I've started doing this this year, so yes. It works for me.
My teacher gave me the syllabus for the topic, with little letters on the side marking it in order (e.g. 1.1 , 1.2). Everytime i started a new point, i wrote it in the margin, highlighting it blue. This makes it easier for me if i want to find a specific point.
I used three colours. Blue, red and black. Black is for the topic headings and for drawing lines on the page seperating information. Red is for normal headings which i wrote in uppercase. Blue is for normal writing.
HIGHLIGHTERS ARE THE BEST THING EVER. Seriously. Why use highlighters you ask? Number one, they make your page look more awesome and colourful. Number two, they LIFT the important information off the page, instead of reading through a page for the important bits. Number three, colour coding automatically lets you know what information is highlighted - example: things highlighted yellow are important definitions. Number four, it motivates me to write my notes, so i have a reason to highlight stuff. =D
Okay, i have 4 highlighters - blue, yellow, green and pink. Blue sucked, cuz it SOMETIMES went through my page, so ew. I still used it though. As i mentioned, i used blue to highlight the syllabus points and for drawing boxes around diagrams, charts etc.
I used pink to highlight important sentences.
Yellow and green were used together. For definitions, i highlighted the word yellow, and the meaning green.
I also used yellow to highlight important words, because yellow is awesome. The best highlighter colour ever.
hahah thats it. I think thats the longest post i've ever written on here. I feel so proud for contributing to this thread. =3