We are all but structured conglomerations of tiny vibrating strands of energy, we pass each moment of time by a set amount of string interactions which only ever increase the entropy in the universe, all that we are is just a bunch of strings, isolated out partially from the other strings in this universe. For this great bunch of strings, is it really necessary to proclaim a lord as the creator of them? We are feeble minded humans who cannot hope to comprehend the greatest underlying truth to the creation of matter. But for all the evidence we do have, we can rest assured that our derivation is of mathematical origin. The rest we may leave to an advanced species
I don't get this analogy
Not trying to sound mean or anything, but I don't understand what you're trying to say? My understanding of what you said is that we're humans, and over time, we interact with a greater audience of people. Then you say... we're humans, therefore we will never understand the origin of our creation, but take solace in knowing that there is a being greater than us?
If we don't understand the origin of our creation, how do we know there's an "advanced species", or in other words, a God?
Just because we don't understand our creation now, doesn't mean we wont be able to in the future. There's been so many technological advances in such a short period of time, who knows, we may find the origin of the universe sooner than we think.
I don't think it's right to assume there is a greater being that created all of this just because we can't explain or understand things yet.