12 was the "The system is tested by running it for 24 hours under closely controlled conditions.". 13 was the flow chart question.
@Timinator: Sorry im not trying to attack your answers haha we have mostly the same answers which is a good sign

i'll discuss the discrepancies we have and justify my answers, if you like you can do the same - it would be good to have a 100% correct list:
10. I have NFI could be anything and you may be right, i think it was a stupid question that would fit more in a CSSA trial =P. The girl ranked second in our class managed to justify B pretty well, we both thought that a team leader is probably not going to be involved in actually making anything and she thought that because of that it was a schedule.
11. Desk check it. The If statements in A are nested (is that correct term here?) so A would not work properly as if the temperature is above 50 it will not check if its greater than 100.
13. As i said im not exactly sure but you thought it was D and imho if you are merging two seperate files they should each be inputs into one procedure which merges them - not two seperate procedures. My only concern with this question is its not exactly easy to sort a magnetic tape rofl, but it did specify sorting each file and then merged into a direct access so that rules out A and B and from what i explained above D too.