of you tree hugging, fern gully arses.

now ... this redfern/dubbo/entire central west caper. i cannot justify saying sorry somebody who claims to be an aboriginie, when they have blonde hair and blue eyes. this would make them, shock horror, of european decent also...so do they aplogise to themselves?
i honestly have not met an aboriginie who could give a shit about their ancestry, so long as it keeps getting them government hand outs..
oh hey crazy dickhead, they live in poverty...I forgot! So next time I take a drive through West Dubbo, and see some aboriginal dudes ripping up their floor boards to have a bon fire in the front yard of their government funded housing ill feel sorry for them, and stuff. that or i'll throw them a gold coin and tell them to get a job?
and next time I look at the scar on my friends face, i'll tell her to show mercy, because somewhere 30 years ago, aboriginies faced injustice, so it's an excuse for these 17 year old little pricks to do whatever the hell they want, coz apparently we owe them?
next time a white kid steals something, we'll kick his juvenile delinquent ass ... but if it's an aboriginal kid, we'll let him go, so that he doesnt run and land on a fence like a fucking idiot. hey, dipshit, fence, dodge it dickhead.
the cops that got hospitalised during the riots should smile and nod and say 'hell yeah man, i so deserved a kick in the balls and a punch in the face, because theyre aboriginal and they have a right to be angry dude'
next time my mum has to treat a drug crazed or alcoholic white dude in hospital, she should kick his ass and overdose him on morphine for being a moronic little git, but if it's an aboriginal, she should kick her own ass because europeans brought drugs into this country.
next time docs decides to take a kid from its mum, coz shes a herion injecting whore they should give the kid back, coz thinking you're doing the right thing, when it really isn't, is pretty fucking stupid, and in 30 years time people will be apologising for their mistakes.
and that white kid who's depressed and suicidal should just shut up, or go play infront of a train, coz he has nothing to be depressed about dude. but the aboriginal kid does, because like, 200 years ago some aboriginals were murdered, and nobody gives aboriginal kids a chance these days. we'll just forget the countless initiatives and incentives for aboriginal kids...

HEY here's an idea, stop acting like fucking victims for once in your life, and go get a job. the rest of us can, and it's not like, because im white im SOOO much better off than you ... coz i bet if i went and fucked myself up on a fence, nobody would hold a riot in 3 towns for me man...


Oh and keyboard warriors, while we're at it...
As for this COTCH, he actually can instigate it dude...
As we have found candidates for the party, we can instigate, foment, incite. All of which mean to "urge on". So, really, Thorny is "urging" you all to unite under one name. So that way when you tie yourself to an aboriginie or an illegal immigrant, we can refer to you guys as a proper party...wait, Thorny...Isn't COTCH just another name for the Greenies? Meh.


Oct 12, 2003
I'll get to the rest of that stupid post (that ignores everything that has been written before) later, dun wanna waste my lunch break on it... but this last bit i couldnt resist...

katie_tully said:
coz i bet if i went and fucked myself up on a fence, nobody would hold a riot in 3 towns for me man...
I wonder why?

Think about it...

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