net problem (1 Viewer)


Dead Member
Dec 14, 2002
shadowy shadows
this is what is happening when i connect to the net.
- i can only go to sites that load up when the net is connected initially, ie- the homepage. if i try to go to say hotmail, it wont work. i have tried other sites, but there is the same problem.
- msn doesnt connect. saying there is a firewall in place. but before i had the xp firewall activated, and everything worked fine. now i have deactivated, and the problem is still there.
- the sent/received data is also weird. the amount i have sent is a lot more than what i receive. right now, i have sent ~20mb and recieved only ~2mb
- even when nothing is loading, i am constantly sending data.???!! like, only my web browser is open and the windows are not loading anything, but the little computer is showing that i am constantly sending data.

help :(


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
i cant say i know, im not having that problem (thank god) but a few days ago i kept getting disconnected, but it seems to be over its little dummy spit now.


Nov 4, 2002
scan for viruses on one of those online virus scanner things. this sounds like something that happened to a friend of mine and it turned out to be some virus.


Dead Member
Dec 14, 2002
shadowy shadows
yeh i think i might run spybot and adaware...

my norton has expired aswell and i kept putting it off. could someone let me know how to get it back and working, any links. browsing the internet is a chore atm, a very annoying chore. its slow as...thanks. :)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2002
hmmm ur explanation of your problem is a little confusing

- the sent/received data is also weird. the amount i have sent is a lot more than what i receive. right now, i have sent ~20mb and recieved only ~2mb

u talking about ur internet usage?

- i can only go to sites that load up when the net is connected initially, ie- the homepage. if i try to go to say hotmail, it wont work. i have tried other sites, but there is the same problem.

what happens wen u try to go to some sites, wat do u mean u can only go to sites that load up when the net is connected initially?

- msn doesnt connect. saying there is a firewall in place. but before i had the xp firewall activated, and everything worked fine. now i have deactivated, and the problem is still there.

what msn are u using, what version OS are u using, when did this start to occur?


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Winston
u talking about ur internet usage?
Yeah, he is, upstream and downstream traffic.
wat do u mean u can only go to sites that load up when the net is connected initially?
He's talking about his default homepage, what he has set it to eg
what msn are u using, what version OS are u using, when did this start to occur?
Assume MSN6, or since Rahul's on Windows XP, he might be using the in-built Windows Messenger.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by Huy
Yeah, he is, upstream and downstream traffic.

He's talking about his default homepage, what he has set it to eg

Assume MSN6, or since Rahul's on Windows XP, he might be using the in-built Windows Messenger.
is your username Rahul? NO! get lost lol :p.. jks jks, looks like uno his PC more than anyone else.. Huy you hacker jks jks

hmmm im just curious wat happens wen he trys to navigate onto another site...

As for messenger hmm i need to fink i had that problem b4

bah techy advice : FORMAT C:



Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Winston
hmmm im just curious wat happens wen he trys to navigate onto another site...
Originally posted by Rahul
if i try to go to say hotmail, it wont work. i have tried other sites, but there is the same problem.
:whistles: ;)
Originally posted by Winston
bah techy advice : FORMAT C:
LOL! That'll fix it... :rolleyes:

Rahul, sorry I just got home, I'll have a look at your problem (thinking about it, going through scenarios, possibilities and so on when I have a minute to breathe).

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Active Member
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by Huy
:whistles: ;)

no no i was refering like does he get Page not found, action canceled or just a white page that looks like its finished loading.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Rahul
this is what is happening when i connect to the net.
- i can only go to sites that load up when the net is connected initially, ie- the homepage. if i try to go to say hotmail, it wont work. i have tried other sites, but there is the same problem.
Since you say you can connect only to your homepage, what happens when you change your default homepage (startup page)? Can you still connect, to say - if you change your default homepage (from or, whatever it may be at the moment).

- msn doesnt connect. saying there is a firewall in place. but before i had the xp firewall activated, and everything worked fine. now i have deactivated, and the problem is still there.
What version are you using?

Windows Messenger 5.x (Windows XP, non-SP1 ie RTM comes with 4.7 I believe, if I recall correctly)
MSN Messenger 6.x (be it 6.0 or 6.1, any build)

Have you tried enabling, and disabling your firewall? (I assume yes).
How is your network set up? Assuming you have a network.
Do you have a router, firewall, or any other devices connected to your network (assuming you have more than 1 pc).

Do you have a switch? Running or proxying through a gateway?

Have you formatted recently?
Have you checked your Network connectivity?
Network settings?
TCP/IP? Have you assigned DNS servers, primary and secondary servers?
Have you configured your modem and/or router (assuming you are on broadband, adsl or cable).

I think the most important thing would be your DNS settings, get into Control Panel or your Network Settings/Neighborhood (assume Windows XP) - then go to your Internet connection, make sure everything is correct, eg TCP/IP - your down subnet,

IP address being assigned by you manually, or are you using DHCP servers?
What about your internal LAN (assuming you have one) - is there a conflict of assigned IP addresses?

the sent/received data is also weird. the amount i have sent is a lot more than what i receive. right now, i have sent ~20mb and recieved only ~2mb
- even when nothing is loading, i am constantly sending data.???!! like, only my web browser is open and the windows are not loading anything, but the little computer is showing that i am constantly sending data.
Make sure you scan your computer, for viruses and of course, trojans.

Update your antivirus definitions and scan for trojans and (bad) cookies using Search and Destroy or Adaware. It sounds like you've been hacked or someone's downloading from you, without you knowing it, because of the way you're not downloading, and the continuous uploads even when there is no activity (on your end). If you're sending data, it sounds like spyware or you're sending some data about yourself or your computing uses to somewhere.

Take a look at your running processes (in Windows XP, hit ctrl-alt-del once or twice, depending on your settings to get into the Task Manager, find out what processes are running and if they look suspicious, find out about them, their locations, and end the process if required).
Originally posted by hipsta_jess
i cant say i know, im not having that problem (thank god) but a few days ago i kept getting disconnected, but it seems to be over its little dummy spit now.
Are you using Telstra by any chance?

Because Telstra bungled their upgrades a few days ago, maybe even yesterday. But they claim the problem has gone away now.
Originally posted by Rahul
i am tryin to get this fixed up for educational purposes ;)
"educational purposes" = Pr0n? :p Just kidding Rahul.
Originally posted by ezzy85
Originally posted by Rahul
my norton has expired aswell and i kept putting it off. could someone let me know how to get it back and working, any links. browsing the internet is a chore atm, a very annoying chore. its slow as...thanks. :)
Renew your live-update subscriptions, or visit and download the product updates (virus definitions) for free, it should be a 3-5MB download for the latest updates.

Originally posted by Winston
no no i was refering like does he get Page not found, action canceled or just a white page that looks like its finished loading.
My assumption:

Homepage works fine, he can visit the homepage without any problems.

I believe he should find/see: "Page not found"

Action cancelled would be a direct result of his own actions/input.

White page? Maybe it just hangs, or is taking a long time to load, I'm not sure. But I still think he's seeing "This page cannot be found"

eg even when refreshing, it 'automatically' goes to the "Page not found".
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by wogboy
Or you can do an online virus scan:
Originally posted by ezzy85
scan for viruses on one of those online virus scanner things. this sounds like something that happened to a friend of mine and it turned out to be some virus.
Free (not necessarily online) scanners are available for download too, equally pertinent.


Dead Member
Dec 14, 2002
shadowy shadows
ok...i have to put on my 1337 hat to understand all this *puts the hat on*

1. yeh that is my upstream/downstream traffic. even at the moment it is 10 mb up and 1 mb down.

2. i am using mozilla and when i try to go to a site it says, ' could not be found. please check the name and try again', in a dialogue box.

3. like huy said, i am using xp pro. i have tried msn 6 aswell as windows messenger before when i posted this and it wasnt working. but i ran spybot and ad-aware and since it has been working.

4. hmm.,..i wasnt clear about what pages load up. when it is dialing up, whichever site is loading up, in most cases the homepage [BOS, of course :p], is what i will be able to browse. but i have tried opening multiple windows before i connect and it works. for eg: before dialing up, one window 'trying' loading up homepage and another window 'trying' to load up and when i connect to the net i can browse careerone and BOS. it isnt necessarilly the home page.

Originally posted by Huy

Have you tried enabling, and disabling your firewall? (I assume yes).
How is your network set up? Assuming you have a network.
Do you have a router, firewall, or any other devices connected to your network (assuming you have more than 1 pc).

Do you have a switch? Running or proxying through a gateway?

Have you formatted recently?
Have you checked your Network connectivity?
Network settings?
TCP/IP? Have you assigned DNS servers, primary and secondary servers?
Have you configured your modem and/or router (assuming you are on broadband, adsl or cable).
i have tried enabling and disabling my firewall.
i dont have a network set up.
i havent formatted recently.
i dont have a proxy.

Take a look at your running processes (in Windows XP, hit ctrl-alt-del once or twice, depending on your settings to get into the Task Manager, find out what processes are running and if they look suspicious, find out about them, their locations, and end the process if required).
i did that and i think i found them, they were in capitals. i got rid of most of them, except this one NAVAPSCV.EXE. i cant end this process. let me know if that is a 'good' process :p

"educational purposes" = Pr0n? :p Just kidding Rahul.
of course! :D

well since i delted those processes it seems to be back to normal. :D

i actually am thinking of re-formatting my hdd. :p


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
2. i am using mozilla and when i try to go to a site it says, ' could not be found. please check the name and try again', in a dialogue box.
Have you tried using a different engine rather than Gecko?
Different browsers?

Opera, Internet Explorer (!), Firebird (though this is still Mozilla), etc?
3. like huy said, i am using xp pro. i have tried msn 6 aswell as windows messenger before when i posted this and it wasnt working. but i ran spybot and ad-aware and since it has been working.
It sounds like you had some sort of spyware.

It must be because you had visited those "educational" sites - downlaoded or self-installed some dialer or unknown app, which runs in the background.

I would check my Task Manager and running processes again, even though MSN connects.

(MSN was down for maintenance yesterday, are you sure you didn't try to connect to the MSN .NET Messenger service, while it was down for maintenance? Because it was global, I believe).
i did that and i think i found them, they were in capitals. i got rid of most of them, except this one NAVAPSCV.EXE. i cant end this process. let me know if that is a 'good' process
Run a search on your computer, find where the file is located.

I think you would find that it is Norton Antivirus, (btw, it should be "navapsvc.exe".

This is just the Norton Auto-Protect Service, so you should be fine with this on. (That is, it is good :))

i actually am thinking of re-formatting my hdd.
Take Winston's advice why don't ya :rolleyes: :p

Just kidding, it sounds like you would need it.

If you have backed up your data, go for a clean (full) installation of Windows.

If not, go for the repair or reinstall Windows on-top of your existing installation.

Happy-setuping :)


Dead Member
Dec 14, 2002
shadowy shadows
its started when i was looking for a divx codec...should be more careful next time.
it is running as smooth as usual for now, so i'll probably end up putting it off.

i am going to back up my data, which is in the vicinity of 15-20 Gb min. i am thinking of taking my hdd and connecting it to my friends comp and transferring everything there, reformatting back on my comp and re-transferring back. any problems with that?


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
its started when i was looking for a divx codec...should be more careful next time.
Always download from reliable and trustworthy sources.
(for example)
it is running as smooth as usual for now, so i'll probably end up putting it off.
#1 rule of computing - if it aint broke, don't fix it. ;)
i am thinking of taking my hdd and connecting it to my friends comp and transferring everything there, reformatting back on my comp and re-transferring back. any problems with that?
This should be fine, but will be a hassle (technically and logistically).

You should partition your drive, if it is large enough.

Have all your backed up/personal files stored to D (say), and your Windows installation to C.

If in the event that your Windows goes nuts on you, you can still format C, and recover your files off D. No need to remove your hard disk (if it is your only, or primary disk) - then transfer files to your other/friend's PC.

But it will work, take your HD, put that into your friend's PC and he can copy the files across (or back it up to CD-R, copying your files onto his drive, or storing it on another PC).

Once you reformat, you should able to re-transfer all of your files back, but again, make sure you have original setup files (application setup, programs) for the files, to enter any registries entries that will be required.

It isn't a simple matter of "copying and pasting" the folder :)

Other than that, it will be fine.


Dead Member
Dec 14, 2002
shadowy shadows
Originally posted by Huy
It isn't a simple matter of "copying and pasting" the folder :)
gimme some credit :p i am not that un-1337. i like to use simple terminology/analogy[not exactly the word i am after, but something like that] instead of jargon. :)


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Rahul
gimme some credit :p i am not that un-1337. i like to use simple terminology/analogy[not exactly the word i am after, but something like that] instead of jargon. :)
LOL! Sorry.

I had to assume, just in case, you know? :p

It's better to be safe, than sorry?
not exactly the word (phrase) i am after, but something like that

I might as well cover all bases, than to have more questions raised. :)

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