I don't think it ever gets hugely practical-practical (unless you're in the musical society, or drama society), although in its defence one drama course (ECHL111 - Elements of Drama) is a first-year with no prerequisites. None of the people in my year did it so I don't know what assessments are like, however knowing that MQ likes to reserve 'prac-based' subjects for second year and load a ridiculous bunch of wide-ranging theory (that has almost zero correlation, yes engl120 and phil131 I'm talking to you) on you in the first year, it's likely to be theory-based. If you want anything more than pure theory or semi-theory (ie major practical assessment performed in front of class), you should look at UNSW (although as they're affiliated with NIDA, competition for places and general standard of work there will be sky-high).
* All second-year drama units require 12cp minimum so if you're doing a Certificate by part-time it might take a while to get there... ECHL311 (Performance: Theory and Practice) requires 40cp inc ECHL311 or CUL203. The third-year unit is most likely to have more prac material than ECHL111 or ECHL211, so if you're looking for more than theory working towards that is a good way to go.
From what I know (have many bca drama friends), drama at mac is about as beginner-friendly as it is anywhere else (ie not :/). Whatever the main drama unit in second year is has been described as "pretty easy but ridiculously wanky, even more so if you're experienced enough to recognise it as such" by most of my friends. Can't comment much on tutors as I'm not a drama student myself, but candidature-wise scaling could be an issue for beginners (as are any bca core subjects really, IMO - but that could be my bca pride speaking lol) - it's a core BCA drama unit, most of the people I know from there have been studying drama for years, are pre-pro actors, help teach at Sydney Theatre Company, are willing to do their performance assessments naked (I'm not kidding!!!!) or happen to be Courtney the Fluro Pink Girl

'nuff said!
In terms of regular drama (musical society, drama society) some of the people can be nice, but like most theatre-based things (and particularly YOUTH based theatre things) cliques of varying talent (normally pretty decent/pretty good though) rule supreme. Again, that speaks for itself.