Cornflake Girl
I sanyone else here a Nick Drake fan?
I heard Triple J do a file on him about 2 years ago, and I thought he was pretty good but didn't really think too much about it...then last month I found Pink Moon for $10 so I decided to give it a go and bought it, and it is so good! His voice annoys me a bit at times, but he is such a fucking awesome guitarist. I am gonn ago look for his other releases.
I highly recommend.
I heard Triple J do a file on him about 2 years ago, and I thought he was pretty good but didn't really think too much about it...then last month I found Pink Moon for $10 so I decided to give it a go and bought it, and it is so good! His voice annoys me a bit at times, but he is such a fucking awesome guitarist. I am gonn ago look for his other releases.
I highly recommend.