Ah. I wish I had my Apple IIc now.
Because it would whoop the arse of any computer afore mentioned in this thread. (Except Sunny, I think you do OK too...)
Oh: btw: You are a FOOL for spending 7K on a computer.
Unless of course you are working for Pixar and using Maya/Lightwave.
Or designing for Activision.
Which I assume you are not.
My 2K job does Word three and a half times better than yours does, because I spent 3.5 times less on it.
And why degrade a good system with a set of bloody SATELLITE/SUBWOOFER speakers? Thats even more foolish. Especially if you had that kind of money. Why not do it properly?
Run your SB through a Marantz amp, and feed it into a set JBLs.
And what, you probably only get an extra 2000 points above me on 3DMark01.
3DMark03 doesnt count, because it relies more heavily on graphics card. Your 9800XT whatever will always score 5K+.
Have you even bothered to test your system with 3DMark01/03? I'd actually like to see screenshots of what it scores.
Or did you just buy it because you thought it would be the best?
Back to what you said sunny, we bought an Apple IIc for about $500 back in the day (second hand, we couldnt afford it when it was new) (which is a lot of money for this:
Processor: 65C02 processor running at 1-4 MHz, the fastest of any Apple II.
Memory: came with 128k of RAM expandable to 1 MB.
Display: a 9" green Flat Panel Display on a tilt monitor.
Ports: The Apple IIc 2 serial ports, a mouse port, and a disk port.
Operating Systems:
ProDOS: all versions.
MouseWorks: ProDOS-based GUI similar to GS/OS and Mac OS interfaces.
We sold it for $50 to a schoolkid a few years later.
But I wouldnt buy your computer in a few years. Its not going to be collectible. Unfortunately we got rid of what would be quite valuable these days.
If anyone see's a IIc at a garage sale, please tell me...