I think the show uses the pretense of awkwardness to it's advantage. And what do you mean garbage... have you watched Jersey Shore?
Wow, hold on a second. I stand by my statement. I've tried to watch 5 episodes so far of this tacky show.... it's horrible. Of course I have watched Jersey Shore. Although Jersey Shore doesn't even have words to describe how awful and incorrigible it is.
The awkwardness is not an advantage. In most cases, the plutonic need for an "awkward" atmosphere adds charisma and something new to the show. In this show, it does the complete opposite. It makes the show boring. The acting over-done. It doesn't seem natural. For example, Mr. Bean was a quirky, "awkward" character, who makes the atmosphere slightly awkward in this show but he was hilarious hence inducing hilarity and happiness in his audience.
The plot of this show is so over-done. I cannot even begin to stress it. I think the girl is really pretty... but it's so tacky. Ugh. I dun care, I stand by what I say and think it's awkward.