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Opinions needed on imaginary journey essay (1 Viewer)

Sammy P

New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Urgent help needed with journeys essay!

Hi thanks anyone who will help, it is much appreciated.
The essay question is
How does the tempest and your related texts relate to the concepts underpinning imaginative journeys.

Inherent in any imaginative journey is an aspect of change or transformation, which is developed through the journey itself, its challenges and not the destination. This change is shaped upon the psychological and metaphysical development learned from experiences encompassed in the imaginary medium. Imaginative journeys are transcendent and can shape knowledge and paradigms. These journeys allow us to speculate, hypothesise and further explore human existence. Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” is a clear example which portrays Prospero questioning his morals and ultimately, changes his perspective about human nature. Miyazaki’s “Spirited away” similarly shows the shift in perspective in Chihiro from an apathetic 10 year old girl to a heroine who’s able to save not only her self, but the others around her. Robert Frosts the road not taken opposes mainstream paradigms and discusses the stigma while depicting “Other path”. All these texts clearly demonstrate the concepts and techniques accentuating the transformative nature of imaginative journeys.

In terms of transformation the journey is more vital than the destination. Robert Frosts “The road not taken” (TRNT) succinctly describes a journey inside and through an imaginary medium a “path less travelled” as being more important than an actual destination. Frost begins his poem with a choice, “Two roads diverged in a wood” immediately emanating the theme of change, this is also and extended metaphor of the choices that must be made in life, but the change appears to be physical. Frost then slowly digresses into the psychological processes and paradigms his main character faces, and an imaginary journey becomes apparent. The word sorry is used multiple times emoting the feeling of sadness that the choice presents. There is also changing of tense from past, to present and then future. This reflects that his choice is transcendent no matter what choice is made, which Frost conveys as important element of his journey.

The choice of the story is the key point in transformation. In Robert frosts TRNT the roads are described making the choice seem imminent and vitally important to the characters development, when a choice is made the character begins to feel accomplishment and a sense of satisfaction begins to appear. The alteration from sadness to pride has begun as the road is the catalyst for change and a shift in power, as the poem goes on the main character becomes empowered and feels transformed in all aspects. “I took the path less travelled, and it has made all the difference.” This statement is very final and it shows the satisfaction confronting the end of the decision made by the main character. This relates to the character of Prospero in “The tempest” and Chihiro in “Spirited away”,

This is also evident in “spirited away” when Chihiro is afraid and sad at going in the tunnel which symbolises the journey ahead. In the tempest Prospero discusses the paths or “roads he must travel” what the majority of people take and what path he must take, he eventually is satisfied with his decision and asks the audience to set him free for his transformative action. While Chihiro has a concluding statement much like the statement presented in TRNT. At the end of the movie she is faced with a challenge in a new school her response is “I think I’m ready” This is completely juxtaposed to her reactions to a choice/challenge in the beginning of the movie where she was frantic and troubled by any decision making she must undergo. Showing her transformation in its entirety.

“Spirited Away” is a film based on a young girl Chihiro who, becomes confined in the mysterious world of spirits. In order to survive, she has to work at the spirit’s bath-house. Chihiro becomes sealed into the world of spirits using the transition from daylight and slowly into the evening and night. This shows a natural transition and responders are not aware of the fact that Chihiro is trapped until she reaches the body of water (which separates the world of spirits and the real world where she came from). Miyazaki uses transition from daylight to night in quick periods, recurring motif of smoke and water to show that things are unclear or impure, diagetic and non diagetic sounds and physical exaggeration of the anime characters. This makes the film ambiguous as to whether this world is a reality or a dream.

Just like the tempest, the imaginative journey presented is a blur between fact and fiction; illusion and reality and in all of the texts the main characters are isolated. “This is all a dream.” Chihiro is established as the main character quickly as she is characterised with emotions and resists the changes taking place. Establishment that the theme is a journey is also prominent at an early stage. “This road will take us where we need to go.” Once inside the spirit world Chihiro quickly realises she must transform to adjust into her new surrounding. Miyazaki speculates on the use of magic and its relation to power, which links to the character of Prospero and his role in the “The Tempest”. The exploration or growth is best conveyed when Chihiro’s binary opposite character Yubaba comes into contact with her. Yubaba criticises and ostracises Chihiro, “You’re a weak, spoiled brat.” attempting to test Chihiro’s character, the impacts of these encounters allow Chihiro to grow in depth, thus ultimately transforming her.

The transcendence of imaginary journeys and their concepts are a main part of alteration. In Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” the language is written in various forms in “old English” these various language forms help to convey speculative or hypothetic tones. “You demi-puppets, that
By moon-shine doe the green sour ringlets make.” The old English also held many other techniques helping to communicate the different subject matter within imaginative journeys, such as rhyming, prose, a variety of sensory imagery and exploration of foreign ideas. “I did say so at which time I raised the tempest.” Prospero has a constant struggle with power and allows the responder to contemplate the ideas of magic and the amount of power that is possessed and how it is dealt with. The magic book is the power catalyst in “The Tempest” and allows Prospero to effectively transform into “a man of virtues” instead of man who “takes the easy option”.

In the extract there were also various auditory techniques that conveyed the themes and ideas produced with imaginary journeys, the many pauses that conveyed emotion or importance in the dialogue and influenced the sentence structure. “My senses now restored.” The shift of tone and character creating depth and contrast of and between the characters as well as the juxtaposition of music and no music. The music was played to build the mood and emphasise the effect of the thoughts of the characters, while when no music was played this indicated that only the raw dialogue and thoughts would come from it were needed. “Some fear full country”

The themes, ideas and speculative and transcendent concepts conveyed in these texts allow an overall revolution of character. Ultimately the journey that the responder observes has the power to influence our psyche as a responder and therefore shape the way we think. With the experience obtained from overcoming obstacles in the journey, one is able to synthesise the changes they have witnessed and transform themselves.

Thanks heaps for any help
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New Member
Jan 30, 2008
i think your opening boidy paragraph is a bit wordy. I'm not saying to dumb down your language but it just sounds a bit pretentious.
other than that i thought it was quite good!


May 6, 2004
Yeah, I don't know. It just reads like you're trying to show how many big words you know. Otherwise I think it's pretty good.

Remember kids! Big words are great, but only when they're in context!


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Urgent help needed with journeys essay!

youre cute.
this is good.
it always is.
i love you.

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