I'm yet another person who could relate last year.
Let me start by saying I've made the most incredible group of friends at uni and don't feel that way at all now. So yes, it does get better- if you let it.
I go to the Cumberland campus, which can make it a little easier to make friends but there are still differences in socioeconomic status and schools.
However, I know that especially when I was at main campus I felt like it was "better" than me. Everyone seemed to be really well-off and I felt really out of place. Even at my campus I am one of only a few who live in the western suburbs, was on the E12 scholarship, and didn't go to a private school or a catholic school. I didn't know anyone going to my campus and was so worried that I would be completely alienated and have to resort to eating my lunch alone in the library on my first day (lucky me had a 3 hour break).
Of course I didn't, I made some wonderful friends instead!
But here's a few facts for you:
You deserve to be there. You got the marks, you put in the work and you should be really proud of yourself.
- There are decent people everywhere. Sometimes you've got to go hunting for them, but they're there. Don't waste your time on anyone who is boasting about their fabulous school/atar/amazing home. I actually haven't met a single person who was a total snob, even though I thought that was the vibe of usyd.
- You'll be in a course with others who feel a similar way, even if they don't come from the same circumstances as you. They could have the amazing home and all the prestige in the world but still be dreading their first day. You're going to have similar interests which gives you a big advantage.
- It's actually really interesting to have friends from that kind of background. The people I've met have demystified my whole perception of what it is to be wealthy. I thought they would be looking down on me. But guess what? They absolutely weren't!
Try and approach it with a sense of curiosity. It's a level playing field now that you're here in uni. There's no more school rankings or atars.
In regards to failing your units, I thought I was going to do that too and completely bomb out of uni because everyone had scared me into thinking it was the hardest thing in the world. I've passed first year, so I'm pleased.
The trick is to try and stay on top of it. My biggest enemy was procrastination so if you can get a handle on that and focus on your time management then you should be all set to pass.
Good luck, have faith that there's a lot of decent people out there feeling just like you