I have a bebo rather than a myspace (cause only a few of my friends use myspace) but I thought I might jump in anyway incase its of any help. No, I wouldn't be embarassed, I think my mum would probably find it quite cutesy. Yeah there's the occasional secksual references, a fair few swear words, but nothing that my mum doesn't know about - I usually show her all my photos and stuff anyway. I don't know know quite what
blondesdoitbeta is referring to about not advertising one's goods, unless its just about "camwhore" photos. I do have a few of those I guess, not cleavage-and-pouty pictures with attention-wanting "omg how ugly do i look here" captions or anything though. But I don't see it as advertising - if you looked at my page it'd be pretty hard to miss that I'm taken, and even if I wasn't its not a sign of availability. I think my mum would probably be a bit concerned about my first & last name being on it and my birthday and school and all that, but I guess that'd be because i'm more comfortable in the "information age" and I've sussed out all those security issues or whatever - I feel safe enough doing that the way I do interacting on these boards and having a blog, etc. Anyway if I'm being too confusing or if it'll help you out more, the linky to my bebo is in my sig