NSW Writers Centre - WORKSHOPS (1 Viewer)


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
Hi All, I thought you might be interested in some Writers workshops for school students at the NSW Writers Centre. It may get you new Ext 2 Students off to a start. Enjoy.

2009 HSC Extension English Teachers & Students

Do you have a friend teaching HSC English or know of a student sitting for the HSC in 2009?

Back by popular demand! This November the NSW Writers' Centre is happy to be hosting Extension English workshops with playwright, teacher and dramaturg, Timothy Daly - http://www.ozscript.org/author.php?id=313.

Dates: Saturdays November 1 & 8, 2008
Where: NSW Writers' Centre, Callan Park, Rozelle.
Cost: Members $60, Members' concession $50, Non-members $90.
Bookings: via the website or by calling the Centre on (02) 9555 9757.
Enquiries: via email or on (02) 9555 9757.

Timothy's play Kafka Dances is one of the most internationally-performed Australian plays of the last two decades. His play Beach: A Theatrical Fantasia (2006) is the largest-cast Australian play ever produced, and is currently being produced by ABC Radio. In March 2007 his new play Derrida In Love received its world-premiere sell out production at the Ensemble Theatre, Sydney. In 2008, his play The Man in the Attic was joint winner of the Sydney Theatre Company's Patrick White Playwright Award. Other plays include Don's Last Innings & The Private Life of Gottfried Keillor.


Extension 2 Skills Workshop Part 1:
Short Story, Poetry & Speech Writing (08WDALY11)

Saturday 1 November, 2 - 5pm
Bring writing materials.
Afternoon tea provided.

This intensive teacher-training workshop is designed to give busy English teachers many practical and immediately usable techniques to allow them to assist 4 Unit English students wishing to write short stories, poetry or speeches for their Extension 2 major project. All the techniques demonstrated in this workshop were devised by Timothy Daly and used effectively with students for over a decade.

Extension 2 Skills Workshop Part 2:
Playwriting, Film, Scriptwriting, Radio Writing, Video & Critical Response Writing (08WDALY12)

Saturday 8 November, 2 - 5 pm
Bring writing materials.
Afternoon tea provided.

This detailed and comprehensive teacher-training workshop is designed to give busy English teachers many practical and immediately usable techniques to allow them to assist 4 Unit English students wishing to write plays, film scripts, radio scripts, video and Critical Responses for their Extension 2 major project. All the techniques demonstrated in this workshop were devised by Timothy Daly and used effectively with students for over a decade.


Extension 2 Student Workshop Part 1:
Skills Acquisition (08WDALY13)

Saturday 1 November, 10am - 1pm
Members $60, Members' concession $50, Non-members $90.
Bring writing materials.
Morning tea provided.

This detailed workshop gives 4 Unit English students intensive practical experience of the techniques and creative strategies specific to three main fields of creativity: short story writing, script writing and Critical Response writing. However, poetry, play writing, speech and video will also be covered, using techniques specially devised by Timothy Daly over the course of more than a decade's work with 4 Unit English students.

Extension 2 Students Workshop Part 2:
Skills Utilisation (08WDALY14)

Saturday 8 November, 10am - 1pm
Members $60, Members' concession $50, Non-members $90.
Bring writing materials.
Morning tea provided.

This detailed workshop will give 4 Unit English students the opportunity to group-workshop their developing projects, especially in the areas of short story writing, script writing and Critical Response writing. However, poetry, play writing, speech and video projects will also be covered. Each participating student will receive individual feedback from Timothy Daly on the structure, style and writing challenges involved in the completion of his/her individual project.

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Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
New Extension 2 student and your teacherss, please consider these workshops at the NSW Writers' Centre in Callan Park, Rozelle.

They will certainly help you on your way for next year.

If you are interested in membership, follow the weblink on the article. It is well worth it and you receive a magazine with all sorts of writing info and encouragement from other writers.



Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
I'll just keep adding new workshops as they come up. The contact details for the NSW Writer's Centre are in the first post.

[FONT=Georgia,Times New Roman,Times,Serif][FONT=Georgia,Times New Roman,Times,Serif]Scriptwriting for Film & TV - for 16 yrs+
Dates: 12 - 16 January
Cost: $525

Focus on telling a story on screen. Practise your skills in scriptwriting to unfold drama on screen through dramatic structure, dialogue and character. Take into consideration industry requirements for formats and styles from feature films to television comedies or series.

Develop a Film Treatment - 16 yrs+
Dates: 19 - 23 January
Cost: $525

Under the guidance of an industry expert, turn your idea for a film into a professional standard treatment. Consider industry formats and develop ways of effectively depicting characters, their stories, and other relevant information.[/FONT]


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
with Timothy Daly (09WDALY1), (09WDALY2), (09WDALY3), (09WDALY4)
Saturday 17, Sunday 18, Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21 January, 1-4pm & 2-5pm
Members $60, Members' Concession $50, Non-Members $90 (per session)

Extension 2 Major Project Writing is one of the most difficult writing jobs in NSW, mainly because so much is asked of writers who are so young. The Extension 2 Major Project has various options - speech writing, poetry, short story, play writing, film writing, Critical Response and video - but the standards are amazingly high, and this puts huge pressure on the Year 12 HSC 4 Unity English students who are doing this extra unit of work.

It's for this reason that Timothy Daly has spent a good part of the last decade working with HSC students to develop writing techniques that enable them to 'write like a professional' within a few short months. His January workshops for teachers and students have one major aim - to impart the basic writing techniques, formal patterns, stylistic strategies and creative options that give a writer the creative freedom and technical expertise to do a 4 Unit HSC Major Project.

If you are a teacher who's suddenly thrown into the difficult job of having to teach writing to Unit 4 Extension English students, come along to the teacher workshops or suggest to your students that they come to the student workshops. You'll get lots of helpful and teachable strategies and techniques that you can pass on to your students. All the writing forms will be covered.


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
With Timothy Daly
January 17-21 at NSW Writers' Centre

Extension 2 Major Project Writing is one of the most difficult writing jobs in NSW, because so much is asked of writers who are so young. The Extension 2 Major Project has various options - speech writing, poetry, short story, play writing, film writing, Critical Response and video - but the standards are amazingly high, and this puts huge pressure on the HSC 4 Unit English students who are doing this extra unit of work.

For this reason, Timothy Daly has spent a good part of the last decade working with HSC students to develop writing techniques that enable them to 'write like a professional' within a few short months. His January workshops for teachers and students have one major aim - to impart the basic writing techniques, formal patterns, stylistic strategies and creative options that give a writer the creative freedom and technical expertise to do a 4 Unit HSC Major Project.

If you are a teacher who's suddenly thrown into the difficult job of having to teach writing to Unit 4 Extension English students, come along to the teacher workshops or suggest to your students that they come to the student workshops. You'll get lots of helpful and teachable strategies and techniques that you can pass on to your students. All the writing forms will be covered.

In 2008, all workshops sold out twice, so make sure you book early. Each workshop is limited to 15 participants. Book today by clicking the links, or phone the NSW Writers' Centre on 9555 9757.

Extension 2 Skills TEACHER Workshop Part 1: Short Story, Poetry & Speech Writing (09WDALY1)
Saturday, 17 January 2009, 1-4pm
Members $60, Concession Members $50, Non-members $90. Bring writing materials. Afternoon tea provided.
An intensive teacher-training workshop designed to give busy English teachers practical and immediately usable techniques for assisting 4 Unit English students wishing to write short stories, poetry or speeches for their Extension 2 major project.

Extension 2 Skills STUDENT Workshop Part 1: Skills Acquisition (09WDALY2)
Sunday, 18 January 2009, 2-5pm
Members $60, Concession Members $50, Non-members $90 Bring writing materials. Afternoon tea provided.
A detailed workshop designed to give 4 Unit English students intensive practical experience of the techniques and creative strategies specific to three main fields of creativity: short story writing, script writing and Critical Response writing. Poetry, playwriting, speech and video will also be covered.

Extension 2 Skills TEACHER Workshop Part 2: Playwriting, Film Scripting, Radio Writing, Video & Critical Response Writing (09WDALY3)
Tuesday 20 January 2009, 1-4pm
Members $60, Concession Members $50, Non-members $90 Bring writing materials. Afternoon tea provided.
An intensive teacher-training workshop designed to give busy English teachers practical and immediately usable techniques for assisting 4 Unit English students wishing to write plays, film scripts, radio scripts, video and critical responses for their Extension 2 major project.

Extension 2 Skills STUDENT Workshop Part 2: Skills Utilisation / Project Workshop (09WDALY4)
Wednesday 21 January 2009, 2-5pm
Members $60, Concession Members $50, Non-members $90 Bring writing materials. Afternoon tea provided.
A detailed workshop which will give HSC students the chance to group-workshop their developing projects, especially in the areas of short story writing, script writing and critical response writing, though poetry, playwriting, speech and video writing will also be covered. Each student will receive individual feedback on the structure, style and writing challenges involved in completing their project.

TIMOTHY DALY is one of Australia's most experienced playwrights, dramaturges and teachers of writing. He has worked with writers, directors, actors, school students and English teachers for over a decade, and is in constant demand as a teacher and script advisor. His theatre and radio work has been broadcast and produced in many countries, winning numerous awards, both national and international. His play Kafka Dances is the most internationally performed Australian play of the last three decades. Other plays include, Don's Last Innings, The Secret Life of Gottfried Keillor, Derrida in Love and his latest play The Man in the Attic, which was joint winner of the 2007 Patrick White Playwright's Award.

Books Available by Timothy Daly (contact the NSW Writers' Centre office to order):

HSC Extension 2 Script Writing
$35 plus $7 postage
This book provides practical examples and helpful writing tips for HSC Extension 2 film script writing, TV writing, radio plays and speech writing, along with sample scripts and helpful advice on page layout and story structure.

HSC Extension 2 Play Writing
$35 plus $7 postage
A detailed step-by-step guide for both teacher and student, showing how to write effective plays for HSC 4 Unit Extension 2. Includes a chapter on story structure, sample plays and advice on page layout for your play.

HSC Extension 2 Radio Writing
$35 plus $7 postage
The most comprehensive book currently available on the specialised techniques of radio play writing. Also includes a chapter on story structure, stylistic and formal options, full script examples and advice on page layout.

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