Tabris said:
Ask Glitterfairy for more info, she can give u a low down on massive bank reconciliation statement with 30 cheques to mark off and the massive 10 column worksheets to do your adjustments->adj trial balance->statements
Accounting is totally evil unless you love it to pieces, in which case ignore me. To explain myself - I'm a Creative Arts student. Whilst I did ME1 in Yr 11 and got a glorious 13% in the final year exam, I very happily dropped to General in Yr 12 because quite frankly, I don't have the time or patience required to work with mathematics.
My MQ life began with humanities/social sciences like english, arts, sociology and cultural studies, which for the most part were bearable or even enjoyable according to content and tutor. But in second semester... BAM! Accounting was thrown into my life as a core unit disguised under the name of "ARTS105 - Financial Management of the Creative Arts", otherwise known as the dumbed down version of ACCG100.
Heck, if it's hard to drown yourself in the 50cm end of the pool, then we were frickin' held down at a depth of 2.5m under extreme pressure to become sea trout or something. OH MY GOD HOW I HATED ACCOUNTING.
Lectures were 2 hours without any break at all - maybe accounting students are used to this, but your classic artistic sensitive/lazy (haha, speaking for myself here) isn't and needs a brain rest after 1.25hours. Not only that, but the roll was marked every lecture!! So you HAD to turn up.. no iLectures (that's where they record the lecture and put it up online for MQ students to download) either. Tutes were at an unbelievable 9am in the morning (for Uni students, this sucks) and anyone late by more than ten minutes received a sharp reprimand along the lines of "if you were working you'd be fired by now!"
My main beef with ARTS105/ACCG100 is that there is just sooooooo much of it. The textbook is A4 size, and quite literally as thick as a brick (and it weighs more, too). Unless you already sort of know your stuff and are interested in it, you are, quite frankly - screwed. There's a lot of reading to do, there is a LOT of "assumed knowledge" required (this is where almost all my class really bummed out on) and yucky exercises to boot. And boy are they yucky! Few people in my class attempted any of them, and I think only a very few people (probably the mathematic ones) actually managed to get them done and right for most weeks. These questions - trying to be objective here - are twisted, non-straightforward, tedious, and plain weird sometimes. Although I hear the studyguide is better, if you don't mind contributing even more hours per week.
I think the only reason I passed this subject was because a) the lecturer wanted to get rid of his 10 or so repeaters from the year before my class, as well as future repeaters - major scaling involved b) He was sick of us pointing out how irrelevant it was studying the bulk of this subject - since when did we need to learn how to be an accountant as a side trade?!?! Since when has ANY BCA student transferred from the BCA into Accounting? It would have been much better if ARTS105 had been a practical application of accounting used by PEOPLE in real-life.
c) the final assessment, in which we all saved our butts and proved our worth. We got to sing and dance and decorate and bake cookies for the rest of the class (seriously, every single group made something for us to eat! I had pikelets, cookies, rocky road chocolate, cupcakes, candy canes...). I swear, that was the only day I actually looked forward to accounting.
The rest of the semester, I remember holding my head and stressing that I was going to fail... and praying to anything that I'd never whinge about writing essays again if I could only pass accounting and never have to do it again. Anything other than VERY SIMPLE statements (cash flow statements etc) freak me out, and even then I have the ability to stuff them up. And then we have reason D) - I created a "Help me!" thread in which the Divine Tabris tried to translate accounting into language I could understand. If you look back a page or two (you may have to adjust "view last 45 days" or similar) you can even see the thread.
Sorry for giving everyone a story, but I'm practicing for next semester